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 Edgar Adams.
The name sounded familiar&
Daddy was ignoring me again. How do I know? It was
obvious. He didn t look at me, he didn t talk to me, he didn t
even want to come near me. Today, it started out like any other
Of course, mama had told me that one of daddy s
friends from college was coming to visit him and that we were to
stay up in our rooms and be as quiet as we can. She had
cleaned the entire downstairs area until it was spotless, and
shooed Ash and I into our rooms after dinner.
I heard the doorbell ring not long after mama had gone
into her room to powder herself up. Daddy had been waiting in
the living room for his friend s arrival as he  casually watched
football. I knew he wasn t really concentrating on that. Daddy
had been getting ready for days to be reunited with his best
friend, as I had heard him mention many times his past week.
Seconds later, I heard his heavy strides across the living room
as he walked to open the door.
 Edgar! I heard daddy s voice say, as it echoed
throughout the house.
I did not hear a reply.
I continued to draw in my room as mama had instructed
me to do so. She had even bought me a brand new pack of
crayons the day before, just to keep me busy. I guess they didn t
keep me busy long enough, because I eventually got bored and
decided to go downstairs to get a glass of orange juice. Some
cookies perhaps, if there were any left. I guess I didn t even
think that daddy s college friend was here anymore. It felt like
hours since the doorbell had rang.
I walked downstairs, going as quietly as I could just in
case he was still here. I didn t want to disturb anything or talk
to a stranger. I saw a pair of unfamiliar shoes as I walked past
the back door. He was still here.
I walked to the kitchen, and almost ran out when I saw
daddy and his friend sitting at the dining table. They had caught
sight of me.
 This Arielle? Came a man s voice, the most sinister
voice I had ever heard. It sounded like a villain from a cartoon.
Hearing it sent shivers down my spine.
I tried to take a peek at the man, but he was hidden in
the shadows. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could see his
lips twisting into a cruel smile.
 Yeah. Come here. My father said, as he waved me over.
I walked over ever so slowly.
 Arielle, are you okay?
 Dear, what s wrong?
 Miss Gardner!
I saw my mother, grandma, and the messenger looking
at me with concerned eyes. Something had happened. I had
seen in my mind, something that I had long forgotten, a long
flash of memory, ignited by the sound of his name. The next
second, I was back where I was sitting, on the couch in my
living room with all eyes on me.
 I m& fine. I said. But I didn t know how fine I would be
after remembering who that man was.
Sinheart Headquarters
(insert reflections about what she has just found out)
My mother was on the phone talking to Edgar Adams,
the man who I had seen once as my father s best friend from
college. I had no choice but to comply to their idea of safe,
although I felt safer without that man beside me. I could
understand why they had decided that I should have a guardian,
but their choice dumbfounded me.
That man, who looked more frightening than the thought
of the Sins, was going to protect me from danger. What a
strange idea. I think he was the only person I was ever really
afraid of, and my mother never seemed to like him either. I had
no idea what compelled my mother to choose Edgar Adams to be
my guardian, but there she was, already on the phone with him
while Angelo and I sat still on the couches, waiting.
 So who s this Mr. Adams? Angelo asked as soon as
grandma had left to for the kitchen as well.
 I m not sure. He visited us once when I was eight. He
was my dad s best friend in college. I replied.
Angelo was thinking of something.
 You really believe that? After all you ve just been
through, you really believe that this Mr. Adams was your
father s best friend in college? I doubt your father even went to
college. I mean, what need was there? He was a Sin, for heaven s
sake! Angelo spewed.
He made complete sense. I was the one who was not
thinking properly. Sleep seemed so far away and unattainable. I
knew the sun was going to rise soon.
Of course Edgar Adams was not my father s best friend
from college. He looked like he had come from he dump last I
saw him. I winced at my own inability to comprehend what was
going on around me.
 He s a Sin. I realized.
 Ah&  said Angelo, like he understood.  So why does
your mother trust him then?
I did not know. My mother knew more than she was
letting on, and I could tell.
 Do you think she s hiding something? I asked.
 Of course. He answered, after a long pause.
 I do not know. This is all so weird. I mean, it s like all of
a sudden, I m in an alternate reality or something. Like the
whole world changed. I said. Someone had to know what I was
 Well, it hasn t. It s been like this all along. Full of
secrets, full of lies, full of illusion. Angelo said.  Maybe Mr.
Adams is the only person from Sinheart that your mother
knows. He added, on a completely different tone.
 Oh. Perhaps. I said flatly. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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