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son away, turning.
"Mom, look at this," he said, pointing at the front of his jeans. "I've
had this hard-on since you left. I need it now, Mom. I need a piece real
bad right now."
Just pressing against her had not created that hard-on, she knew. He must
have been feeling up Cindy while they talked. She found herself wondering
if they had fucked, and then surprised herself by a quick feeling of
The very thought of her son feeling Cindy's tight, young tit ties made
her jealous! With anger and jealousy running through her, Sherri made an
instant decision. She placed her hand over her son's cock, feeling it
throb through his pants. She squeezed it, grinning lewdly at him.
"Okay, Tommy," she whispered throatily. "You've got it."
As she followed him to his room, knowing Cindy was hiding in his closet
to watch, Sherri wondered why she was doing this. Cindy would see Tommy
fucking her, then she would try and seduce her father, and their plan
might, just might, work. She didn't want that, not at all. She suddenly
felt competitive with Cindy, and she didn't know if Tommy fucked the
little girl yet.
She entered his room, glancing toward the closet door. It was open just a
crack, she saw, but couldn't see Cindy peeking out. It was the only place
the girl could be, though. Surely Cindy wasn't hiding in the hall
Sherri began to remove her blouse, trembling slightly. She felt as if she
was before the cameras again. She tried to keep from looking at the
closet door, and at her son. Tommy had simply shoved his pants to his
ankles, leaving his shirt on. His cock strained out with throbbing
hardness, his balls low but full.
"You don't have to take everything off, Mom," he said.
"No? I thought you loved me naked." she said, making sure her voice was
loud enough to carry into the closet just incase Cindy was, indeed, there
and watching.
"I do, but this time I want something else," he said.
"Oh, and what would that be?"
"A blow-job," he said simply.
"Where in the world did you learn all this, Tommy?" she asked.
"Mom, all the kids know things today," he replied as if that was all the
answer required.
"What makes you think I'd do that?"
"You loved it up the ass, didn't you?" he reminded her. "You didn't think
you'd like that, either, but you loved it."
"I just might," she whispered softly. "I just may love sucking your cock,
Tommy." She removed her blouse, then her bra, wanting to flaunt her firm,
high tits to Cindy, show the girl what she had for her son.
"I won't take everything off if all you want is a blow-job, but-" she
pulled her skirt to her waist, sliding her skimpy panties to her knees "-
I'll drop my panties in case you want to fuck me ... afterward."
Tommy pushed his hips forward, and she saw him glance at the closet
quickly. That was enough to tell her Cindy was there and not in the
bathroom. She moved toward her son, her steps constrained by her panties
at her knees. She closed her fist about his cock, pumping it as she
kissed his lips, plunging her tongue into his mouth.
"Mmmm, hard and hot for me," she purred, sliding down to her knees,
jutting her naked ass wantonly, spreading her knees and stretching her
panties to show her bushy cunt to the closet door. "Yes, I think I'm
going to really enjoy this."
Sherri's tongue darted and licked at her son's stomach, her eyes gazing
adoringly up at him. She ran her hands about his body, feeling his
thighs, his hips, his ass, her tongue swirling on his flesh. The feel of
his young, throbbingly hard cock brushing below her chin excited her,
especially the hot wetness. The lower her face went, the more her naked
ass pushed out.
With her hot, wet tongue reaching her son's cock, she purred in pleasure
and licked about the tuft of hair at the base, then along the hot shaft
to the swollen head. Still looking up at him with moist, sparkling eyes,
Sherri cupped her son's tight ass in her palms, and drew his cock between
her lips.
"Ahhhh, Mom!" Tommy moaned as the hot wetness of his mother's mouth
wrapped about his cock.
"Mmmm," she purred, sliding her lips onto his cock, taking it inside her
mouth until her lips were smashed against the base.
She held his cock deeply with her tongue rolling about it, lips writhing.
She felt his hot balls resting against her chin, and she began fondling
his ass, squeezing the cheeks, pulling him forward to try and get his
cock deeper.
With her mouth full of her son's cock, Sherri's cunt responded with
little twitches of pleasure. Her clit strained from the hairy wet folds,
and she made tight swinging motions of her ass while she moaned loudly
with cock sucking ecstasy.
She could now hear the hot breathing coming from the closet. It pleased
her that this was exciting Cindy. Her desire to show her son she could be
better than Cindy was overwhelming, yet she was delighted to know the
young girl was becoming excited as she watched from the closet. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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