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would contact him before news leaked, at least he prayed they would.
It was seven in the morning and he was making coffee when the persistent
knocking began. The cup in his hand clanged into the sink. He never had company this
early. Even though the sun was already peeking through the curtains it was still too
early for people visiting. There was only one knock that would be coming this early.
He walked slowly to the door, staring at it, not wanting to believe it was
happening. His brain began to work in overdrive, telling him that he knew this could
happen. He knew that this could be his reality but he didn't want to think in it. He
wanted to remember that he and Patrick were getting married when Patrick came home
on R & R. That& he watched as his hand reached out for the door knob. It was like it
was on slow mo and it was someone else's hand reaching for it.
The door opened slowly. In Mark's mind, behind it would three Army officers:
the CO, a chaplain and another guy stuck on Rear D. Mark only prayed it wasn't
Brandingham. Patrick hated the fucker. He wouldn't be held responsible for what he
did to that homophobic bastard.
When it was open he was shocked to see Kenneth and Sandy. At first anger
coursed through his body. They knew better than to do this shit. He nearly told them
so, but as soon as his mouth opened he noticed the looks that were on their faces.
 Oh. Oh, Mark said, stepping back. It felt like a boulder was sitting on his face.
 I& You shouldn't...
Sandy was shaking and crying -crying too hard to speak. She tossed up her
hands and looked up at Kenneth, who was an unnatural shade of white. He too was
shaking, but tears weren't falling. They just pooled in his dark-blue eyes.
 It's Phillip, Kenneth croaked out.
 Fuck. No. Mark stumbled backwards. He couldn't believe it. Not Phillip.
Phillip was larger than life. Out of all of them he was the guy who could survive
 What? When? Mark asked, clearing his dry throat.
 A...suicide bomber...They were clearing the streets...he wasn't in the
Brad...They...He tried to get& The bomb went off fifteen feet from him. His back was
turned...They...uhh. Don't know if he's going to make it. They're airlifting him to
Landstuhl...If...When he is stable.
Mark turned, not willing to look at them. Sandy's soft sobs filled the room,
making him swallow hard.
Then he grabbed Kenneth and pulled him to the side.  What's your
professional opinion, Kenneth? What do you think will happen?
Kenneth swallowed and shook his head.  It doesn't look good, Mark. Both of
his legs were broken in the explosion. They said he has multiple fractures. Muscles and
tendons were torn. They had to pump five pints of blood into him. His back...they said
he has to have skin grafts if he survives. They had to put out the...fire. The concussion
threw him twenty feet away. They said it was pure luck he didn't break his back. If...If I
were there...I would red tag him and possibly lean toward black tag. He's tore up,
Mark. Bad. Kenneth swallowed hard
 So what's...the& fuck... Mark felt a tear roll down his cheek.  Chances?
 Forty to sixty if we're lucky. Kenneth said quietly.  But I haven't seen him and
I've not taken his stubborn streak into consideration.
Mark nodded and didn't say anything.  Has his family been notified?
 We're going to head that way. They don't need to have this told to them over
the fucking phone. They called at six this morning and fucking TOLD Sandy all of this
over the phone. I had to take the phone and talk to them, Kenneth said bitterly.
 What about Ryan? Any word?
 No. If I know Ryan he's ready to kill everyone standing in his way. Has Patrick
 No, haven't heard from him in a couple of days, Mark said.  Want me to go to
San Antonio with you two?
 No, we wanted to know if you could keep Katie for a bit. We're going to get
her. She needs to know.
Mark nodded. It's the kids that suffered the most during deployments. They
were the ones who had to steel themselves for this shit.  She can stay with me as long as
you need her to.
 We need to contact Brendon. Umm and William, if he's close to Phil.
 I'll make the calls. Mark said.  You two tell Phil's parents. Do you know
where he's going to be sent after...after Germany?
 The Intrepid Center, Kenneth guessed. It was a Military hospital at Ft. Sam
Houston in San Antonio, in the Brooke Army Medical Center.
Mark knew that Kenneth hated his father, but for Phillip and all concerned, he
would pull every string he could.
 I told him I would kill him, Sandy said suddenly, tears drying on her face.  I
told him it would be fine...because we had Ryan. Oh god. That was the last... She
burst into tears and Kenneth quickly wrapped his arms around her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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