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illi Deus et ille erit mihi filius timidis autem et
to him Zeus, and him will be to me son. the timid but and
incredulis et execratis et homicidis et fornicatoribus et
incredulous and execrated and homocidal and fornicators and
veneficis et idolatris et omnibus mendacibus pars
drug-abusers and idolaters and wholly everyone mendacious the part
illorum erit in stagno ardenti igne et sulphure
of theirs they will have in the lake ardently ignited and sulfuric,
quod est mors secunda et venit unus de
which to be the death the second. and he is coming one from
septem angelis habentibus fialas plenas
the seven angels who are having the drinking saucers plenary with
septem plagis novissimis et locutus est mecum
the seven plagues the very last. and is speaking to be with me,
dicens veni ostendam tibi sponsam
and he is saying Be you coming and I will show to you the bride
uxorem agni et sustulit me in spiritu in
the wife of the lamb. and is lifting up me in the spirit into
montem magnum et altum et ostendit mihi civitatem
a mountain great and high, and he is showing to me the city
Min s Interlinear Apocalypse
sanctam Hierusalem descendentem de caelo
sanctified, Jerusalem, and it is descending down from heaven
a Deo habentem claritatem Dei lumen
from God, and it is having the clarity of the Gods. the light
eius simile lapidi pretioso tamquam lapidi
of her is similar to gemstone precious, like to the gemstone
iaspidis sicut cristallum et habebat murum magnum
of jasper, like rock crystal. and it has a city wall great
et altum habens portas duodecim et in portis
and high, and it is having city gates twelve, and at the gates
angelos duodecim et nomina inscripta quae sunt nomina
angels twelve and the names inscribed which to be the names
duodecim tribuum filiorum Israhel ab oriente
of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. from the rising
portae tres et ab aquilone portae tres et ab austro
gates three, and from the north gates three, and from the south
portae tres et ab occasu portae tres et murus
gates three, and from the setting gates three. and the wall
civitatis habens fundamenta duodecim et in ipsis duodecim
of the city it is having fundaments twelve, and in them the twelve
nomina duodecim apostolorum agni et qui loquebatur
names of the twelve apostles of the lamb. and he who is speaking
mecum habebat mensuram harundinem auream ut
with me is having a measuring rod golden in order to
metiretur civitatem et portas eius et murum et
measure the city, and the gates of her, and the wall. and
civitas in quadro posita est et longitudo eius
the city in quadrangular position to be, and the longitude of her
tanta est quanta et latitudo et mensus
as much to be in quanta and by latitude. and the measure
est civitatem de harundine per stadia duodecim milia
to be the city from the rod about stadia twelve thousand.
longitudo et latitudo et altitudo eius aequalia
the longitude and the latitude and the altitude of her equal
sunt et mensus est murus eius centum
to be. and the measure to be of the city wall of her hundred
quadraginta quattuor cubitorum mensura hominis quae est
forty- four cubits by the measure of man, which to be
angeli et erat structura muri eius
of the angel. and to be the structure of the city wall of her
ex lapide iaspide ipsa vero civitas auro mundo
out of gemstone jasper. she is verily the city of gold pure,
simile vitro mundo fundamenta muri civitatis
similar to glass pure. the fundaments of the wall of the city
omni lapide pretioso ornata fundamentum primum iaspis
every stone preciously ornate. the fundament the first jasper,
secundus sapphyrus tertius carcedonius quartus zmaragdus
the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald,
quintus sardonix sextus sardinus septimus chrysolitus
the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sard, the seventh chrysolite,
octavus berillus nonus topazius decimus chrysoprassus
the eighth aquamarine, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase,
undecimus hyacinthus duodecimus amethistus et duodecim
the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst. and the twelve
portae duodecim margaritae sunt per singulas et singulae
city gates twelve pearls to be, through singular and singular
portae erant ex singulis margaritis et platea
the city gates to be out of singular pearls, and the broad way
civitatis aurum mundum tamquam vitrum perlucidum
of the city of gold pure as it were vitreous and pellucid.
Min s Interlinear Apocalypse
et templum non vidi in ea Dominus enim
and the temple not I am seeing in her, for the Dominant one namely
Deus omnipotens templum illius est et agnus et civitas
Zeus omnipotent the temple of her to be, and the lamb. and the city
non eget sole neque luna ut luceant
not it is needing the sun neither the moon in order that to be lucent
in ea nam claritas Dei inluminavit eam et
in her for the clarity of the Gods it is illuminating her and
lucerna eius est agnus et ambulabunt gentes
the lamp of hers to be the lamb. and they will be ambulant the nations
per lumen eius et reges terrae adferent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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