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faced each other naked, yet no sexual desire lingered in the air.
The predator sitting across from her on the edge of the bed, muscles
appearing a bit larger than a moment before, filled the air with domination
bordering on anger. She didn t know how to share her story without sending him
into a pure rage.
 Yes? He sounded a bit too calm. The calm before the storm.
 We arelunewulf , purebred. Our breed of werewolf is endangered. My
grandmother, our pack leader, devised a pack law to insure our breed would
survive. Just thinking about how warped Grandmother Rousseau s plan was
turned her stomach. Sharing the information with Rick made her feel
inadequate, less appealing.
Fighting for words to continue, she realized she paced, the room suddenly
feeling too small. Rick stood, making her stop in her tracks, and walked naked
to the windows, closing the blinds.
 Go on. Tell me about this pack law. He faced her, crossing his arms over
his powerful chest, dark downy hair distracting her while she stared at his
well-defined muscles.
She could turn and leave the room. He didn t have her trapped. But she didn t
want to run from him. As much as she wished she could keep the terrible truth
from him, the best thing to do would be just to say what he wanted to know.
And pray he wouldn t be repulsed with her with her breed.
 Pack law says that every female will have three mates. There will be three
dens, the female providing cubs for each of her mates.
Fury poured out of him, the glint in his eyes making them glow. She took a
step backward, in spite of knowing he wouldn t harm her.
 And you have three mates? His words were garbled. He was fighting the
She nodded.  I haven t actually mated with any of them, she hurried on to
say.  And that is why I ran. I wouldn t have any part of it.
There. The ugly truth was out. Straightening, she refused to look away from
him, even though his gaze bordered on dangerous. Tension rippled through the
room, a good part of it coming from her.
 Their names. Rick broke eye contact first, suddenly looking quite torn by
the knowledge.
 What? He wouldn t go seek each of them out and challenge them, would he?
 Tell me their names. His growl left no room for argument.
Swallowing, she wanted to ask what he would do with the information, but
decided it best not to question him right now.
 George Ricard. Frederick Gambo. Johann Rousseau. The list where she had
first seen those three names appeared in her mind. That day, so long ago, when
she d first learned of her three mates, seeming like yesterday.
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Rick moved in on her, larger than life. Every instinct inside her screamed
for her to run. But she didn t dare move. She wouldn t cower, wouldn t let him
see her fear. There was nothing to fear. If he suddenly despised her because
of something she had no control over, then she would leave his pack with her
head held high. She had done nothing wrong.
His calloused fingers raked over her skin, barely touching her at first, then
gripping her arms. He lifted her, pressing her against the wall behind her.
She fought to control her breathing, her heart pounding so hard it hurt.
 Johann Rousseau? His face was inches from hers. His breath fiery hot
against her face.  Your last name is Rousseau.
 Rick. There are several dens with the name Rousseau. I guess we are related
somehow& a distant cousin of sorts. His arms trembled, or maybe she was the
one trembling.  I haven t mated with him, or any of them. You took my
virginity. You know that.
He lowered her, slowly.  Yes. I know that.
Muscles twitched in his chest. The spiciness of anger radiating off of him
made breathing difficult. He fought for control, the way he simply stood
there, inches from her, holding her arms. She didn t understand what demon he
fought. There was no reason to be this outraged. She had run. That in itself
proved she wanted nothing to do with the matings or the pack law.
The phone rang downstairs. The extension next to the bed chimed in half a
ring off. Once. Twice. Rick stood there, not moving.
 It could be important. She moved and he didn t stop her, walking around him
to the phone.
Before she could pick it up and say hello, Rick headed to the bathroom. The
water for the shower started a few seconds later.
Chapter Seventeen
Rick was unusually quiet the rest of the evening, and even the following day.
Something she d said disturbed him more than she d anticipated, but he didn t
appear willing to talk about it.
Not to mention the fact that phone calls and pack members stopping by made a
private conversation impossible. After talking to Rocky on the phone, Elsa
hurried to answer the door.
 Got your car ready. Lyle turned away, heading back to his truck.
 Thank you. She hurried out after him.  What do I owe you?
But the older werewolf climbed into a truck with another werewolf she didn t
recognize, and drove off. She stared at her car, backed into the driveway,
with four new tires on it.
Rick bought me four new tires?
Walking around her car, admiring how much better it looked with new matching
tires on it, she wondered at the man who continued to baffle her with his
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actions. Pack business had kept him fairly busy last night, but she d noticed
how preoccupied he d been. Then this morning, like the other mornings, he d
been gone by the time she woke up.
And now she stared at four new tires, not a cheap gift. Maybe he regretted
investing the money in her now that he knew three werewolves lay claim to her.
But I don t want any of them.
Did she want Rick? And what did it say about her if she wanted a werewolf
after knowing him for only a few days, but turned down three werewolves she
had known most of her life?Maybe I just know a good thing when I see it.
Grinning, she hurried back inside to grab her purse, deciding she would take
her sharp looking car for a ride.
The diner had its usual smell of an array of foods cooking. Rocky looked busy
waiting on a den at one of the tables. A further glance around the room and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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