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and scraped along the roof.
"Been thinking about our talk?" Thumb asked.
"Haven't thought about anything else."
"Decided anything?"
"The more I think, the more confused I get."
"I know just how you feel. When you were a kid, they told you to be nice to people and to leave justice
to the cops and the courts. And here I come, telling you that there's some people you just can't be nice
to, and that there's times when you've got to take the law into your own hands. God's ways aren't our
ways, you know."
"That's just it," said Rory. "Maybe God's ways aren't my ways, but why should I believe they'reyour
ways either? I mean  Hitler said pretty much the same thing." Rory felt frightened to say it. He had seen
Thumb kill. Probably.
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"Hitler was an evil man," Thumb said. "Let's make no mistake about it. And if I'm like him, then I
deserve what he got and more, and the sooner the better.
"But you know, nobody gets as far as he did without telling a piece of the truth. And if you believed the
things he believed, well then what he said made sense. Of course what he believed was wrong and evil.
But if he'd had his facts straight, he'd have been justified. You follow me?
"Look. The Jews aren't an inferior breed  they're God's Chosen People, for Heaven's sake. And they
don't run some secret world-wide conspiracy.
"But suppose therewere a conspiracy like that. Suppose there were people out there, people with great
power, manipulating things to oppress people and pervert everything good. Then you'd be right to do
something about it, even if you broke the law  in fact you'dhave to break the law.
"Everybody believes this, you know. No matter what they say, everybody's got somebody they'd like to
see go into the ovens. Conservatives want to execute murderers and rapists. And no matter what the
liberals say, you won't hear them weeping over the terrible injustices done to Himmler and Eichmann. If
an abused wife burns her husband alive, the feminists make her a folk-heroine.
"We all know deep down that there are some things just so awful that anybody who does them ought to
be killed, and if it's slow and painful that's all right too.
"There's human sacrificers out there, Rory. I know it for a fact. I believe you can't live in peace with
people who do that. You've got to root the thing out, and sow the place with salt."
"I don't think Leslie Prill was sacrificing anybody."
"She was a carrier. Maybe other ways would have been better if we had more time, but we don't have
time. It's all coming to a head. Soon. We know that."
"Howdo you know that? How in  how do you know all these things you're so blasted sure about?"
Thumb said, "I'm a prophet."
Rory said, "I've heard a lot of people claim to be prophets. Most of the time they don't tell me anything
the Bible doesn't already say a lot better. Or if they do, it turns out to be wrong."
"Test me, Rory. I'll tell you something, and you see whether it doesn't happen. Deuteronomy 18:22 
When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that
is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously:
thou shalt not be afraid of him.
"This is the word of the Lord to you, Rory: This morning, before you sleep, you'll meet a friend.
Somebody you haven't thought of in years. I'll give you a call tomorrow, and you tell me if I'm wrong."
"What do you want from me if I decide to join you?"
"You have a voice that reaches all over this county. We need you to give a signal, to let people know
when it's started."
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"Whenwhat's started?"
"The battle. Armageddon, maybe. No, not Armageddon. But an early skirmish. Important enough.
Important enough for our lives, if it comes to that."
Rory stood on the sidewalk, watching the tail lights fade, shivering. He wondered what old friend could
come forward at this hour, in this place, and what it would prove if one did. He wanted to think and pray,
but he thought that going home would make things too easy for Thumb.
Suddenly he knew where he should go.
He drove his Golf out toward the farm where Leslie Prill had died. On the way he tuned in WEEP. The
network news feed was on.
"WEEP News, brought to you by Hinderaker's Grocery World. A spokesman for the Coalition for
Rational Government today announced that the group will change its slogan, "Abolish the
Constitution now  if it saves one life it will be worth it," which has drawn fire from
extinctionists and animal rights' groups for its alleged anthropism. A spokesperson told reporters
that the new slogan will be, "The Founding Fathers are dead  get over it." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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