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They were still there when he looked up. "Was that your mother?" one asked.
"How'd you know?" Remo asked, genuinely surprised.
"She has your eyes. Anyone could see that." Hearing that, the Master of
Sinanju suddenly flew out of his seat like an angry hen and shooed the
stewardesses to the back of the plane.
When he returned to his seat to receive the gratitude of his pupil, Remo had
all but fallen asleep in his seat. The Master of Sinanju didn't wake him. But
he did sit very close, with one ear cocked to catch any syllables Remo might
speak in sleep.
RED POPPIES FILLED a valley where herons swooped. There was a clear,
crystalline light that was everywhere but seemed to have no source. It was not
sunlight. There was no sun in the vaulting blue sky.
Striding through the poppies, lifting his skirted legs in high, purposeful
steps came a small-boned Korean. "Chiun?" Remo blurted.
But as the figure drew near, Remo saw that it was not Chiun. The man resembled
Chiun. He was old, his face seamed and wrinkled and papery, his eyes the same
clear, ageless hazel.
The figure walked up to Remo and stopped abruptly. No particle of warmth came
over his face as he looked Remo up and down. "You are very tall."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"I have never seen a man so tall. Or so pale."
"That's how we grow where I come from. Tall and pale."
"Is the blood in your veins as red as mine?"
"Yep," Remo said warily.
"Your blood and my blood. They are the same blood?"
"Same color anyway."
"I cannot fight one of my own blood."
"Glad to hear it," Remo said dryly, not letting his guard down.
"I have something for you."
And reaching behind his back, the old Korean grabbed the jeweled hilt of a
sword that Remo could have sworn was not there a moment before.
When it came into the clear light, Remo saw that it was the Sword of Sinanju.
"I give custody of this sword to you as a token of recognition that the blood
in your veins is the same as the blood flowing through mine."
And the sword suddenly reversed in the old Korean's hands so the jeweled hilt
was offered to Remo.
When Remo hesitated, the old Korean urged, "Take it."
"No," said Remo. "Why not?"
"I haven't earned it yet."
A warm light came into the old Korean's eyes. "That is an excellent answer.
But I ask you to hold it for me because it is very heavy and I am very old."
"All right," said Remo, reaching out for the hilt. The moment he laid hands
upon it, he knew he had made a mistake. Something coldly sharp pierced the pad
of his thumb.
"Ah!" said Remo. "Damn it."
The other's voice turned cold and contemptuous. "You have disgraced the blood
in your veins. For you do not know the lesson of Cho."
Remo looked at the blood coming from his thumb. There was a drop of it on the
barb in the sword's hilt, which had sprung out the moment he applied pressure.
"That had better not have been poisoned."
"It was not. But it might have been."
"You Cho?"
"No. I am Kojing."
And Master Kojing suddenly turned on his heel and stormed back into the field
of red poppies.
"Kojing! Wait! Don't you have something to tell me?"
"Yes. Do not bleed over my poppies."
Page 112
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"Damn," he said.
"What is it?" asked Chiun. "I met Kojing."
"He handed me the Sword of Sinanju hilt first, and I fell for it."
"I told you the lesson of Cho," Chiun hissed.
"A zillion years ago. I'm lucky to remember last Tuesday the way you're
running my tail off."
Frowning, Remo looked out the window at the deeply ridged red mountains of
Arizona and said to himself, "I wonder what Kojing was going to tell me?"
"Do not bleed all over the seat," sniffed Chiun.
"What did you say?"
And when he looked at his left hand, Remo saw blood coming out of his thumb.
"You stuck me while I was sleeping," Remo accused.
"You have disgraced me before my great-great-great-grandfather."
"That how far back Kojing goes?"
"No, but I am in my end days and cannot spend an entire afternoon repeating
the word great simply because there is no term in English to describe Kojing's
relationship to me."
Remo checked the seatback pouch for something to wipe his hand and, finding
nothing suitable, reluctantly hit the call button. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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