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fear it will pass down my line. I didn t think of that when
I wanted to heal Rey.
Riki came to her defense.  No, I ll wager you only thought of
Reynor. And Kaden and Marcus. If I were to judge, I d say your motives were
pure, Lucy. Any gift you have may well pass to your children, and if so, it
will be a joyous thing.
 Even here? she challenged the Queen of Draconia.  In the land of dragons?
Will gryphon magic be welcome here?
 Any magic used for good, a deep male voice spoke from the wide archway
across the room,  is welcome in our land. Lucy was surprised to see not only
King Roland, but Kaden and Marcus standing in the wide opening. They d heard
everything, from the look of them.
The king strolled into the kitchen and kissed his wife on the cheek, motioning
for Lucy to stay seated.  I m sorry to intrude, but what I just heard makes
recent occurrences much clearer. Lucia de Alagarithia,
his green gaze pinned her where she sat,  guests have arrived to see you.
 Guests? Lucia was confused.
 Gryphons, Marcus clarified with a teasing grin.  A pair of them just flew in
and landed on the battlements. They asked the nearest knight, very politely,
for an audience with the king.
 And then, Roland picked up the thread of the story,  they demanded to see
Seems they only asked for me out of courtesy. Polite brutes they are.
Lucy dashed to her feet.  Do you know who? Who s come?
 Let s go and see, Lucy, said the king.  I ve left them in the throne room,
for the time being, with Nico. If they haven t torn him limb from limb yet,
perhaps we can find out.
Lucia ran from the room, taking time only to retrieve the golden gryphon
plume. Kaden and Marcus flanked her and the royal party came up behind. As
they exited the suite, Linea and Reynor joined the group. Lucy walked fast and
all scrambled to keep up with her. She didn t even take time to tell Rey how
good it was to see him whole and happy once more.
Gryphons had come! She was either in big trouble, or& well, she wasn t quite
sure what the alternative could be. Would they want to take her home? Would
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she dare consider leaving her new family?
Questions raced through her mind, but she knew immediately that no matter
what, she would never allow herself to be parted from Kaden, Marcus, Reynor
and Linea. They were her family now and she loved them more than anything. But
still& gryphons! She couldn t wait to see who had come or what they had to say.
Her entire future hinged on the next moments and she was eager to greet them.
Marcus and Kaden guided her through the maze of hallways and into the more
public parts of the castle. The throne room was immense and Lucy scolded
herself to walk with dignity toward the magnificent beasts that stood facing
the Prince of Spies. Nico had a devilish grin on his face and it was clear he
was studying the new guests as much as they studied him.
Lucy wanted to run to the gryphons, but she couldn t. She d been trained since
childhood how to approach a gryphon from a position of power. These were
strong and magical beings who had strict protocols when it came to dealing
with humans. She couldn t show weakness
now, though inside her heart cried out at the sight of the male and female
gryphons, both showing signs of only recently growing out of their juvenile
plumage. She could still see a few stray tufts of downy white where the new,
golden, adult feathers had pushed through.
The gryphons must have heard her approach across the massive room. The
female s head turned and Lucia was struck by an amazing sense of familiarity.
It couldn t be!
She motioned the group behind her to stop as she walked right up to the
female. She stood firm, her eyes never leaving the enormous creature who
looked down on her with narrowed eyes. Gryphons were about the same size as
dragons, but sleeker, with feathers and fur rather than scales. And their
beaks were formed in such a way that they could speak, with practice, though
some people found them hard to understand.
 I am Lucia de Alagarithia, lately of the Jinn. I greet you, and ask your
One talon rose to push against her shoulder. Lucia knew the gryphon used only
a fraction of her immense strength to push against her. Still, Lucia had to
brace herself not to stumble back. This was a good sign. The gryphon was
tempering her strength. It meant she was willing to parlay.
 Do you not remember me, my friend?
Lucy searched the gryphon s mobile features. They were so familiar&
 Ella? Nrathrella? Is that you?
The female gryphon clacked her beak in their version of laughter.  I
am grown up. Asss are you, if you are indeed, the Lucccy I remember.
 It s me, Ella. I still have your sire s feather.
 Ah, yess. That iss what bringss uss here. We felt the magic of it dayss ago
and have flown long to find you.
 I m sorry. I had to use the magic. Reynor was injured too badly. He
would never have flown again if I hadn t intervened. She was frantic, unable
to understand what was happening. These gryphons were acting so differently
than she remembered.  Please forgive me.
Lucia felt a warm presence at her back. A quick glance over her shoulder
showed Reynor moving up behind her. That he would stand with her against two
such powerful beings touched her deeply.
 There iss nothing to forgive. The male gryphon spoke for the first time.  To
losse the ssky you were born to navigate iss a ssad thing. We do not begrudge
your usse of our magic to resstore a dragon to the air.
 We are pleassed that you have found your birthright and that by sso doing, we
have found you, Lucccy. I have ssearched for you mosst of my life. Do you not
sstill feel the bond?
 Oh, sweet Mother, Ella. I do. Bless my soul, I do. Lucia moved forward once
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more, reaching out to stroke the soft feathers of Ella s face as she had when
they were little.  I ve missed you so much, my sister.
 Asss I have misssed you. The gryphon s voice was as soft as she d ever heard
it.  Thiss iss my mate, Grallorrin. I call him Lorr for short. She winked at
the male beside her.  It iss our hope we may sstay here with you, Lucccy. The
lasst priesstesss of Alagarithia sshould not be without her gryphon ssisster. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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