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tolerate a kiss. Then a familiar voice called his name, and the spell was broken.
 C mon, sweet thing. C.J. s waiting to meet you.
Marshall took Luke s hand to hold as they crossed the lawn to the house. Luke
tried discreetly to adjust his pants with his free hand along the way. If a hug and some
sweet talk was all it took to get Luke worked up, the boy definitely wasn t lying about
not jerking off.
46 Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid
As they neared the party, classical music and the murmur of conversation drifted
from the mansion s open doors. C.J. stood backlit in the doorway, watching their
approach. Marshall recognized the most recent little black dress she d made him fund.
All the WASPy women would be gazing enviously at how she filled it out. The
thought made him smile, but as proud as he d be with her on his arm, he was prouder
still of Luke. Everyone knew or should know that Marshall was gay, but this was his
first time showing up at one of these parties with a man.
C.J. gave Luke an appraising look as they walked into conversational range. She
shook her head and clicked her tongue teasingly.  Marsh, is this your date? You told me
he was a grown man! He looks like a sweet boy. What you doin with this sweet boy?
 I stole him from his mama s reluctant arms to bring him to this den of iniquity.
Marshall squeezed Luke s hand and gave him an eye roll.
C.J. mmhmmmed and moved toward them with her unique blend of playful
intelligence and predatory grace. She kissed Marshall s cheek before she enfolded Luke
in a brief hug.  I m C.J., and I am so happy to meet you. Marsh hasn t had a real date in
so long. He has not stopped talking about you.
Luke laughed.  I think my coworkers would like to put a cap on how much I say
the word  Marshall. Maybe you guys should get together and form a support group.
He gave Marshall a grin, then focused on C.J.  It s good to meet you. Marshall s been
playing the lonely man card; he called you his only friend. You can tell the truth. Was
he fooling me?
 You told him that? Marshall, what is wrong with you? It s true, but he shouldn t
publicize that sad business.
Marshall started to defend himself, but C.J. shook her head and led them toward
the bar, weaving sinuously through the crowd. Her walk drew curious gazes from fellas
both unaccompanied and otherwise. Marshall glanced at Luke and arched a brow as
C.J. purposely brushed against a man in a five-thousand-dollar suit on her way to
retrieve some chardonnay.
Celibacy NOW 47
C.J. pushed a glass into Marshall s hand and gave him a significant look. He
sniffed the wine, swirled it, and took a sip. C.J. took the opportunity to reclaim Luke s
 Marshall s always been a little too intense for the casual crowd. He gets very
distracted by his big ideas. It can be hard to keep up. C.J. sipped her wine and looked
between the two men, her dark eyes sparkling.  Maybe you ll be up to the task, Luke.
You look like you ve got that fire in you too.
As she spoke, Luke accepted a glass of wine, brows furrowed like he was knitting
together the facts he was receiving.  Do you get to meet many of the men he dates?
Marshall was amused by how straightforward Luke was. He cut right to the chase
with very little preamble. It was almost as unnerving as it was charming.
 For the longest time, I was the only one who knew our boy was gay. His mama,
God bless her, always wanted us to get married. I thought I wanted it too, and he had to
tell me the truth so I wouldn t take his affection the wrong way. So when he had a
boyfriend, I was the one he talked to about it, since he didn t have anybody else. I met
all those early attempts at forever.
C.J. gave Marshall a look that managed to be loving and annoyed at the same
time. The hand she placed on one curvy hip carried the same gravitas with which man
had planted a flag on the moon.  Now this boy, he s a fine ass man, but Marsh isn t as
cold as he likes to play, and some of those boys messed his head up. It s been a long
time since he bothered to bring anyone around.
Marshall tried to protest, but C.J. s gaze sharpened, sealing his lips as effectively
as superglue.
 Listen, cutie. C.J. shifted that piercing stare to Luke and rested a manicured
hand on his shoulder.  Marsh isn t always a nice boy, but that he bothered to bring you
here tells me he s sweet on you.
48 Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid
Her gaze moved from Luke to someone behind them. Her predatory smile
returned.  Now I see someone I m sweet on, and you ll have to excuse me. It was so
good to meet you.
Her hand tightened on Luke s shoulder in a parting squeeze, and then she
brushed past them, already calling out a greeting.
Marshall exhaled slowly and sipped his wine, too overwhelmed to look at Luke.
 So, that s C.J.
Luke smiled as he watched her go.  I like her. Luke pointed out men staring at
her ass as she made her way across the room.  And I m not the only one.
Then Luke slipped an arm around Marshall s back.  Feels like you introduced me
to family. To Marshall s surprise and pleasure, Luke rested his head on Marshall s
shoulder.  I guess we should make the rounds and network. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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