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'Tell us what happened. Try not to leave anything out. Any little detail
might help. This might give us a chance to do something we've wanted for a
long time."
"Which would be?"
'To get a line on a witch and spy who calls herself Starkden."
Else was tempted by the notion that any enemy of the Brotherhood of War was
a friend of Else Tage. Only this particular enemy of the Brotherhood had paid
to have Else Tage murdered.
Else told his story almost exactly as it had happened discounting some
creative editing on behalf of Nahlik and Mallin.
"Those sailors you were sitting with. You didn't know them?"
"No. The soberest two knew each other but not the unconscious drunk, I'm
pretty sure, even though they carried him away. He was there when I sat down.
Those two didn't show up until a few minutes later."
"And their names were Ren and Doy?"
"That's what they said. I didn't really care about diem. I was in there
because the Lantern has Peqaad coffee and I developed a taste for that... I
was trying to relax some before I travel again. I hate sea voyages. I get
seasick. Bad."
"Carpio and Benatar Piola were the other men?"
"We know Carpio," the oldest Brother said, speaking for the first time.
Lorica said, "Only a moron would trust Carpio with any se-
crete. But someone must have hired him. So he's a thread we can tug at. Piola
shouldn't be that hard to find, either."
"Can you tell me anything about this woman who wanted me killed?"
"No. But only because we know so little ourselves. We're hoping to change
that. Why would she want to kill you?"
"Please don't start that. I've already got my brain twisted into knots
trying to figure that out. The only thing that makes any sense to me is,
somebody picked the wrong target That Carpio. If he was following me around,
maybe he followed me from here. Maybe he was supposed to follow somebody else
iwho was staying here."
f. "Possible, I suppose. Or Starkden might think you're someone else in
disguise. Who could she mistake you for?" ' Else shrugged. "I've spent my
whole adult life fighting for Triamolin. I don't own anything worth stealing,
in the Holy Lands or back home in Tramaine. I'm carrying my whole fortune with
me. Who would this woman be spying for?"
"Rumors have linked her to the Patriarch, to the Eastern Emperor, and to
Hansel Blackboots. Do any of them have any treason to kill you?"
Page 42
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Lorica added, "Starkden has been associated with the Unbeliever, too. With
Lucidia in particular."
"I never had much to do with them. We mostly dealt with tribal raiders that
Dreanger bribed to harass us. Except for the battle at the Well of Days. Which
I missed because I was laid up wim a wound from a poisoned arrow."
Parthen Lorica told him, "We've been forthcoming wim you. We hope you have
with us. You're leaving aboard Infantil If anything turns up before she sails
we'll send a message."
"I appreciate that" It was a generous gesture. These men respected what they
believed him to be. But he hoped they would have no success. Success could
mean them finding out that Starkden really was after a Sha-lug chieftain
pretending to be Aelford daSkees.
He devoted himself to mental exercises meant to conquer stress. Success
eluded him. He envisioned a pretty little blonde girl, a toddler grinning
wildly as she tried to walk toward him.
He puzzled that until he realized that she must be his sister. And that left
him with the icy chills.
Normally, he failed miserably when he tried to remember his family. Which
was surprising. The boys of the Vibrant Spring, while they were still little,
remembered their families. Their mothers, especially. And spent a lot of
silent tears in the darkness, when their instructors could not see.
morning. The ship was still taking on cargo when he arrived. He spied both
Mallin and Nahlik on the quay.
A Sonsan seaman checked his name off a list. Another man, wearing a pipe on
a chain around his neck, drew him aside. "Sir Aelford, the stuff you sent
ahead is in your personal locker, up forward. I'll show you." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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