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receivable and payable, make sure appropriate tax forms are
Several years of experience as a camera designer apprentice
filed, and maintain computer equipment and photographic
or assistant are a solid background for this position. Camera
and CAD software.
Designers need to understand how cameras work from the
photographer s perspective in order to improve designs and
usability, so photography experience or experience working
Camera Designers can earn annual salaries ranging from as with photographers is extremely beneficial. The ability to
low as $28,820 to $82,130 or higher, depending upon their work well on teams as well as independently is critical. To
years of experience in the field and the types of manufactur- succeed in this field, strong written and verbal communica-
ers for whom they work. In 2002, industrial and commercial tion skills, coupled with excellent design, mathematical, and
designers earned an average of $52,260 per year, according engineering abilities are essential. Camera Designers are
to the U.S. Department of Labor s Occupational Outlook patient, diligent, flexible, and curious. They love to experi-
Handbook, with about half earning between $39,240 and ment and come up with the most aesthetically pleasing
$67,430. Freelance Camera Designers normally work for products that perform best. If a design must be scrapped,
various clients, usually under nondisclosure agreements, as they are ready and willing to get back to the drawing board
the information is proprietary. They base their fees on esti- and start over until they get it right.
mated time frames to accomplish the work and usually
charge one set price for the entire project.
Unions and Associations
Camera Designers can become members of the Industrial
Employment Prospects
Designers Society of America (IDSA) and the International
Employment of Camera Designers is expected to grow Council of Societies of Industrial Design for educational
about as fast as the average, or by about 10 to 20 percent, for resources, networking opportunities, international news and
all occupations through 2012, according to the U.S. Depart- events, and more. Women designers can join the Association
ment of Labor. There is an increased interest in products of Women Industrial Designers for news about industrial
that are convenient, ergonomic, and easy to use. Aiding this and product designs, membership newsletters and maga-
zines, and workshops and conferences. Camera Designers 2. Stay tuned into what is going on in the area you plan
can also find useful information about contests, design tips to specialize in and keep abreast of the product design
and techniques, manufacturing issues, and peer interviews, world overall by joining professional associations,
such as the IDSA, and reading trade publications,
on IDFuel (http://www.idfuel.com), an industrial design
such as Design Diffusion, ID Magazine, and Indus-
trial Equipment News.
3. Create a portfolio of design work that is tailored to the
Tips for Entry
companies to which you apply and the products you
1. Get an internship or apprenticeship with a camera
are most interested in designing. Make sure you have
manufacturer. You can find job listings directly on
your work in a variety of formats, from electronic
camera manufacturer Web sites and by checking post-
files to a traditional print portfolio. You never know
ings on such employment placement sites as Yahoo!
which format you may be asked to submit, and it is
Hotjobs (http://hotjobs.yahoo.com) and the New York
better to be prepared in advance than scrambling to
Times on the Web (http://www.nytimes.com). get it together at the last minute.
Duties: Creates the overall look of photographs in books,
magazines, periodicals, and Web sites; chooses photogra- Photo Editor
phers, assigns projects, reviews photographs, requests
adjustments, selects final photos, and makes sure dead-
lines are met and invoices paid
Magazine or Editorial Photographer
Alternate Title(s): None
Salary Range: $44,522 to $59,298+
Employment Prospects: Good
Assistant Photographer /
Advancement Prospects: Good
Assistant Photo Editor
Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities, such as
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami,
New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.
Education or Training Bachelor s degree in photogra-
phy recommended; training in photographic design soft-
ware beneficial (i.e., Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator).
Experience Several years of experience as assistant
photo editor recommended; editorial or magazine pho-
tography background an advantage
Special Skills and Personality Traits Good visual
eye; strong knowledge of lighting and composition;
strong interest in and familiarity with the publications
editorial philosophy and goals
director, art director, or the publisher. Once a direction and
Position Description
specifics are agreed upon, Photo Editors choose the photogra-
Photo Editors work closely with art directors and editorial
phers for specific assignments, based on their specialties. For
directors, as well as with writers, reporters, copy editors,
instance, if their client is a fashion magazine, they will select
and executive staff, to create the overall look of publications
fashion photographers to cover certain stories for the publica-
and Web sites. Advertising agencies, magazine and book
tion. If it is a sports magazine and the article is about football,
publishing companies, newspapers, photo stock agencies,
they will choose a sports photographer who is known for
greeting card companies, and many others retain Photo Edi- excellent football coverage. In their role as Photo Editors,
tors to help them select the photographic images that are they do not take photographs but rely on their photography
most effective in promoting and selling their services. backgrounds in making decisions about the photographers
Photo Editors attend editorial and art department staff and the images they use. They negotiate photographers fees
meetings to discuss projects and bounce ideas around. They on behalf of their clients, provide photographers with con-
discuss editorial content, themes (if any), and the look and tracts and any releases or permissions that may be needed for [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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