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captive; but they displayed little or no awareness in the underweb.
Perhaps he could move just close enough to probe the captive with a tendril of
thought. It was indeed a dragon, he realized. He gently touched it-and
almost cried out with surprise. WingTouch!
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He fought to maintain his equilibrium. WingTouch back in the Enemy's grip?
Both WingTouch and Farsight had been freed by the breaking of the Black Peak
sorcery. How had WingTouch been recaptured?
Hovering perilously close to the guardians, FullSky struggled to think. Had
his brother been seduced back? There were no threads of entanglement or
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deceit around him. WingTouch was throbbing with pain and anger. He had been
captured, then@aptured fighting. FullSky touched his brother's throbbing mind
and felt it shudder with confusion. WingTouch felt his presence, but didn't
yet know who he was.
WingTouch had indeed been taken in battle, but the Enemy was trying now to
persuade him to become a traitor.
That was the source of the dragon's anger, and of much of his pain.
He burned, even now, with defiance.
That, at least, was good. Very good.
But did he dare identify himself to WingTouch? It might bring him hope. But
it could also be dangerous, if WingTouch were closely questioned by the Enemy.
FullSky moved cautiously about his brother's presence. WingTouch had little
skill in undersensing. How strong a contact would it take? He dared not make
too large a disturbance. He approached closely enough to feel a growing
turbulence in WingTouch's thoughts.
The anger was intense.
The pain was terrifying.
He could not leave his brother without speaking, no matter the risk.
He called, softly, WingTouch.
The dragon's mind jerked, startled.
FullSky watched for any reaction on the part of guardians, and remained ready
to flee.
Who is it? WingTouch peered around helplessly in the outerrealm, but kept his
cry of pain to himself.
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FullSky drew closer still and whispered, Do not speak aloud. It is
FullSky. I am here with you.
A tide of rage and anguish exploded from WingTouch's mind.
FullSky! I do not believe that you are a traitor! he hissed, barely
containing his words. But if I learn that you are, I will kill you myself!
FullSky was stunned. Why would WingTouch think him a traitor? He drew back
to watch for ripples in the underweb. When there was no sign of awareness by
the guardians, he slipped back in, probing WingTouch's memories. In a few
moments, he found the Enemy's false accusations.
He answered: The Enemy is lying. Never doubt that.
He gave WingTouch an image: a dragon bound in stone, its head held high, fire
flaring from its throat. He meant it as a symbol of his own adamance against
the foe, but also as an encouragement to WingTouch, fellow prisoner of
Tar-skel. His brother stirred uneasily at the image.
I cannot help you now-but I will try later, if I can find a way, FullSky
WingTouch struggled in his bonds, with a startling ferocity.
FullSky, like most of the others, had been broken and crippled physically soon
after his capture. But as he probed in WingTouch's thoughts, he guessed that
the Enemy was saving him, apparently hoping to seduce him back, or to
intimidate him into betraying the rest of dragonkind. But why was the Enemy
Could it be that Tar-skel was more insecure about his victory than he would
have had others believe? Was Tar-skel afraid of the ancient prophecy, even
In WingTouch's heart, FullSky saw a strong defiance but also something else,
something that had not existed in his brother's heart before, but was just [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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