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It was Dino that told him to stop.
Joey pulled back.  Why?
 Don t drain her completely, he said.  She is
suffering now. I&  he turned his face away.
 I understand, Joey told him.  Go now. I will
finish this, my love.
He nodded and left the room.
 Suffer no more, Joey said, and leaning down, he
picked up the huge sword he brought with him. He
swung it, bringing it down across her neck, severing
her head.
Instantly her pointed fangs disappeared, then she
began to fade, skin and bones melting into ashes
before his eyes.
He shuddered and turned away.
He heard Dino cry out suddenly. He rushed into
the other room. God, had he destroyed him at the
same time?
Joey gasped as he saw him. He was roaring, his
head thrown back. His eyes went violet, then gold.
There was an aura about him, as if all her power and
energy had suddenly gone into him.
Eternal Souls: Book 1 - Vampire Lust
 Dino! Joey cried out as he suddenly collapsed
onto the floor.
Joey picked up his head and stroked his face.  Are
you all right?
He opened his eyes.  I feel different. I feel like& 
 Like I m three times what I was& stronger& all
my senses are sharper.
Joey pressed his lips to his.  How was that?
He pulled his mouth to his again.  Nice.
 Well as long as that hasn t changed. Come on, my
beauty, let s go. Santo advised us to leave as soon as
possible. Where shall we go, my love?
Dino got up and pulled him into his arms.
 Anywhere, as long as you love me.
Joey smiled.  No worries there, my young beauty. I
couldn t stop loving you if I tried.
Dino kissed his forehead and they took off into the
night, far away where the others couldn t find them.
L M Davis
Part Two: Generation Gap
oey lay back on the black satin sheets, licking the
blood around his mouth with his tongue. He
breathed deeply, running his hands over his naked
torso. He gazed at the young boy at his side. His eyes
were open, all his senses were alert but he was in a
state of paralysis. He sometimes did this to his victims
when he wanted them to remain silent.
He sighed and got off the bed, not giving the boy
another look. He picked up the long purple robe that
was lined in white fur, and slid it onto his naked
body. He walked over to the window, looking out
onto the dark night. Where was he? He had left
several days ago, and still had not returned.
Joey turned to look at the boy on the bed. He
wasn t particularly beautiful. In fact, no one could
satisfy this craving he had, this longing to touch him.
Then he called to Victorio.
Victorio was his mortal servant. He had been for
many years. He was growing old now, and it took
him longer to respond. He supposed he would soon
have to find another one.
Victorio came in, bowing as he walked.  Master,
Eternal Souls: Book 1 - Vampire Lust
he murmured, falling on his knees, hugging him.
 What I can do to please you?
Joey stroked his hair.  Get rid of that body. Take
him to a nice park somewhere and cover him with a
 Is he dead, Master? Victorio asked, struggling to
his feet.
 No. He will be all right. Take him now, out of my
sight. And the Young One, have you seen him?
 No Master, Victorio bowed his head, rushing to
the bed to pick up the body of the young man.
Joey watched him as he pushed his way out of his
bedroom, carrying the limp body in his arms. Often
he couldn t bear to look at his victims after feeding
from them. It was like looking at the bare bones of a
chicken. It felt much better once they were taken
Joey began to pace.  You should be here, young
one, helping me with this, Joey growled under his
breath. Victorio was getting far too old to dispose of
the bodies. Where in the hell was he?
Joey got dressed, and then wandered the dark halls
of the huge estate that he had bought centuries ago in
England. He and the young one had lived here since
they had destroyed Eden over seven mortal months
ago. It was getting time to move on. It wasn t safe to
stay so long in one place.
As for Levi, Joey was sure Santo had failed to
destroy him. He told Dino often that he sensed that he
still walked the earth somewhere. And as hard as he
tried, he could not summon Santo. It worried him. It
was possible that Santo had lost the battle with Levi.
L M Davis
But now he wasn t concerned with Levi. He was
angry. The young one was ignoring his summons. He
was being defiant again.
Over these last few months, he had discovered that
his lover was a lot more rebellious than he would
have imagined. He didn t seem to have any sense of
respect for one s place, namely his own.
They had fought before he left, this time about that
very thing. Dino accused him of being arrogant and
full of himself.  You live in the past! he told him.
 Dino, my young naïve lover, you must
understand that my very age puts me above you. You
have to have a sense of your place in life in order to
 That is crap from your century, Joey, Dino told
him, shaking his head.  You say you want me to
teach you what it s like to live in this century, but you
still want to hold on to the values of your own. You
cannot pick what you like from the past and mix it
with the present. I m not going to be your servant. I
did not help you destroy Eden so that I could
exchange one master for another!
When he had said that, a chill ran over Joey s body.
He had hated being dominated by Levi, but at least he
accepted it.  You have to understand, Joey told him
gently,  someone has to be in charge. Someone has to
make the decisions. You were Eden s General, surely
you understand the necessity for leadership and
 Joey, he sighed, coming close to him, touching
his cheek.  this is not the army. I m not a soldier and
we are not at war. We re lovers. We need to come to
Eternal Souls: Book 1 - Vampire Lust
decisions about things together.
Joey shook his head.  That is impossible! Even if I
consulted you, someone would have to make the final
decision. There is no such thing as equality. The
people of your decade in the sixties fought for it, but
it never happened. There is no true equality in the
world between races or between men and women. I
was born in the sixteenth century, Dino. Surely you
see that I am your superior. I can show you so much,
teach you so much.
 And I could teach you as well, if only you d let
me, Dino replied.  I m going away for a few days. I
think we need some distance from one another.
Joey s eyes widened.  Where? Where are you
going? You can t leave me, Dino. I forbid it. We need
But he was gone. He left without another word. He
walked out on him and still, after almost a week had
gone by, he had not returned. It seemed that the
difference in their ages was so great that they agreed
on almost nothing, except in bed. In bed, they were
almost one person, completely compatible. It was the
only place that he sometimes submitted to him.
* * * *
Levi was alive. Dino felt his presence as he prowled
the streets of San Francisco. He had been following
him discretely for the last two nights, thinking that
Dino was unaware. Levi wanted Joey. He didn t
know where to find him. As long as Levi was
following him, he could not go home. He wondered
L M Davis
what had happened to Santo. He was pretty sure now
that Levi had destroyed him.
He considered sending a message to Joey, but
decided against it. He wasn t sure what he was
dealing with here. Joey was calling him, but he
ignored it. To answer would put him in danger.
Perhaps Levi was reading his thoughts at this very
moment as he walked along the riverbank.
There was someone else following him besides
Levi, a young man who had spotted him in a bar a
while back. Dino continued into the park where it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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