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So he planned to quit his job as their consultant, did he? Disappear, never to be seen or heard of
She d just see about that.
This mess was all her fault, and Olivia aimed to fix it. And she wasn t about to let him sacrifice his
career for her. Not a chance.
Adrian was still at the food service tables along with his assistant. Olivia stepped up to the
brunette.  Hey, Sheila. Can you arrange a press release or something like that for me?
 Uh, yes. Sure. The assistant looked between her and the director.
 And what would this press release announce? Adrian demanded.
 That Blake and I are dating. In love. And the rumors that I m dating Jeremy are absolutely false.
 No way, Adrian declared.  It would kill the great buzz you ve stirred up. You ve got every
tabloid in Hollywood speculating on whether or not you re dating two different men. It s salacious
and titillating& My God, they re having a field day with this story.
 Yeah, but Russian spies are after Blake. They want to kidnap him and use him as some sort of
hostage or something to make our government sign some agreement or other.
Stunned, Adrian s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.  What?
She waved a hand.  I didn t quite get the details. The point is, that photo last night may have blown
his cover sky high.
 And why is this my problem?
 I was thinking. Maybe the best way to get these Russian spies off his back is to convince them
they ve got the wrong guy.
Adrian stared.  Russian spies? Hostage? Hell, I d better call Franky S. and find out what this is all
He didn t understand. Blake had just said the Marine Corps wouldn t protect him. So she had to do
something. She was an actress, right? If she could fool the press maybe she could fool the Russians,
Tonight, she d go out and collect herself a big, fat posse of paparazzi.
Except as filming wound down for the day, an unexpected and unwelcome visitor blew onto the set
in a flurry of designer sunglasses, cell phone calls, and chain smoking. Esther Feinstein was an old
school movie agent, but one of the best in the business.
Olivia stared.  Esther! What are you doing all the way out here in the middle of nowhere?
 When Adrian Turnow calls me personally to tell me to get control of a client, Esther Feinstein hits
the road.
She swore under her breath. She didn t need to be controlled. She needed to do the right thing and
bail out Blake from the mess she d gotten him into.  Okay, Esther. Let me have it. I know you spent
the whole trip out here planning the speech you re going to give me.
She listened patiently as her agent reminded her in no uncertain terms what career plan they d
agreed upon, and why it was the best choice for her. Olivia winced now and then as the agent
reminded her of the ways in which she d agreed to act, including whom she would and would not date
during this critical building phase of her career.
Esther finally concluded with,  Look, honey. I know the heart goes where it wills. But tell it to be
patient for a little while. Give me a year. Do what I m telling you to for twelve months, and then you
can fall in love with whomever you want.
Sure, she wanted to continue a relationship with Blake, see how far it went, but who said anything
about falling in love? Olivia pondered trying to explain that Blake couldn t wait a year for her to
straighten out this mess. But it would be like trying to explain to a wildfire why it shouldn t burn
down a forest.
She sighed and accepted her agent s offer to take her out to supper. Undoubtedly the woman wanted
to derail any notions Olivia had of a repeat appearance with Blake in front of the paparazzi.
A little before ten p.m. Olivia slipped into a sexy little red dress sure to capture the attention of any
photographers lurking around the clubs and headed out.
The concierge closed in on her as she walked through the hotel lobby and surprised her by offering,
 Would you like one of our security staff members to accompany you this evening, Miss Harper?
Hmm. Who d sicced a babysitter on her? Could be Esther, maybe Adrian? She wouldn t have put it
past Sheila, either. Gaze narrowed, Olivia responded wryly,  I m not planning on drinking or
attacking any photographers, tonight. I ll be fine, thank you.
She hailed a cab and named the club Jeremy had taken her to that first night. She had faith he only
hung out at bars he was sure to be spotted in. Sure enough, when she pulled up, a photographer was
lounging on the lip of a tall concrete planter by the sidewalk. He straightened and flashed her a wolf-
like grin as she stepped out of the curb.
 Hey buddy. Who do you work for? she asked him.
He named one of the big, national tabloids.
 Want an exclusive?
 Hell, yeah! Whatchya got?
 I want to make a statement, if you don t mind.
The grin disappeared, replaced by stunned disbelief.  Lay it on me, Olivia.
 For the record, the man I was photographed with last night is in the Army and is a technical
consultant on the film I m shooting. She gave the name of the consultant who d been fired to make
way for Blake. She hoped the fellow would forgive her for borrowing his name. It was for a good
cause, though: safeguarding the life of a fellow military man.
She continued,  He and I have been secretly dating since he arrived on set. I m crazy about him,
and he feels the same about me. I was dating Jeremy McDaniels, but I dumped him to go out with my
new boyfriend. Jeremy s furious and has been tanking scenes all over the place because he s so
pissed off. You can ask anyone on the crew Adrian s been jumping all over him. 
The guy s tape recorder wavered as he gaped at her.
She leaned closer.  That dinner Jeremy and I had two nights ago? He wanted to get back together,
but I turned him down. He s just not as good as my new boyfriend in that department, if you get my
drift. She felt bad telling bald-faced lies like this, but Lord knew, he d told a pile of whoppers about
her. What was good for him was good for her.
 Oh, man. This shit is gold, the guy gloated. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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