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most beneficial goals worth pursuing right now based on your current situation, and to identify goals that
will help you prepare for the future.
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© 2007
For the purposes of goal setting, it is useful to perform a SWOT analysis on each of the life aspects you
ranked as most important as it will help you identify where you need to improve, and therefore help you
set goals to make these improvements. More importantly though, the SWOT analysis allows you to
identify your internal strengths that you can capitalize on to sieze your opportunities and thwart any
external threats.
SWOT Template
A template for your personal SWOT analysis is available in the TOOLBOX on the website. Print out a
separate page for each life aspect you want to analyze, and summarise the results on the SWOT
Summary page, also available on the website.
To undertake a personal SWOT analysis, for the life aspect you re considering, ask yourself the following
questions  just write down everything you can think of in each category whether you think it s really
relevant or not. The next step is to take this  brainstormed information and gain some real insight from
your results:
Strengths: Weaknesses:
What are your abilities, skills talents in What are your main limitations in this
this area? area?
Do you have any specialist knowledge in What skills/ abilities are needed in this
this area? area that you don t have?
What resources do you have that support Are there any resources (money, time,
this strength? help) that you don't have that you really
Who can you ask for advice, support or
help? What is not working in this area right now?
What is already working well in this area? What personal behavioural traits do you
have that are weaknesses in this area?
What personal behavioural traits do you
have that are strengths in this area? Do your intelligence preferences indicate a
weakness in this area?
Do your intelligence preferences indicate
a strength in this area? Does your motivational need level
according to Maslow indicate a deficiency?
Opportunities: Threats:
What opportunities (dreams, wishes, What external threats (changes to income,
goals) have you been considering in this events, etc) could affect you negatively?
area? How could these affect you?
Do your personality/ intelligence Are you facing any risks in this area if you
preferences or motivational needs continue along your current path? What
indicate any opportunities that you are they  list them all. What would
haven t previously considered? happen if these risks took place?
What could you improve in this result What obstacles or roadblocks are in your
area for you? List as many  goals as you way?
can  which one or two will have the most
Do your personality/ intelligence
impact on this aspect of your life?
preferences or motivational needs indicate
How can you take advantage of your any threats that you haven t previously
strengths to pursue these? considered?
Do you have any weaknesses that may Do any of your weaknesses increase the
impede these goals? level of these threats or the impact?
What major change do you need in your What strengths do you have that could
life to improve this area? help you reduce the identified threats?
Are there any special tools you can use
or develop to help?
www.achieve-goal-setting-success.com [Goal Setting Workbook  Rev 0] Page 30
© 2007
For each life aspect, identify key strengths that will ultimately help you achieve your goals. Not all of your
strengths will help you achieve your goals  you may be a brilliant violin player, but this probably won t
help you get fit! You also need to identify which of your weaknesses are likely to get in the way of your
achievements. Again, not all weaknesses will jeopardize your ability to achieve goals, but you need to
identify which ones matter for you and your ability to succeed.
Activity 4.2&
Give it a go! Do your personal SWOT analysis now! Use a separate page for each of your 5 life
aspects you ranked as most important from the previous chapter  use the questions as a prompt, and
write down everything you think of.
Once you ve got it all down, stand back and take a look at the result. What s missing? What are the
recurring ideas? Where are the connections between the life aspects? Are there any other life aspects
that are more or less apparent after this process?
Now grab a highlighter and highlight the key items in each category. The outcome you want from the
SWOT analysis for each life aspect is a short list of:
What opportunities are best for you to pursue
What internal strengths you can use to enhance your pursuit of these opportunities
What threats you need to eliminate/ minimise
What internal strengths you can use to overcome these threats
What strengths you should consider making stronger to further enhance your ability to pursue
your goals
What weaknesses you need to improve on, or manage, so that they don t impede your goal
For each life aspect, you should come up with a list of 2-3 key items for each of the above. Add these
to one page, set out in the standard SWOT format, and put this sheet somewhere prominent  next to
your Mind Map would be a good place. This is your current SWOT, and should be revisited from time
to time as your situation changes, and forms a starting point for your goal setting.
You can repeat this SWOT analysis process for the other 5 less-important life aspects to get the full
4.3 Putting it all together&
Well, so far in this workbook you ve been on a journey of self-discovery  you ve looked at different tools
and techniques for helping you understand what makes you tick, and others that help you to define what
you really want. As you ve worked through these tools and techniques, I m sure you will have found
some more helpful than others and these are the tools/ techniques that you need to add to your arsenal
of life planning tools. Not all analysis tools will suit everyone  but when you find one that works for you,
stick with it!
But it s now time to reflect back on all the ideas and thoughts you ve pulled out of that head of yours and
turn them into something meaningful. As well as the progressive workbook activities, you should have 4
other sheets of paper [in a prominent location]:
Key message list  these are the messages that keep you motivated and stop you falling into
bad habits based on your new found knowledge of yourself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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