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business. He didn't think my brother was mature enough to
handle a baby, go to school, and work for him all the same
time. I still can't believe my little brother is a father. It's so
Craig closed the door behind her, cocooning her in
wonderful and cherished memories. "I'm glad my aunt talked
you into staying here."
"I'm surprised you cared either way since you always saw
me as the enemy," Shea said. "I think you always saw me as
your enemy."
All the Fixin'
by Marie Rochelle
"I've never saw you as the enemy," Craig corrected,
moving to stand in front of her. "I was jealous by the fact
Rebecca showered the same amount on attention on you as
she did me. I didn't want to share her with you or anyone
Shea was having a hard time understanding why Craig
hadn't been close to either one of his parents. Did they
abandon him as kid on Rebecca or something?
"Can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to
answer if you don't want to."
"Sure, ask away." Craig led her over to a sitting area by
the front window. He waited until she sat down, then, took a
seat. "What has gotten your mind all filled with unanswered
"You were so close to Rebecca and I've never heard you
talk about your mother and father. Did the three of you not
get along?"
Dark brow eyebrows shot up in surprise at her question.
"No, my parents were wonderful people, but my Aunt Rebecca
was fun and loved to joke around. I wouldn't go on family
vacations with my parents to spend time with her. We would
play catch or football in her backyard. I appreciated her
laugh. It was so carefree and she never let anything bother
"My parents worried a lot about how to keep making more
and more money so my aunt took Luscious Lips away from
them and they hated her for that. They tried to get it back
several times but they failed. On my eighteenth birthday she
All the Fixin'
by Marie Rochelle
promised to sign over the company to me when I turned
"Why forty? Why didn't she just give it to you on your
"Rebecca didn't believe in giving people things without
them working for it. Anyways, she knew my dream wasn't to
run a cosmetics empire. I loved art way too much, so she told
me to follow my heart and apply for graphic arts school.
"In the back of my mind, I never doubted the company
would be mine until you befriended her and Rebecca gave all
the stocks to you."
Nervously she moistened her dry lips. "You hate that, don't
* * * *
What good would it do to deny the truth? "I'm like my
parents on that part of the business. I want it stay within the
"I saw that quality in her the second she walked through
the door at my job," Shea mused. "I'm really going to miss
her, but you don't have to worry, I won't keep the stocks. I'll
sign them over to you on Thanksgiving."
Hearing that Shea was going to let him have his family
business pleased him, but he still had other ideas planned for
the two of them. She just wasn't aware of it. When he got
through with her, Shea wouldn't be the same woman.
"I'm a horrible host," Craig complained, getting up from
his seat. "I invited you here with the offer of a good meal and
I'm not fixing it. How about we make our way into the kitchen
All the Fixin'
by Marie Rochelle
and I'll see what I can throw together?" He stuck out his hand
and waited for Shea to take it.
"I don't know if I can eat another one of your wonderful
meals. I might not be able to drive myself back home
"You're more than welcome to spend the night here. I
promise that I won't seduce you in my aunt's house. I'll wait
until I get you back at mine before that happens." He
grinned, and then winked at an astonished Shea.
"What am I supposed to say to that?" she gasped.
"Nothing," he retorted. Oh. Yeah. His plan was working
way better than he thought it would.
All the Fixin'
by Marie Rochelle
Chapter Twelve
Lying down on the bed, Shea reached under her pillow and
grabbed her journal, kicking off her heels to get more
comfortable. She was still in a state of bliss over how perfect
her second date with Craig had turned out. They didn't kill
each over dinner or when they decided to play a game of
Dear Journal,
Let me see if I can describe my second date with Craig in
one word Unbelievable!!!! I can't believe he's the same guy
who got into an argument with me outside the lawyer's office
at the elevator. Tonight he was funny, sweet, and very
charming. If I didn't know better I would think he had a twin
or maybe a clone. He shared a part of himself with me
tonight, making me understand more why Rebecca meant so
much to him.
After we finished having dinner at Rebecca's, Craig took
me back into the living room and showed me pictures of him
as a kid inside of an old photo album before we headed
downstairs. Even back then he was a heartbreaker.
Oh, these words aren't portraying all the fun I had tonight
with him and nothing will. A part of me is still back on the
date wishing it hadn't ended. I'm a working woman and I had
to leave Craig there. However, a small part of me is
wondering if he is still thinking about me.
* * * *
All the Fixin'
by Marie Rochelle
Back at his house, Craig moved away from the window
when he saw his guest getting out of his car and strolling up
the driveway. He didn't want to seem overly anxious, so he
waited for the doorbell to ring before opening the door.
"Mr. Terry, I want to thank you for coming by so late. I
know my house isn't on your way home," Craig said, shaking
hands with the older man. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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