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Mungo, totally disenchanted with the naff trumpet, keyed in the next bit.
And I saw the horses in the vision and those that sat upon them. Revelation 9:17
The four housemen sprang out upon the clouds of Earth. Mungo's face fell. 'Those are
pantomime horses!' he
screamed. 'Morgawr, you idiot!'
They'll be all right. Patch this through to the Earth networks, the folk in the bunkers should
watch all this.'
'Yes,' Mungo actually agreed. They should.' He punched out sequences amongst the bulging
bits and bobs. Vision blurred upon Earth terminal screens. The interior of the Dalai's
apartments suddenly appeared.
'And what's all this then?' asked the bunker-bound, popping cans of Buddhabeer and
leaning forward in their seats.
'Ant-eye-Christ!' cried Elvis, levelling his gun at Dan and shooting off a charge. The gun spat
a line of crimson energy. But inches from the Dalai's head it crumpled, dissolved and was
Rex came up from the cover he had instantly taken as the gun went bang. 'He's not the
Antichrist, I've told you.'
'Oh yes he is . . .'
'Oh no he's not. . .'
'Oh yes he is,' said Christeen.
'Oh yes I am,' Dan agreed. 'You never got it, either, did you Rex? No-one ever does. That's
the way it goes.' The third eye opened in Dan's forehead. All three eyes glowed a bloody
red. The end time approaches. But this time I prevail. All this is mine and I'm keeping it.'
'Cor, look at them.' Ms Vrillium was pointing furiously. 'Dirty big . . . what are those things
'Horses, Gloria told her. They are horses.'
'Horses, what?' Dan turned to view the unlikely spectacle. 'No, not yet.'
The cameras panned over and those in the bunkers were offered a good look too. 'Crikey,'
they said and things similar.
'Your time is up.' Christeen advanced upon the Dalai Lama. 'The reckoning is at hand.'
'You.' Dan's red eyes widened. All three. It wasn't a pretty sight. His tall spare frame
trembled and shook. Veins stood out upon his naked shaven head. They formed the triple
tadpole station logo. Six Six Six. The number of the Beast. His long fingers were cruel
inhuman claws. Dan turned slowly away and vanished.
'Where'd he go?' Elvis plunged forward, to stand a brave heroic figure, two guns raised like
the Duke of old.
'Fergus, close the lift.' Rex ordered. 'It's the only way out.' Fergus did so and stood with his
back to the doors, brandishing his gun with forced conviction. That Gloria looks even better
in the flesh, he thought.
'Come out, come out, wherever you are,' called Rex. 'Come and get your medici . . . urgh.'
He doubled up, holding his groin. Elvis fired, blindly destroying priceless artefacts.
'Hold on.' Rex climbed unsteadily to his feet. He took a deep breath and gazed about the
room. As with Gloria he had seen it all before. But never really seen it. Each and every item
seemed threatening. Cloaked by a sinister gloom. The word 'eldritch' sprang into his mind.
The four central columns with their frantically erotic frescoes appeared top heavy, ready to
fall. The carved furniture was too large, oppressive. The great desk was now the tomb slab
of some titanic sarcophagus. The woven faces upon the carpets yawned, open mouthed,
waiting to swallow him up.
And then Rex knew. He had come here to die. The thought was strong in his head. Stronger
than anything else. He had been shoved about, tricked, lied to and manipulated for long
enough. It had all led him to this. And now there was nowhere left to run to. Nowhere left
to hide. Here he must die. To fight further was out of the question. He must give the whole
thing up. Submit to the Dalai and his fate. To power far greater than his own. Tell Elvis to lay
down his weapon . . .
'Tell him yourself!' Rex struck out with his fist. It pounded something in the empty air before
Dan materialized upon the floor clutching his face. 'My nqse again, he wailed. 'But how?'
'If you are going to do my thoughts for me, replied Rex, examining his skinned knuckle.
'Then you might at least have the courtesy to do them in my own voice. And your breath
'It doesn't.' Dan blew into his palms and sniffed through his unbloodied nostril. 'A mite
sulphurous per-haps.'
'Bravo Rex.' Christeen was once more at his side. T had to let you do it for yourself.'
Dan raised himself upon an elbow. 'Who are you? You murder my sleep. Who are you? I've
got to know.'
Christeen rose above him. Clothed as with the sun. Upon her head was a crown of twelve
stars. Beneath her feet, a crescent moon. Rex stepped back, taking in the wonder.
'I am Christeen, said Christeen. 'Twin sister of Jesus Christ.'
'You are what?' the Dalai's question was heartily enjoined by Elvis, Fergus, Rex, Gloria and
the fat woman who had quite lost all interest in horses, flying or otherwise.
This was one major revelation by any account. 11 'I am as I say, and this is my time.'
Dan curled his lip and glared her a prial of daggers. 'You wish, said he.
Elvis stepped forward. 'Let me blow this sucker away.'
'No, Christeen raised her hand. 'He must hear this. Everyone must hear this. The truth must
now be told,
The bunker-bound popped further ringpulls. 'It's good this, they agreed.
Mungo shifted uneasily at the controls. 'It's not good this, he said.
'In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth . . .' Dan groaned. Stooping,
Christeen clouted him one in the ear. Dan kept further groans to himself.
'Pardon that, Christeen dusted her hands together. 'A touch of PMT.'
'PMT?' Rex asked.
'Pre monotheistic tension. Now where was I?'
'Your daddy created the Heaven and the Earth.' Elvis tried to make his tone convincing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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