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on their minds. They were too fucked and sucked out to be feeling guilty. They had forgotten that
brothers and sisters aren't supposed to fuck and suck one another.
Chapter 10
The annual Marshal family picnic was just getting into full swing, as the two young couples returned to
the grassy area where the others were arriving. They were feeling good, but they would have been
feeling even better had they been able to anticipate the fucking that lay ahead. As soon as Nell got her
mother alone, she began to relate what had occurred. "You know where Ned stuck his cock?" she
asked, a trifle boastfully.
"Up your ass," Babs came back. Nell felt her eyebrows rise in shock. She tried to speak but couldn't.
Babs laughed. "I followed you," she said, "and saw the whole thing. Good show!"
Now it was Nell's turn to laugh. As the others returned, Babs put a finger to her lips. It was to be their
little secret. Babs's folks were now coming back from the pond where they had been out in a row-boat.
They looked tanned and younger than their forty-eight years, friendly and healthy as ever. Their names
were Roy and Tessie McDougald. Both had been just kids when they had gotten married and had Joe,
and they were still a couple of live wires.
It was obvious Tessie had once been a very beautiful woman. As it was, her full breasts hardly sagged
and her face had none of the lines you'd expect. She was very elegant and feminine. Her skin, in
particular, was absolutely lovely, soft and flawless. She could have passed for a youthful thirty-eight.
Roy could pass as a man of maybe forty, tall and youthful in his carriage. His eyes twinkled with
intelligence, and he had a distinguished sophisticated air about him. Everyone liked Roy McDougald.
Roy liked everyone, but he'd always had eyes for his lovely granddaughter Nell. He liked Ned too, but
he was absolutely crazy about Nell.
As for Ned, his eyes were on Tessie, his grand-mother. I wonder what kind of lay Grandma would be?
he asked himself as his grandparents began mixing with the various guests. The question was an
academic one. The last thing he wanted to risk was the shock to Grandma if he made a pass at her. He
couldn't help wondering all the same. One of the things he found exciting about the idea of fucking his
grandmother was her maturity. She wasn't a girl, but a grown woman. The idea of being in bed with a
woman who wasn't just ripe but overripe, enjoying her last years of beauty, really turned him on. He felt
a twinge in his prick, and hoped that neither Grandma nor Grandpa would notice the bulge growing in
the front of his pants. He tried to think of something else, but the idea of fucking Tessie would not go
away. Nell, likewise, was sexually fascinated by her grandfather, and, like her brother, she tried to put
the thought out of her mind. She wasn't able to do so before her panties got damp. Her cunt was hot and
oozing juice.
Grandma and Grandpa were as charming as they'd always been, and the rest of the Marshal family
found themselves enjoying the older folks' lively chatter. Ned and Nell were getting horny. Their
experiments with Babs and Dan made them think about fucking Roy and Tessie. Nell noticed Babs
whispering with her father, while the others talked and joked together.
Roy always liked to be with his granddaughter, to take walks with her. After his chat with Babs, he
suggested they go for a stroll in the woods. Nell hesitated, but Babs urged her to go. Nell laughed, took
his arm, and off they went. He knew the woods pretty well from previous family outings and Nell saw he
was leading her rather far from the beaten path. In fact, he was leading her to the same deserted spot
where she and Ned had put on their little exhibition earlier. The place had pleasant, sexy associations for
her, and she felt her clit start to tingle. She wondered if old Roy didn't know the reputation of the
secluded spot.
Grandpa had hugged her lovingly when he first arrived, and now - in the seclusion of the woods - he
hugged her once more. He didn't just hug her and let her go. He pressed her to him, and she suddenly
realized with a start that she could feel the hardness of his prick through her summer dress. She looked
at him wide-eyed and saw those twinkling eyes of his, absolutely aflame with desire. In a flash she
realized he wanted to fuck her in the cunt.
Well, if that was what he wanted, she was more than willing to deliver it, that was for sure. She closed
her eyes and opened her lips. The first kiss Grandpa gave her was soft, gentle, but very thrilling too.
Then he showed he knew how to press his lips hard against a woman's, to send a current of sexiness
through them. He opened his mouth, probed with his tongue.
"Grandpa!" Nell gasped, as he took his tongue from her mouth. He had a roaring hard-on that she could
feel as their bodies pressed together. "You don't mind an old man's foolishness, do you, child?" he
asked. "You looked so pretty there that I just couldn't resist. In forty-eight years I guess I should have
learned to control myself better." Just how lacking in control he was he proceeded to prove by letting a
hand slide down his granddaughter's back to the soft curve of her ass. He let it linger, then explored the
gentle contour, nudged it partly into the slit that divided her butt-cheeks. She thrilled to his touch as his
experienced hand felt up her backside. He had made no pretense that his kiss was a grandfatherly show
of affection, and now he was laying his hand to her behind in a clear act of passion. This wasn't the
mischievous love-pat of an old man with a little girl. He wanted ass. He wanted cunt.
"I don't mind," she murmured in answer to his question. "And I don't think it's foolishness." Her voice
was a whisper as tenderness for the man she called Grandpa welled up within her. "Self-control is only
for people who don't want to have any fun. I'd love to have some fun with you." She paused, then spoke
hoarsely. "Maybe we can fuck or something." she managed to say.
There was no reaction of shock from the older man. Instead, he just smiled knowingly. His other hand
found her rump now, and both hands were kneading the soft flesh. He ground his hips against her,
making his prong stand straighter in the confines of his pants. Nell could feel it, thick and hard. A fire
raced through her bloodstream. She reached down and felt for the prick, found it and gently caressed
its length through the cloth of his pants. The solid weight of the dick in her hands made her long to see
her grandfather in the nude. How far would his mighty cock stand out? As far as her Dad's? Farther than
Ned's? With pleasure it occurred to her that big tits and big cocks ran in the family.
The feel of her hand on his shlong was all it took to warm the blood of the older man. His eyes regained
the twinkle she had previously seen in them, after having dulled for a few seconds as he made a brief
effort to restrain his impulses. He blazed with a hot passion that could not be put out without his first
fucking the dickens out of his beautiful granddaughter, that he knew for sure.
Roy pressed his crotch against the lovely girl's belly, showing off the tremendous stiffness of the rod. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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