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school s guidance counselors.
 Wow, you sound busy.
At the reserved tone in Aryen s voice, Yates glanced over
at him. Upon seeing his mate s brows drawn and his hands
clasped tightly together in his lap, he reached over and
placed his free hand upon them and squeezed.  You re my
mate, Aryen. I ll always make time for you.
Aryen just shrugged.
Worried about that reaction, Yates returned his focus to
the road and drove them home as swiftly as possible. His
home was just outside Stone Ridge on just over twelve acres.
Fellow pack mate and teacher Rowen St. Paul lived next
door on a larger plot that backed up to the national forest, so
Yates had direct access to open areas to run while still being
less than a twenty minute drive to the school.
 Wow, you live here? Aryen asked, his gaze riveted out
the window.
Rehabilitating His Dingo
Yates looked at his home and wondered what Aryen saw.
The place wasn t very large, only a little over eighteen
hundred square feet. It d originally had three bedrooms and
two bathrooms, but he d remodeled the home when he d
bought it twelve years before. He d taken some of the
footage from the third bedroom and given it to the master,
turning the smaller room into a den, which he now used as
an office. In Yates opinion, the massive deck and yard in the
back more than made up for the small interior and the
location couldn t be beat.
 I do live here, Yates stated.  And you do too now.
Aryen nodded slowly, his gaze roving over the dark tan
siding and the forest around it.  And how many others? Are
your friends here, too?
Shaking his head, Yates leaned over the center and
cupped Aryen s jaw.  It s just us, little one. You and me. Is
that okay with you?
Yates didn t know what he d do if Aryen said no.
Charlie Richards
Chapter Eight
elief flooded through Aryen, releasing some of the
tension that had been plaguing him since they left the
alpha s home. When Yates had mentioned friends, he d
automatically assumed they lived together. After all, his
own pack had lived in communal housing.
Aryen took in Yates home with awe. He thought it would
be wonderful living amidst all those trees!  I d love to live
here with you, he whispered.
 Good, Yates replied.  Come on. Let s get settled. After
driving for six hours, I could use some rest. He winked as
he pushed his door open and stepped out.  Next time, you
Feeling the blood drain from his face, Aryen realized he d
better come clean about a few things.  I don t know how,
he admitted, joining Yates outside the vehicle.
Yates paused where he was reaching into the backseat to
grab his bag. He raised his gaze and focused on Aryen.
Offering a kind smile, he said,  I kinda figured, little one. If
you want to learn, I d be happy to teach you.
 Will you teach me to read, too? As soon as the words
were out of his mouth, Aryen felt his face heat. He hadn t
meant to blurt it out like that.
His lips parting just a bit, Yates gasped.
Aryen lowered his gaze, feeling like an even bigger idiot.
Wrapping his arms around his waist, he grimaced as he
Rehabilitating His Dingo
rolled one shoulder.  I wasn t allowed to go to school. I
don t know anything.
Seconds later, Aryen felt strong arms wrap around him
and his face was pressed into a broad chest. He drank in the
other man s musky scent, for some reason finding it
soothing. Aryen liked the way Yates held him securely and,
even better, how he rubbed his back. Bringing his arms
around the other shifter, Aryen held on and snuggled closer
to the man.
 My sweet mate, Yates crooned. He pressed kiss after
kiss to Aryen s hairline.  I will teach you anything you d like
to know.
Aryen sighed.  I d like that, he admitted.
Bringing up one hand, Yates cupped Aryen s jaw and
tilted his head back. He lowered his own head and pressed
his lips to Aryen s. He thrust his tongue deep, taking his
mouth with an aggressive fierceness that, had it been any
other person, would have concerned Aryen. Instead, he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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