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but, no, it won t fry me.
 I don t understand this. My mom told me that vamps burn in the sun she actually
saw it happen firsthand.
 I have told you several times now, slayer, I am not like other vamps.
 And also you can eat how is that?
 It just is that is all you have to know.
 Yes, but 
 Aren t you curious as to where we are going?
Obviously he was trying to change the subject. Her mouth curved to one side, and her
eyes were bright with a tease.  Yes, but I figured you wouldn t tell me that. If I asked
you probably would say &  She lowered her voice and tried to do an impression of his
low, English-accented growl.  You will find out soon enough, slayer.
He glanced at her, and his face first broke out into a smile. Then the chuckle that lit in
his throat turned into a wallop of laughter. Nikki beamed, pleased that she had made him
laugh. He so rarely did.
 And so you shall & slayer, he returned, still carrying a smile.
She settled back in her seat and watched the passing countryside. She only knew one
thing they were not headed for Dublin.
They arrived at the small village of Bray, where Nikki got a glimpse of the Irish Sea
and she spent a few moments  oohing and aahing over the view. However, even as she
pointed out a lovely B & B and a few shops she might like to explore, he turned the Maz
onto a narrow country road. Another sharper turn brought them to a long dirt road that led
them past an expanse of woods on either side and dead ended at a sandy driveway.
Nikki could see a small cottage that looked like something out of a Grimm s fairytale
partially hidden by the trees at the end of the driveway. There was something about the
fairytale cottage that made her feel as though her vision were blurred. She frowned and
tried to concentrate on what she was actually seeing.
As Damon drove slowly towards the cottage more of it came into direct view. Ivy
vines meandered up its cream-colored stucco walls and covered a great deal of the
structure right up to its thatched roof. The vines with their green leaves were thick, but
care had been given to their management, and they were trimmed around the windows
and the arched, dark oak front door.
 What is this? Where are we? What are we doing? Who lives here?
He laughed as he turned and reached to gently stroke her pert nose.  Easy, slayer &
you will find out soon enough. So saying, he chuckled again to himself as he parked the
car along the edge of the driveway near the stone steps to the front entrance of the
Keys in hand he stepped out of the Maz and came around to her door, opening it with
a flourish that was, for him, almost jovial. He offered his hand, and one of his dark
eyebrows went up as she hesitated.
Nikki hesitated only because she was unused to such  old traditional treatment . It had
occurred to her that the  boys at home never did that, and she found that she liked it a
lot. Was that politically incorrect? Did she care? Nooo.
She looked at his open hand and smiled. He was four hundred years old, and the Old
World gentleman was a very intrinsic part of whom he had been, and who he still was
very much. She put her small hand in his and felt a spark shoot up her arm, as though he
was the electric plug to her wires.
He gently pulled her out of the car and waited as she stood on the hard dirt drive and
adjusted her jeans and jacket. She had to brush past him to go forward and felt his hard
and muscular body in the process. She almost closed her eyes with pleasure it made her
feel. He lightly touched her back as he maneuvered her forward, and there was a moment
when she never wanted him to take away his hand. What was wrong with her?
Hormones on full alert that s what!
She looked up at his profile, and he looked down at her. His black, liquid eyes held
sparks of gold in their recesses, and those gold lights were alive with something that
made her entire body tingle.
Her lashes brushed her cheeks and then rose as she looked up again and felt a sharp
sensation of need. A pulse made its way through her stomach on down to her thighs and
up, and she felt herself inwardly clench.
His arm went around her as he held her to him, and he bent his head and whispered in
her ear,  Are you ready, slayer? For you are about to have an experience like no other.
Damn straight, I m ready, she thought, and shook herself free of the moment. Was he
teasing her? Was he slowly seducing her? Was it so easy to resist kissing her? She had
expected a kiss at that moment, and when none came she blushed and answered him
roughly,  The answer to that is another question, vampire. What kind of experience?
He chuckled and pulled a lock of her silky hair before he let her go and walked
towards the flagstone steps to the cottage. He turned because she had not followed, and
he held out his hand.  Afraid it houses a witch like in the story of Hansel and Gretel?
That was it! The cottage looked like the one she remembered from that particular
fairytale & and something more: her slayer senses had turned on her high-alert beam.
Something inside that cottage wasn t normal not in any way! In fact, there was
something abnormal about the entire structure. She saw it now in a haze of mist and fog
that surrounded the place. It wasn t what it seemed, and she knew magic was in play
here, but was it white or black magic?
She bucked herself up and went forward, and in that moment realized how much she
had actually come to trust Damon & at least on a certain level. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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