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the world, she didn t know. But it was useful and she d developed it to a fine art, so that
she could quarantine her mind, but still carry on, so that those watching would only
suspect she was a little distracted.
Whenever her father had lectured her about her numerous transgressions she d
been able to switch off her consciousness and go  somewhere else. Her thoughts
expanded to fill her universe and whatever was going on about her washed by, never
touching her awareness. She used it at every opportunity. With her tutors, the boring
Mikala Ash Chains of Passion: Slave to Lust - 40 -
people at palace balls, and that ugly oaf her father had wanted to give her to. What a
bore. If it wasn t for her ability to&
 Katsumi! Come on!
He was standing at the hatchway waiting for her.  Sorry. I was just thinking.
 So I saw. Come on. This will be an adventure, the first of our new partnership.
She beamed at him, aware of his admiring gaze. Suddenly she was aware she
was still naked.  Can I get dressed first?
 At the airlock. The environmental suits will suffice for now. Come on!
Katsumi followed him at a rush down the Nymph s narrow corridors. Through a
set of double hatchways they came to a semi-circular room with the airlock assembly.
From wall cabinets Adon extracted two brightly colored suits, one blue and one green.
 What s your favorite color?
 Green, she said automatically.  But you re bigger than me& 
 One size fits all. Smart nano-suits. They conform to your body shape.
Something I d like to do right now.
She considered the environmental suits doubtfully. They didn t seem robust
enough to brave the vacuum of space. He grinned and tossed her the green suit.  I want
to watch you put that on, he said, his eyes glinting.
The suit opened at the back. Stretching out her long sinuous legs, she stepped
into it aware of his hungry gaze. Her nipples were painfully erect, aching for attention
and her clit pulsed with desire. She wanted him to touch her like he had before. The last
thing she wanted to do was get into such a confining suit.
 Clip the top stud at the back of the neck, he advised.
She did so and the suit seemed to shrink, folding itself around her. It cupped her
breasts, holding her tightly in a warm embrace. It felt kind of sexy.
Adon whistled in appreciation. He picked up a helmet and lifted it over her
head. Before he lowered it, he gave her a quick open-mouthed kiss.
 You re the most beautiful woman I ve ever met, he whispered, his hot breath
on her cheek.  Follow my lead and we ll be fine. He pointed to a switch on the inside
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of her left wrist.  This is our com unit. The red button here will allow you to talk to
Maia. Just tell her what you want, open the airlock, close the airlock, whatever, and
she ll do it for you.
 She? I ve been meaning to ask.
 We ve been together for years.
 Should I be jealous?
 It s likely to be the other way  round.
 She s not sentient, is she?
 I don t know& sometimes&  He laughed.  Let s just say Maia knows me very
Perverse jealousy swept through her. She discounted it. Maia was only the ship s
computer, after all.  Maia, what a pretty name, she mused.
 One of the Pleiades, she tells me. He secured her helmet before pulling on his
own. He touched his com unit.  Can you hear okay?
She nodded. He finished suiting up and from the cabinet extracted two holstered
belts.  These are laser pistols. Have you used them before?
 I used to sneak into Father s armory and use them for target practice. She
didn t tell him she d taught herself and wasn t that good a shot.
He shrugged.  Good enough. Just don t point it at me.
 I ll try not to.
He noticed her expression and correctly read her fear. Guessing she d never been
outside a spacecraft before, he reassured her.  It s only a short walk to the Hades.
Gravity will be next to nothing here, so don t take any big jumps, okay? We ll lanyard
ourselves to each other and the ship so we ll have something to hold onto.
She nodded, impressed by his authoritative voice. He attached an elastic lanyard
to her belt. Feeling a little reassured, she gripped his hand.
 Come on, partner, he said.  Adventure awaits.
Maia opened the outer door and reality suddenly dawned on Katsumi. She was
about to step into the vacuum and walk on the outside of an asteroid. Adon fixed his
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lanyard to a cleat on the outside of the hatch and they stepped out onto the gray
powdery surface. Katsumi s booties hardly sank into the dust and the crisp crunch of
her steps was conducted through the material of her suit. She looked up into the
blackness of space, marveling at the great swirl of the galaxy and feeling dwarfed by the
immensity of it all.
The gunmetal gray of the Hades hull was only a few meters away and with five
bounding steps they reached the prospector s airlock hatch. Adon spoke to Maia and
she opened it for them.
Once they were inside, the outer door closed and the prospector s computer
flooded the airlock with a rush of air.
 We ll keep our gear on, Adon instructed.  We don t know what s in the air.
When we get back to the Nymph, Maia will decontaminate us with a dose of UV.
Katsumi nodded. He hadn t said anything before about the need for
decontamination. Her ignorance of what could possibly happen to them out here sent a
shiver of fear down to her toes.  Great, just great.
He laughed and they stepped into the darkened corridor of the prospector.
 Maia, ask the Hades computer for the lights please.
 Unable to comply, Maia responded and Katsumi suppressed a giggle when [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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