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the outcome if she foolishly kept her feelings to
herself. She d lose her soul mate. She d lose the
only person she d ever love, and that would be a
Bonnie Rose Leigh
After taking a deep breath, Liana closed her
eyes and collected all her fears, her worries, and
even her needs and desires, her anger and her
hurts, and tried to channel them through the
bond. She shared everything with him, everything
she felt, everything she worried about and
everything that terrified her. But that was okay,
she believed that now, because he was the one
person she trusted completely to help her through
the struggles ahead.
When strong arms wrapped around her waist,
Liana closed her eyes and sighed in blissful
contentment, luxuriating in this one moment of
utter perfection. With her head tucked beneath his
chin and resting against his heart, she could hear it
pounding against her ear, its rapid beat a perfect
match to her own.
Liana wasn t sure how long they stood that
way, Ryan s arms wrapped around her in the
Goddess garden, but she could sense her mate s
arousal through their new bond, feel his cock
lengthen and thicken yet again as it pressed
against her belly. Her heart rate jumped in
response and his raced to match hers. Without any
outside stimulation, her nipples pebbled into tight
nubs and pressed against the hair of his chest,
sending bolts of pleasure-pain straight to her clit.
She groaned in response, unable to keep silent, as
Ryan s Hope
she felt not only her own emotions and tactile
sensations, but Ryan s as well.
Ryan s hands clutched at her waist, his fingers
digging into her hips as he ground his hips into
her belly. Seconds later, he lifted her, placing his
hands beneath her ass to hold her in place.  Put
your legs around my waist, baby.
Liana didn t waste any time. She wanted to feel
his body against hers, wanted to be held in his
strong arms as though he d never willingly let her
go. Despite the Black Rose and her attempt to
murder her and Ryan earlier in the day, Liana was
determined to eke out every bit of enjoyment
possible this eve. Tomorrow would be another
day, but this one, this one was her one and only
mating night, and nothing would ruin it.
With her legs wrapped around Ryan s waist as
he d demanded, she couldn t keep the growling
purr building in her voice silent didn t even
want to, to tell the truth. With one of his big rough
hands wrapped around the base of her neck and
the other palming her ass, she felt completely
secure in his hold, and just a little bit naughty as
she could feel his cock pressing against the bundle
of nerves at the apex of her pussy. If he just
rubbed there just once, she knew she d go off like
a rocket. Yet, he didn t move, not one centimeter.
Was he testing her? Was she supposed to do or
say something? Her woeful lack of experience
Bonnie Rose Leigh
made her extremely anxious, despite her desire to
mate with her chosen one.
* * * *
When he awoke this morning, Ryan had no idea
just where the day would lead. If someone had
told him he d meet his mate and claim her, he d
have laughed at him or her for such foolish beliefs,
because who would bless Ryan with a mate after
all he d done in the name of retribution?
Now he had his arms full of the most luscious
woman he d ever crossed, and before the day
ended she d belong to him completely, heart,
body, mind, and soul properly paired the way
Chantreans were always supposed to be. When
Liana s legs tightened around his hips and her
fingers dug into his hair, scratching gently at his
scalp, all thought of what was and what would be
disappeared from his mind. His entire being
focused on the armful of golden-brown woman
just begging for proper attention. Smiling inward,
Ryan couldn t wait to give her as much attention
as she could possibly imagine, even more than she
could possibly handle. Starting. Right. Now.
Squeeze me tighter, baby, while I look for some place
nearby to make love to you.
Liana reached up and nibbled his right ear
before whispering,  You can take me anyway you
Ryan s Hope
want me. Up against the statuary or along the
length of the marble benches, or even on all fours
on the wonderful grass. Just fuck me already! she
Ryan chuckled. With an invitation like that,
how could he possibly refuse? With his arms full
of luscious woman, he quickly glanced around the
meadow. He smiled when he spotted a bed, its
coverlets turned down, sitting in the middle of the
meadow surrounding the natural pool. Either
someone onboard Vengeance had instructed the
ship s computer to place it there, or the Lady
Goddess Alana herself had presented them with a
mating bed.
With purposeful steps, he headed straight for
the bed, thankful as always for the many blessings
and gifts bestowed upon him since his escape
from the Black Rose s nefarious clutches five years
earlier. The closer he moved toward the bed, the
more awe-inspiring it became. The four-poster bed
had a gossamer canopy of white tulle lying
artfully across the top. Flowers draped around
and down each leg, some from Earth, like baby
roses and freesia, and others indigenous only to
Chantrea, like the purple Tupa and bright pink
Aseda. Someone spread thousands of silky white
and vibrant red and pink petals across the red
coverlet, lending it a sensual air. And at the foot of
the bed stood a chest. If the rumors he heard were
Bonnie Rose Leigh
true, it would be full of toys meant for tonight s
lovemaking. He couldn t wait to find out for
himself, but that was for later.
Who had prepared their mating bed on such
short notice? Ryan snorted. He couldn t believe
that someone had even gotten past him to scatter
flowers there, unseen. His mind, honed by
suspicion and suffering, wondered briefly if there
was another way into and out of the mating
chamber, one that he, and possibly the others,
were unaware of. And if so, where was it, why
was it secret, and who knew of it?
But those were questions for another time. He
had his beautiful mate lying sprawled out in front
of him, her hair a wild mess of dark curls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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