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The rising storm of words
The river ran darkly, mysteriously by
The river sang with its lips to the pebbles
The roar of the traffic rose to thunder
The romantic ardor of a generous mind
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 347
The room had caught a solemn and awful quietude
The rosy-hued sky went widening off into the distance
The rosy twilight of boyhood
The royal arrogance of youth
The sadness in him deepened inexplicably
The scars of rancor and remorse
The scent of roses stole in with every breath of air
The sea heaved silvery, far into the night
The sea slept under a haze of golden winter sun
The sea-sweep enfolds you, satisfying eye and mind
The sea-wind buffeted their faces
The secret and subduing charm of the woods
The see-saw of a wavering courage
The sentimental tourist will be tempted to tarry
The shadows of the night seemed to retreat
The shadows rested quietly under the breezeless sky
The shafts of ridicule
The sheer weight of unbearable loneliness
The shiver of the dusk passed fragrantly down the valley
The silence grew stolid
The silence was uncomfortable and ominous
The silent day perfumed with the hidden flowers
The silver silence of the night
The sinking sun made mellow gold of all the air
The sky grew brighter with the imminent day
The sky grew ensaffroned with the indescribable hue that heralds day
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The sky put on the panoply of evening
The sky was a relentless, changeless blue
The sky was dull and brooding
The sky was heavily sprinkled with stars
The sky was turning to the pearly gray of dawn
The smiling incarnation of loveliness
The song of hurrying rivers
The sound of the sea waxed
The spacious leisure of the forest
The spell of a deathless dream was upon them
The star-strewn spaces of the night
The stars looked down in their silent splendor
The stars seemed attentive
The steadfast mind kept its hope
The steady thunder of the sea accented the silence
The still voice of the poet
The stillness of a forced composure
The stillness of the star-hung night
The strangest thought shimmered through her
The stream forgot to smile
The streams laughed to themselves
The strident discord seemed to mock his mood
The stunning crash of the ocean saluted her
The subtle emanation of other influences seemed to arrest and chill him
The sudden rush of the awakened mind
The summit of human attainment
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The sun blazed torridly
The sun goes down in flame on the far horizon
The sun lay golden-soft over the huddled hills
The sunlight spread at a gallop along the hillside
The sunset was rushing to its height through every possible phase of violence and splendor
The suspicion of secret malevolence
The swelling tide of memory
The swing of the pendulum through an arch of centuries
The tempered daylight of an olive garden
The tender grace of a day that is fled
The tension of struggling tears which strove for an outlet
The thought leaped
The timely effusion of tearful sentiment
The tone betrayed a curious irritation
The torture of his love and terror crushed him
The trees rustled and whispered to the streams
The tumult in her heart subsided
The tumult in her mind found sudden speech
The tumult of pride and pleasure
The tune of moving feet in the lamplit city
The tyranny of nipping winds and early frosts
The unmasked batteries of her glorious gray eyes
The vacant fields looked blankly irresponsive
The vast and shadowy stream of time
The vast cathedral of the world
The vast unexplored land of dreams
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The velvet of the cloudless sky grew darker, and the stars more luminous
The veneer of a spurious civilization
The very pulsation and throbbing of his intellect
The very silence of the place appeared a source of peril
The vision fled him
The vivifying touch of humor
The web of lies is rent in pieces
The wheel of her thought turned in the same desolate groove
The whispering rumble of the ocean
The white seething surf fell exhausted along the shore
The whole exquisite night was his
The whole sea of foliage is shaken and broken up with little momentary shiverings and shadows
The wide horizon forever flames with summer
The wild whirl of nameless regret and passionate sorrow
The wild winds flew round, sobbing in their dismay
The wind charged furiously through it, panting towards the downs
The wind piped drearily
The wind was in high frolic with the rain
The winnowed tastes of the ages
The woods were silent with adoration
The youth of the soul
The zenith turned shell pink
Their ephemeral but enchanting beauty had expired forever [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]
Their eyes met glancingly
Their troth had been plighted
There was a kind of exhilaration in this subtle baiting
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There was a mild triumph in her tone
There was a mournful and dim haze around the moon
There was a strange massing and curving of the clouds
There was a thrill in the air
There was a time I might have trod the sunlit heights
There was no glint of hope anywhere
There was no menace in the night's silvern calmness
There was something so kindly in its easy candor
There was spendthrift grandeur
These qualities were raised to the white heat of enthusiasm
They became increasingly turbid and phantasmagorical [phantasmagorical = fantastic imagery]
They escaped the baffled eye [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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