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forefinger. Their palms lined up, hers much smaller than his.
 Trust is important, he said.  Trust is what you give even though you know it s
going to hurt, because you have faith that your Master won t intentionally prolong pain
that isn t asked for or earned.
He swiped the alcohol pad down the long line of the scratch. Melanie s breath
caught, but she didn t make any other sound. Sam tossed the used pad and nodded at
her coat.  Did it scratch your chest?
 Maybe a little. She unbuttoned her coat without prompting from him and shifted
the neckline of her sweater to reveal the upper curve of her breast. A couple of pink
lines marked the creamy softness, but the cat hadn t drawn blood.
Sam tamped down his desire to trace the marks with his tongue. He pocketed the
second alcohol pad and nodded at the door.  Out with you.
That was five minutes ago. Sam led her through a maze of hallways. The music
grew louder and the lights dimmer, the deeper they moved into the club. He opened
one last door and she came face-to-face with a sea of people. Fetish costumes, some
complete with masks, captivated her. Beyond the dance floor, the glimpses of low-lit
rooms roused her nervous curiosity. Sam cupped her elbow and guided her into the
crowd. Assaulted by the close-up scents of perfume, hair product and what she would
have sworn was lust, Melanie inched as close as she could and followed Sam s lead. She
tried to ignore her strung-thin nerves. This was a triumphant moment. She was inside
the club and about to collect all the first-hand experience she could put her hands on.
Nothing she d seen on the Internet compared to this. Bonus, she was with Sam, a
pleasure in itself, even if she didn t know where they were going from here.
Melanie reached for a handful of his shirt to anchor herself to him. Now that she
was in the middle of the crowd, the mass of people intimidated her. She was glad for
Sam s confident stride as he steered their course toward the far right section of the club.
Left to her own, she wasn t one hundred percent sure she would have worked up the
courage to venture into a fetish club. As it was, part of her wanted to run.
Sam led her into a large chamber off the central floor and some of her sensory
overload backed off. Couples and threesomes sat together on low, leather-upholstered
benches, some talking and others pursuing more carnal activities. One particular trio of
people caught her attention and she couldn t help but stare.
A man and a woman sat side by side, angled toward one another as they talked. At
their feet, another woman knelt between them, completely naked except for a pair of
tall, slim white bunny ears mounted atop her head and a fluffy white pouf peeping
from between the cheeks of her bottom. While Melanie watched, the fully clothed man
pulled a baby carrot from his pocket and offered it to the girl on the floor, who visibly
Tangled & Bound
quivered at the sight of the treat. The bunny-girl leaned in to eat the carrot from her
Master s palm.
 That s an interesting blush you re wearing, Sam said in her ear.
Blinking, Melanie averted her eyes as her face flushed hotter.  It s, um.
 Pet play. I don t see it often here. I think most people reserve that for private
situations. He brushed his knuckles across the pulse point at the base of her throat.  It
excites you.
 The tail s pretty, she said defensively, unable to even imagine what was going
through his head.
 Yeah, it is. He placed a fingertip beneath her chin and tipped her head back.
Melanie closed her eyes but Sam denied her that retreat with a sternly spoken,  Look at
She reluctantly met his gaze. The heat in his eyes seared straight to her core,
alternately melting her body and confusing her head. She suddenly had trouble
 Something that genuinely excites you is not a turn-off to me. You have no reason
to hide or deny. Sam lowered his head as if he were about to kiss her, but he stopped
himself with a low curse and released her.  Come on. We ll sit for a little while.
The big room seemed to be a hub of some sort, with several exits into other rooms
and halls. Melanie followed on trembling legs as Sam led her into an intimate area that
resembled an old-fashioned theater. When she drew abreast of him, he bent his head to
speak into her ear.  This is a showcase. The Dominant partners are presenting their
submissives for display. Think of it as a classic car show, where collectors go to have
their efforts seen by other collectors.
Melanie nodded to indicate she d heard but she didn t look away from the couples
doing their thing in the room. One pair in particular caught and held her attention. The
fully clothed man crouched behind his nude, kneeling female partner. While Melanie
watched, he put his hand on top of her head and pushed her facedown to the floor. The
woman folded over at her guide s urging and Melanie could see her wrists tied together
at the base of her spine. The man released her head and stroked her flanks, an upward
caress that coaxed the woman s buttocks into the air.
Sam touched her elbow, breaking the thrall. She glanced up to find him still close,
his breath steady at her temple.
 Do you want to spend some time in here watching? he asked.  Or do you want to
move on? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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