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from the grave.
Maddie continued to struggle to free herself, trying not to let the
feelings of fear overwhelm her. She was beginning to have a clearer
head, but she didn t want the doctor to know in case he decided to
drug her some more. She knew Remus would be looking for her. She
just had to hold on until he found her.  Dr. Constantine, please, do
you think you could at least untie my arms? It s not like I can go
The doctor ignored her request.  You know, Maddie, it grieved
me as much as your grandfather when Eloise was killed. It was such a
senseless accident, and I missed her so much after she was gone. I
couldn t continue with my research. Your father showed no signs of
having the wolf DNA. I thought everything would have to be
dropped, and then you fell into my lap as a patient.
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 173
 How did you know who I was? she asked.
 I d kept up with your father in hopes that his children would
show more prominent signs of carrying your grandmother s genes.
You have an unusual DNA marker in your body. I discovered it when
you were a patient at the clinic. It was my hope that we d have many
years together for research, but then that lawyer stepped in and got
you released. It hasn t been easy convincing your brother that you
would be better off under my care.
Maddie was horrified. Oh, no, not Michael. He wouldn t do this to
me.  Are you telling me my brother had something to do with my
being here?
 Of course, he wants what s best for you, just like I do. He knows
that I ll look after you and keep you safe. He really does love you,
Maddie stayed silent. She couldn t believe Michael would help
this madman keep her locked away, not if he really loved her.
Remus, where are you? Can you hear me? I don t know how to
project my thoughts to you or how to tell if you re able to hear me.
I m in some cabin. I can only see trees through the windows, and it
looks like forest. I m tied to a bed listening to Dr. Constantine rant on
about his research. I m scared, Remus, scared of what he might do to
me. Please, help me, answer me!
Maddie was startled when Constantine suddenly stood up.  I m
sorry, Maddie, I had brought you some tea but now it s bound to be
cold. I ll go and make some fresh. Are you hungry?
Maddie thought quickly, if he took the time to make her
something to eat he d be gone longer.  Yes, please, I m feeling very
hungry and a little sick at my stomach.
 Yes, that s part of the effect of the drugs. I ll go make you
something hot. We want to keep you in good physical shape now.
Don t fret so, child, I m not going to hurt you. He walked over to the
door and opened it. Glancing back over his shoulder, he smiled.  I ll
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174 Missy Martine
be back in a little bit with something for you to eat. Try and get some
Maddie watched as he closed the door. Remus, where are you? I
need help!
* * * *
Remus sat at the table in the cabin he shared with Maddie and
watched his pack mates sitting in front of the fire. For the past few
hours they had been waiting to hear from the trackers he sent after
Constantine and Maddie. The waiting was beginning to wear on
everyone, especially his brothers. He could see in their faces how
much they were hurting for him. He d tried over and over again to
touch Maddie s mind, but he hadn t been able to sense her after
Constantine drove off. The only thing he could figure was that the
doctor was keeping her sedated.
He nearly jumped out of his chair when his cell phone rang.
 Alpha, we found them.
Remus was delighted to hear the voice of his pack mate.  Where
 Thirty miles south on State Road Seven there s a cut off to a dirt
road. About six miles in there is a lone cabin, very isolated,
surrounded by dense forest. It s going to be a piece of cake to sneak
up on it. The young wolf s voice sounded excited, like he couldn t
wait to take on the mission.
 Don t do anything, Remus exclaimed,  unless her life is in
immediate danger. We can be there in less than an hour. Remus
looked at Latan as he came to stand beside him, and he couldn t stop
his voice from quivering when he spoke again.  Have you seen her?
 Affirmative, Alpha. The room she s being held in has one
window that s barred. She s been restrained on a bed. The doctor
spent some time in there sitting and talking, but he left the room a few
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 175
minutes ago. I had to wait to call until I could sneak away from the
 All right, sit tight. We re on our way. Remus hung up the phone
and looked at his brother.  Did you hear?
 Enough. You ready to go get your mate? Latan replied.
Remus looked over at his pack mates who were all staring at him.
 My mate s safety is our top priority. I want her back unharmed.
Remus let the anger he d been holding back fill his soul.  Take
Constantine down any way you can. Remus stopped talking as a
feeling of fear washed over him.
 Remus, what s wrong? Latan asked.
Remus ignored him for a moment and just concentrated on what
he was feeling.
Fear, helplessness, anger. These aren t my feelings. They re
coming from Maddie. Baby, can you hear me? I m coming for you.
Hang on, I ll be there soon. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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