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coven may then add a buckle to her garter to symbolize this hiving off
of a new coven.
(3) There is a story about a ball that King Edward the Third
of England gave. During this ball the dancing apparently got pretty
wild and one of the Lady's of the Court lost her Garter.
(a) The King picked it up and tied it on his own leg and
spoke the words "Shame to him who thinks ill of it."
(b) This was the basis for the Order of the Garter, which
is perhaps the oldest Order of Knighthood in Britain. The Kings words
became the motto of the Order;
"Hont soit qui mal y pense."
5. The Moon Crown
a. Ancient statues of Diana show her with a band about her head
and a crescent moon affixed to it across her forehead, to show her
dominion over the moon which is her celestial sphere.
(1) High Priestess are crowned with a Moon Crown during the
invocation of the Goddess. This serves as a reminder that she speaks
for the Goddess and acknowledges the High Priestesses connection with
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6. The Horned Helmet
a. The God is a Horned God, and when He is invoked into the High
Priest during ritual the Priest is crowned with the Horned Helmet, for
essentially the same reasons.
(1) Horns were the original form that crowns took as they
represented the virility of the leader of the tribe which was
important to its survival.
(a) The words for 'horns' and 'crown' were the same in
Hebrew, and when Michaelangelo did his research for his statue of
Moses he was unaware of this and that is why his statue shows Moses
with horns.
(2) Once tribal society gave way to urban society crowns were
fashioned in the shape of buildings, with a defensive wall around
(3) Crowns did not start to resemble the religious crowns of
the Catholic Church, with its attendant orbs and crosses, until the
false Donation of Constantine was created in 754 CE.
(a) Before this, a King was chosen by his people and
recognized by the Church. After the "Donation of Constantine" the
Bishop of Rome was recognized as the "Vicar of Christ" and vested with
the power to create Kings and Emperors.
(b) It is from the "Donation of Constantine" that the
subsequent power of the Vatican in secular affairs ultimately derives.
C. Simples
1. Candles
a. Candles are used for their light and their flame as the
symbol of the highest manifestation of ether on the material plane.
(1) Most altar setups use two candles for polarity
(a) They can both be white or one white and the other red
or black.
(2) Some altar setups use a single white candle called the
Maiden's Candle.
(a) This is the first lit and all other candles, as well as
the incense used, are lit from this candle.
(b) The Maiden Candle is usually kept in a holder that
allows it to be picked up and moved about the circle without danger of
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spilling hot wax.
(c) It can be used as the symbol of fire when purifying the
circle and as a portable light as needed.
(3) Most traditions use candles to mark the four quarters of
the circle.
(a) Colored candles to match the Elements they represent
are sometimes used instead of the traditional white.
(b) Some practical-minded witches, with the wherewithal to
do so, use polynesian kerosene powered torches for their outdoor
circles at the four quarters.
2. Incense
a. Most traditions adopt a particular scent that becomes a
subliminal trigger for them.
(1) Just about any incense will do, as long as it is pleasant
and does not produce too much smoke.
(a) Typical incenses are Frankincense and Myrrh
combinations and Sandlewood.
(2) In older times, some of the incenses were compounded using
mildly hallucinogenic plants, but todays incenses are used mostly to
scent the air.
(a) Although I have seen incenses used that were also
prepared so as to drive away night insects.
3. Annointing Oils
a. Used in annointings and blessings.
(1) It can be as simple as a good quality olive oil or as
complex as a fine mixture of rare essence oils.
(a) One advantage of working skyclad is that you don't
collect oil splotches on your robe from repeated annointings.
(b) Of course, you can always remove your robe for the
annointings, but then it is up to personal and group discretion.
D. Working Tools
1. Athame (ath-ay-me) or Athalme (ah-thal-may)
a. This is the witches basic working tool
(1) It is a steel bladed knife, usually with an edge on both
sides, and a black handle.
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(a) Some old-time ones were made of chipped flint with the
handle made of twine or a small rope made from plants, which was then
died black with berry juice.
(b) Some modern ones have a bone handle or a deer hoof for
a handle.
b. The Athame is a physical symbol of the witch's magical will.
(1) A knife was probably the first efficient cutting tool
developed by humans with which they could kill their game.
(a) Just as the dog was the first wild animal that mankind
domesticated, the knife was the first truly human piece of technology.
(b) It is used in the circle as a symbol of authority and a
badge of faith.
(c) Because the steel was forged in fire, the athame is
typically ascribed to resonate with the element of Fire.
(d) Although there are traditions that assign it to the
element of Air.
2. The Sword
a. More popular with Ceremonial Magicians, the sword can be seen
as a large version of the athame or the athame can be viewed as a
small version of the sword.
(1) Most covens possess only one sword which is community
property. It is rare that an individual witch will own their own
(a) In earlier times, everyone was expected to own a knife,
it and the spoon were the main eating utensils before the fork was
developed. Only people of the nobility or of high rank were allowed to
carry a sword because it was considered a weapon of aggression.
(2) As with the athame, the element of the sword is thought to
be Fire.
b. The sword, if used, can be used to cast the circle and during
the initiation rituals.
(1) Some people like to use a sword instead of an athame but I
find it gets crowded enough with thirteen people jammed into a nine
foot diameter circle, without having someone swinging a sword this way
and that.
3. The Boleen or Boline
a. This is the witches white handled knife, used for fashioning
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other tools.
(1) You may think of it as a magical pocketknife, although it
is not usually a folding knife.
(a) With the large amount of tools available today, ranging
from simple hand-tools to Dremel mini powered tools, it is not very
common to see a boleen in use today.
4. The Kerfan
a. This is the traditional golden sickle, which the Druids were
fond of using to cut mistletoe.
(1) Not many traditions use a Kerfan today, but those with a
Druidic leaning might favor them.
5. The Rod or Riding Pole (Broomstick) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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