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stroked Leif s back.
A low rumbling purr emitted from the dragon shifter.  Mate. My mate. Rhaegar
crawled up the bed to them and wrapped his arms around Leif.
 I ll go get a towel. Blake found a small bathroom attached to their room. He
returned and pried Leif away from Rhaegar to clean him up back to front. The dragon
growled a bit, but he allowed the action.
Once everyone was as clean as they were going to get without a shower, Blake
 Get in bed, Leif ordered Blake.
Blake smiled and scooted obediently to where Leif pointed. Leif snuggled against
him, and Rhaegar cuddled up to Leif s back.
Sated, Blake quickly began to slip into unconsciousness. Only a niggling concern
in the back of his head had him worried. Why hadn t Rhaegar tried to claim him?
Chapter Nine
Rhaegar woke with a start. The pain stabbing him in the heart didn t come from
him. Blinking, he tried to find the source. Scanning the bed, he found his lovers missing.
 Hey, Leif s voice came from the foot of the bed.
 Why are you dressed?
The raven shifter was sliding on his boots. Rhaegar tore his gaze from the
distracting shimmy.  What s going on?
 Blake is missing.
 What do you mean he s missing?
 Well, he s not here, and there isn t a note so he s missing. Leif glared at him as
if he were somehow responsible.
 Why are you mad at me?
Leif sighed, the motion deflating him as if his anger had been the only thing
holding him together.  Because I m worried and you re here. Usually I get to purge my
anger before I see anyone else.
Rhaegar got to his feet and wrapped Leif in his arms.  I m here for you, mate.
Let s go find our wolf.
 Ours? Leif leaned back to look Rhaegar in the face.  You haven t claimed him
 No. But I can feel the connection between you. He will be mine as soon as we
find him again and claim him. Rhaegar could feel the mate connection through the
raven, tenuous but there. It would snap into full effect after he pinned Blake to the bed
and screwed him to the mattress. Dragons didn t do wine and roses; they forged their
connections with teeth and seed, then dared anyone to touch their mates.
 He ll want to fuck you too. He s a wolf. In order for him to feel truly bonded,
he ll need to mate with you.
Rhaegar s dragon growled.  Trust me, we ll be mated, but first, we need to find
the man. He stood and transformed his scales into clothing with a thought.  Come on,
let s go find our wayward mate.
 I wish I could do that with my feathers. That s an awesome trick.
Rhaegar examined Leif s aura.  You don t have a great deal of magical energy,
but I bet you could learn with a little instruction.
Ravens weren t ever going to be as mighty as dragons, but his cute mate could
pick up a few tricks. He d have to work with Blake to keep their prickly mate from
harm, but he had no doubt between them they could keep their raven lover safe.
 He went this way. Rhaegar led the way down the hall.
 I could ve figured that out, Leif grumbled.  There is only one way.
Rhaegar laughed.  Are you cranky before your morning coffee?
 No, I m cranky when I go to sleep warm and cuddled and wake up without one
of my mates. Leif froze.  Oh crap. It s true. You are both my mates.
Rhaegar resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He grabbed Leif s wrist and dragged
him down the hall. No sense in talking to the raven shifter while he was having a mate
crisis. He followed Blake s scent until they reached the inner courtyard.
Leif inhaled.  What happened?
 Can t you smell it? Mutant dragons. They were here.
 I didn t hear an alarm sound. Leif frowned and looked around. The place had
no one else there.
 I don t see anyone around to let out an alert.
 What about the guards on the parapets? Even if no one was on the ground
when the mutants came, someone should ve seen them approach.
Leif transformed. One second, Rhaegar had a slim wrist in his hand; the next, a
raven flapped away.
Rhaegar growled. He jumped in the air, shifting as he went. He quickly overtook
the raven. A bird couldn t outfly a dragon. They landed at the top of the guard towers.
The people lying on the stone weren t moving. Leif hopped down, avoiding the spray
of blood across the stones, then transformed.
 Their throats were slit, Leif noted.  They were murdered but not by mutants.
Rhaegar transformed as he landed beside his mate.  We need to tell the King.
There might be more in the palace.
They both transformed back and flew down to the King s throne room. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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