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wanted to make me full
contract, they didn't deserve instant, around-the-clock access. I really felt
that way at that moment.
The first message was from Mahmed. He was smiling, but it wasn't a
condescending expression. "Luara,
I just wanted to confirm that we're on for three-thirty on Tuesday. If that's
a problem, let me know. It will
be a long session. Cannon has some new ads he wants to record. We may have to
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
schedule another
session on Wednesday. I hope you can do that.
I called him back, but only got his simmie.
"Mahmed, three-thirty is fine. I can do Wednesday at three or later.
The second message was from a tall blonde woman.
"This is SuEllen Crayno of the Crayno Agency. Mahmed Solyman of Crescent
Productions provided
your codes. We'd be very much interested in talking to you. If you're
interested, please let me know.
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Was I interested? How could I not be interested, with Dean Donald suggesting
that he was just dying to
throw me out once he could figure out a way?
I called back, and got a simmie of SuEllen Crayno.
"This is Luara Cornett. I'd be interested in talking with you. Mahmed spoke
very highly of your
agency&  I left my home codes as well.
After that, I checked the system for memos and documents. The only thing of
interest was a note from
the library to inform me that the section I'd been searching manually was
scheduled for purging in June.
Purging? Just because no one wanted to take the time to scan the information
or read through it? There
was no way I could search it all by June. How many other songs or song cycles
were there, like the
Britten cycle, that would be lost forever? There might not be any, but I had
no way to know.
Still, I had to try. So I went back to the stacks and spent three hours. I
found nothing. Then, I got a
sandwich from the student center and ate it before I walked to the shuttle
station to head home.
The shuttle was almost full. Except for the handful who still wore masks, it
was as if people had forgotten
that two weeks before ebol4 had been raging across the continent. I didn't
look at anyone. I still couldn't
believe what the dean had said. But I could. Beauty didn't matter. Education
didn't matter. All that
mattered were little numbers on a screen that said the only way to be
perceived as a good university was
to do what every other university did, but more cheaply. Or cost-effectively.
Or whatever.
When I got off the shuttle, I should have been calmer. I wasn't. I walked& so
fast it was almost a run&
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
to my conapt. When I reached the lane, and the pseudo antique sign on the
brick wall that announced
"Eastside Courts, I slowed, then stopped short of the group just outside my
Two DPS techs were waiting for me, and a DPS officer of some sort, a small and
wiry woman. She
stepped forward. "I'm Sergeant Sarao, DPS. She pronounced her name as if it
were spelled "sorrow.
"We'd called you at the university, Professor. We're here because there may be
some problems with the
nanite system in your conapt.
"I just had it repaired. They've been here twice this week.
"It wasn't repaired correctly, according to the man who did it, the sergeant
said. "It's very dangerous.
We'd like to request that you wait here with us. A master technician from
Westside Physical Systems is
on the way.
"What's wrong with the system? What did they do?"
"We don't know. We've been told it's dangerous.
That was all I could get from the sergeant. So I stood in the afternoon spring
sunlight, getting hotter inside
and out. I waited and watched, glad that I didn't have any appointments with
Mahmed or the Crayno
people that afternoon and that I wasn't going to Raymon's until the following
An electrolorry appeared and eased into the lane toward us. Just like the
sergeant had said, it bore the
emblem and name of Westside Physical Systems. I'd never heard of it. But if
someone were out to get
me, they could have done it with a lot less than three DPS officers and a
contracting tech. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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