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ÿþTBP01x 3.0 Week introduction
In week 2 we have seen that the performance of microorganisms is quantitatively described
by q rates. In this week we will use these q rates to design a full scale PDO continuous
In unit 1 the process reaction is introduced, which is the cornerstone of this design.
The calculation of the process reaction requires a Black Box model of the organism, which is
presented in unit 2 and 3 for the aerobic PDO producing organism and an anaerobic
producing organism. In Unit 4 and 5 we discuss how to use the BB model to calculate the
PDO process reaction.
In Unit 6 we present the calculation of flow rate and composition of all gas and liquid in and
outputs and heat output in a full scale continuous PDO fermentor using the process reaction
form Unit 5.
In Unit 7 we will use our insight from BB model and process reaction to discover how we can
make the PDO fermentation more sustainable.
Our calculated in and outputs of the continuous PDO fermentor are needed in week 4 where
the focus is on design of transport processes, for the transport inside the fermentor of these
quantified in and outputs. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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