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touched her aching fangs. He pulled back before
she could react and bite down, she whimpered in
 Not yet, it is supposed to happen during
orgasm. That is supposed to be the best time
anyway to heighten the pleasure. Ian smiled
wickedly at her, then pulled her shirt over her
head. He drank in the sight of her flesh, just barely
covered by red lace. His fingers traced the edge of
her bra and he sucked in his breath when her
nipples hardened beneath the thin fabric, straining
and begging to be touched, to be tasted.
Alexia was surprised that she didn t feel the
Courtney Breazile
need to cover herself, she was proud to display
her body for him. His eyes met hers with hot
appreciation and there was no denying that he
found her small form more than acceptable. His
head dipped down and his mouth latched onto
one of her nipples, caressing it through the lace
and creating a delicious sensation with the
friction. Alexia buried her hands in his pale hair
and held him close, moaning unabashedly as he
lavished attention on first one, then the other, of
her nipples.
He moved down to her belly button and across
her flat stomach to the waistband of her jeans,
kneeling before her. He looked up and met her
passion dazed gaze as he slowly unfastened her
She stiffened a bit as he pushed them down her
legs and he looked at her matching red panties
lacy and see through, they were meant to entice.
He growled and gripped her bottom fiercely,
burying his face between her thighs and taking
deep breaths as his whole body shook
Alexia was unsure of what was going on, had
she done something wrong? Was he disappointed
in her in some way? She tentatively touched his
head.  Ian?
 I just need a minute, I need to gain control or I
will be doing this all wrong. I can smell your
Keeping Blood
innocence from here, Alexia. I thought, I hoped,
but I didn t know, and now my instincts are
howling to take it, take you fast before anyone else
can. I just need a minute.
 A-all right, Alexia stammered, suddenly
nervous about what they were about to do. What
if he lost control and hurt her, would she be able
to fight him off if she needed to?
 Please, Alexia. Please don t be frightened. I
swear I won t hurt you, I would rather harm
myself than you. Ian lifted his head.
Alexia saw that his eyes were blazing yellow,
his wolf was trying to take control, but he was
fighting it. Alexia forced herself to relax, she
believed his words, he didn t want to hurt her.  I
trust you, Ian.
Ian stood slowly, seeming to gain control with
her words. His eyes were slightly dulled, but the
yellow didn t completely recede. But she wasn t
afraid, not of him.
Ian lifted her into his arms and carried her to
the bed farthest from the window. He laid her
down and slowly removed her remaining
coverings, kissing and nipping at the revealed
treasures. When his lips pressed against her sex,
she nearly flew off the bed with pleasure. Crying
out his name and fisting her hands in his hair as
he slid his tongue along her opening, tasting her
Courtney Breazile
He made a strangled sound as he pulled away
from her body and in a blink, he was naked,
towering over her in all his male glory. His body
was perfectly muscled and Alexia gloried in the
feel of him under her palms.
She ran her hands over his chest and arms,
learning him. He purred at her touch and she
became bolder. He was hard and proud against
his stomach. She trailed her hands down and
embraced him. He jerked a bit at the contact, but
didn t pull her away. She stroked him
experimentally, learning what movement would
pull what kind of sound from his constricted
 That s enough, Alexia. Much more of that and
I will spill my seed all over your pretty little
Alexia pouted up at him. She had been enjoying
the touching, but as his lips captured hers, she
forgot all about it. Her body instantly ignited to a
new level of need as his hot bare flesh pressed
against hers and all she wanted was him inside of
her. She needed him to soothe the ache that he
was creating.
He nudged her legs apart and settled himself
between them, pressing against her ready sex. He
had felt huge in her hands, but pressed against her
like this, he felt impossibly big. There just didn t
seem to be any way he could fit. She wanted to tell
Keeping Blood
him, but he wouldn t stop kissing her to give her a
chance, and soon he was pushing against her,
demanding entrance.
 Relax, Alexia, he whispered against her lips.
 I am trying not to act like the animal you make
me feel like, but I need in you, now. Relax and let
me in. End my torture Alexia.
She hadn t realized she had stiffened up until
he said that. She relaxed, took a deep breath and
looked into his eyes. She wanted this and she
wanted him.
Ian pushed himself into her slowly until he hit
her barrier. His whole body was tight, straining to
keep under control, to not pound his way through
and claim her once and for all. He kissed her
deeply, distracting her away from the intrusion.
Then he pushed the rest of the way in with a
single forceful thrust.
Alexia cried out against his mouth, the pain
was sharp.
 I m sorry, he whispered against her lips,
pressing feather light kisses to her mouth.
Alexia took stock for a moment. The pain was
gone already and she felt a warm fullness with
him inside of her. She moved slightly and a rush
of pleasure ran through her. She moved again and
Ian groaned.
Ian took control then, sliding out and back in,
stroking her gently, but in just the right way. She
Courtney Breazile
was soon spiraling with such intense pleasure she
thought she would explode from it. Her fangs
ached with such need she couldn t stop herself
from pulling Ian s neck to her mouth and, driven
on instinct alone, piercing his vein.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she noted
his howl of pleasure and increased tempo as his
blood rushed into her mouth. It tasted even better
than it smelled and Alexia was sure she had never
experienced such mouthwatering pleasure in her
life. She gulped his earthy sweetness and her
whole body tingled with a sensation unlike
anything she had ever experienced. The burning
pleasure in her sex suddenly exploded and she
broke from his neck to howl her release.
She was shattering, burning and riding such a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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