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negotiated the inclusion of the Kurds into the GIR, that he was the victim of
an assassination attempt? Do you, or do you not have clear evidence that the
assassination attempt was conducted by the United States CIA and was foiled by
none other than Jabal
Talabari, the former leader of the Kurd military and the current leader of the
GIR military in this crisis?
As the question had been formulated, the pleasant smile on Li Peng s face had
slowly given way to a guarded incredulous look. The room had gone deathly
silent, a silence that lingered for a few pregnant heartbeats as Li prepared
to answer.
Then, bedlam as the room erupted into a deafening chorus of shouts, questions
and attempts to get Li s attention. All hands were raised, most reporters were
on their feet. Li looked around, wondering how the mood and the focus of the
meeting could have turned so drastically. Finally, he raised his voice loud
enough to be heard over the din.
 I cannot comment on any such report. The security forces of the GIR and their
investigative agencies are in the best position to answer such allegations.
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Thank you all. This concludes the press conference.
January 10, 2006. 14:00 local time
General People s Congress
Tripoli, Libya
Premier Mubarik al-Shamik stood and walked to the podium and the microphones.
The People s
Congress had voted and the voting had been unanimous, just as their leader,
Muamar Abu al-Qahdafe had predicted it would be. Now, it was left to him,
Premier Mubarik Shamik to make the historic announcement.
 My brothers, citizens of Libya, today we are becoming part of history; part
of a divine destiny. It is with great pleasure and pride that I present you
with the results of the historic vote. Let it be recorded that today, Monday,
January 10, 2006, the General People s Congress has voted unanimously to unite
ourselves with the Greater Islamic Republic and to proclaim the Imam Hasan
Sayeed as our Mahdi.
 The recent revelations regarding the Great Satan s, America s, role in the
attempted assassination of the
Imam have hastened this decision. We, as the faithful in Islam, must unite to
stave off these insidious influences and attacks by the west.
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 In addition, I am further pleased to say that as I speak, concurrently in
Algiers, Algeria; N Djamena, Chad; Khartoum, Sudan; Sanaa, Yemen; and Muscat,
Oman similar announcements are being made.
 It has become an irresistible force as sure as the pull of gravity and it is
sweeping all of Islam. Our people and faith are being united into a greater
whole and the Imam Sayeed is God s instrument in making it happen. I urge all
Islamic people to join with us. Our revolutionary leader, Muamar Qahdafe was
the first to sign this document and he has authorized me, on his behalf, to
endorse our unification in the holy name of Allah.
As a roar of approval erupted from the congress, Premier Shamik returned to
his seat. He sat down and contemplated the coming struggles. With today s
announcement, enough members of OPEC (four out of eleven) were now a part of
the GIR to be able to hold up almost any measure they desired. The west would
understand the meaning of this. In addition, almost one third of the Arab
League (seven out of twenty-two) was now a part of the GIR. If things worked
as the Imam had planned, soon a much higher percentage of both organizations
would be a part of the GIR.
Shamik was relatively cynical. He had been involved as a politician and a
leader under one of the most ruthless Muslim dictators in the world and had
therefore seen his share of purges and elimination, faithful follower of Allah
or not. Yet, despite this, he was himself a man of faith and it took his
breath away to contemplate the coming together of so much of the Muslim world:
Iran, Tajikistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Chad, Turkmenistan,
Pakistan, Algeria, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Oman, Libya.
All of these were now one nation! Could it be true? Would it hold and allow
Allah s will to be manifest through them? Shamik felt that much of that
depended on the Arab states that were resisting. Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, The United Arab Emirate, Syria, Jordan and
Lebanon had still not made any definitive move. In fact, some of them were
openly hostile. Those states and how they reacted to coming events would be
the key for the realization of the long awaited dream, Shamik was sure of
January 12, 2006, 15:25
Salt Lake City International Airport
Salt Lake City, UT
 Ladies and Gentlemen, Delta Airlines welcomes you to Salt Lake City where the
local time is 3:25 p.m.
Mountain Standard Time.
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The landing was smooth and Hector Ortiz was awakened from his nap only by the
roar of the engines operating in reverse thrust and the customary arrival
announcement by the flight attendant. Ortiz looked out the window and saw the
mountains to the east of the airport in the valley of the Great Salt Lake. His
flight had begun in Monterey and having already cleared customs at
Dallas-Forth Worth, he anticipated a quick stop at the Avis counter and a
short drive to his hotel. Tomorrow, he had a number of appointments to keep in
both the Salt Lake and the further south, Utah valleys.
While Hector Ortiz enjoyed his frequent trips to the United States, the home
of his customers and the source of his income, he had no love for the American
people or their system of government. He hoped, and worked for the day, that
the map of the American continent would be very different. Secretly, he had
rejoiced when the bin Laden organization had successfully attacked America
some years ago. He had not let it show then, or at any time since. He was far
too shrewd for that, but he had secretly hoped at the time that those events
would have toppled the American eagle off of its perch. When it hadn t, he had
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filed and stored the experience, understanding that without supporting actions
such attacks, even as large as those that occurred in September of 2001, had
little hope of doing more than momentarily stunning a nation as large and
capable as the United States.
Ortiz was engaged in the business of international trade. In its visible
activities, his trucking company was one of several which facilitated the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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