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.2 Your track is diverging from reference line.
.3 Your track is converging to reference line.
.4 Course to ... degrees.
.5 You are steering dangerous course.
(Note: The user of this phrase should be fully aware of the implications of words such
as "track", "heading" and "course made good".)
.6 Vessel ahead of you on same course ... degrees.
.7 Advise you make course of ... degrees.
.8 Advise you keep your present course.
.9 Advise you alter course to ... degrees in position ... .
.10 Have you altered course?
.11 Yes, I have altered course - new course ... degrees.
.12 No, I have not altered course - my course ... degrees.
.13 What is your present course?
.14 My present course ... degrees.
.15 You are running into danger. Shallow water ahead of you.
.16 You are running into danger. Submerged wreck ahead of you.
.17 You are running into danger. Risk of collision.
.18 Risk of collision with vessel distance ... kilometres/nautical miles, bearing ... degrees.
.19 You are running into danger. Fog bank ahead of you.
.20 You are running into danger. Bridge defective.
6.2.3 Traffic Organization Service Clearance, forward planning
(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers
.1 Traffic clearance required before entering ... .
.2 Do not enter Traffic Lane.
.3 Do not enter ... .
.4 Proceed to emergency anchorage.
.5 Vessels are advised to keep clear of ... .
.6 Vessels are advised to avoid ... .
.8 You may enter traffic lane/route - traffic clearance granted.
.9 You may enter traffic lane/route in position ... at ... UTC.
.10 Do not pass Reporting Point ... until ... UTC.
.11 Report at next way point/way point ... /at ... UTC.
.12 You must arrive at way point ... at ... UTC - your berth is clear.
.13 Do not arrive in position ... before ... UTC.
.14 Do not arrive in position ... after ... UTC.
.15 Tide with you.
.16 Tide against you.
Page 59 Anchoring
(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers
.1 You must anchor at ... UTC.
.2 You must anchor until pilot arrives.
.3 Do not anchor in position ... .
.4 Anchoring prohibited.
.5 Do not dredge anchor.
.6 You must heave up anchor.
.7 You must anchor in different position.
.8 You must anchor clear of fairway.
.9 Advise you have your crew on stand by for weighing anchor when pilot embarks.
.10 You have permission to anchor at ... UTC.
.11 You have permission to anchor in position ... .
.12 You have permission to anchor until pilot arrives.
.12.1 You have permission to anchor until tugs arrive.
.13 You have permission to anchor until sufficient water.
.14 MV ... at anchor in position ... .
.15 You are obstructing fairway.
.16 You are obstructing other traffic.
.17 You are at anchor in wrong position.
.18 Are you dragging anchor?
.18.1 Yes, I am dragging anchor.
.18.2 No, I am not dragging anchor.
.19 Are you dredging anchor?
.19.1 Yes, I am dredging anchor.
.19.2 No, I am not dredging anchor. Arrival, berthing and departure
(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers
.1 Your orders are to berth on ... .
.2 Your orders changed.
.3 Proceed to ... for orders.
.4 You may enter at ... UTC.
.5 You may proceed at ... UTC.
.6 Vessel turning/manoeuvring in position ... .
.7 MV ... will turn in position ... .
.8 MV ... will leave ... at ... UTC.
.9 MV ... leaving ... .
.10 MV ... left ... .
.11 MV ... entered fairway in position ... .
.12 Your berth is not clear (until ... UTC).
.13 Your berth will be clear at ... UTC.
.14 You will berth/dock at ... UTC .
.15 Berthing delayed by ... hours.
Page 60
.16 Be ready to get underway.
.17 Get underway.
.18 Are you underway?
.18.1 Yes, I am underway.
.18.2 No, I am not underway.
.18.3 I am ready to get underway.
.19 Move ahead ... metres.
.20 Move astern ... metres.
.21 Your vessel in position - make fast.
.22 Pilot ordered for departing vessel for ... UTC. Enforcement
(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers
.1 According to my radar, your course does not comply with International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea.
.2 According to my radar, your course does not comply with Rule 10 of International
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
.3 Your actions will be reported to Authorities.
.4 You are not complying with traffic regulations.
.5 You are not keeping to correct lane.
.6 Vessels are advised to have all navigational instruments in operation before entering
this area/area ... .
.7 Your navigation lights not visible.
.8 Advise you recover your fishing gear - you are fishing in fairway.
.9 Fishing gear ahead of you.
.10 Fishing in area ... prohibited.
.11 You are approaching prohibited fishing area.
.12 Fairway speed ... knots. Avoiding dangerous situations, providing safe movements
(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers
.1 It is dangerous to anchor in your present position.
.2 It is dangerous to remain in your present position.
.3 It is dangerous to alter course to port side.
.4 It is dangerous to alter course to starboard side.
.5 Large vessel leaving fairway- keep clear of fairway approach.
.6 Nets with buoys /without buoys in this area - navigate with caution.
.7 Collision in position ... .
.8 Keep clear.
.9 MV ... aground in position ... .
.10 MV ... on fire in position.
.11 Stand by for giving assistance.
.12 Vessels must keep clear of this are/area ... .
.13 Vessels must avoid this area/area ... .
Page 61
.14 Vessels must navigate with caution.
.15 Advise you keep clear of ... - search and rescue in operation.
.16 Your present course too close to outbound vessel.
.17 Your present course too close to inbound vessel.
.18 Your present course too close to vessel that you are overtaking.
.19 Your present course too close to starboard limit of fairway.
.20 Your present course too close to port limit of fairway.
.21 Your course deviating from reference line.
.22 You are running into danger. Shallow water ahead of you.
.23 You are running into danger. Submerged wreck ahead of you.
.24 You are running into danger. Risk of collision.
.25 Risk of collision with vessel distance ...kilometres/ nautical miles, bearing ... degrees.
.26 You are running into danger. Fog bank ahead of you.
.27 You are running into danger. Bridge defective.
.28 You are proceeding at dangerous speed.
.29 You must proceed by ... fairway/ ... route.
.30 You must keep to ... side of fairway line.
.31 You must keep to ... side of reference line.
.32 You must stay clear of fairway.
.33 Do not overtake.
.34 Do not cross fairway. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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