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"And while you're not looking don't look at those teeth or jaws, too," said
Rambette. "Just when we felt it was safe."
"This is utterly fascinating," said Caine. "Unfortunately for the scientific
community, I feel myself slipping into my survival-fear mode and am in danger
of losing all my objectivity."
"What are we going to do?" wailed Curly. "This is even worse than my
0Vampires.htm (77 of 85) [10/16/2004 2:07:42 AM]
Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Zombie Vampires
"We could open the cargo doors and blow it out into space," said Larry. "That
would work."
"It would," said Bill. "But that would suck us out as well, not to mention
draining all the air out of the ship."
"Not the cargo doors  we might be able to get her through the auxiliary
airlock," said Rambette. "It'd be a tight squeeze, but it might work."
"It better work!" said Tootsie. "I really like the idea of tossing the alien
out into space."
"Sure," said Christianson. "Maybe she'd scrunch in there if we asked her
nicely, and stand real still while we closed the inner door."
"Might I suggest that someone could be bait," Caine suggested. "Someone a
little tastier than an android could stand in the airlock and look like food."
"We can draw straws to see who's bait," Uhuru said hopefully. "That's a fair
way to decide, and I just happen to have some with me."
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"No way," said Rambette. "We're in this together, all the way to the bitter
end. I say we rush her and with battling courage and superhuman strength back
her into the airlock."
"Excuse the expression  but that's incredibly unrealistic. And would probably
involve casualties," said
Blight. "Maybe even an officer-type casualty." He shuddered at the thought.
"A Trooper's gotta do what a Trooper's gotta do," Bruiser reiterated with
simplistic stupidity.
"Maybe we should think it over," muttered Christianson. "I agree with the
captain. It might be wisest if we could come up with a plan that doesn't
involve possible officerial casualties."
"Too much jawin'!" bellowed Bruiser. "Action. Kill! Destroy! Reenlist! Go!
Rambette, you lead. Slasher and me we take up rear  no cowardly stragglers
With great reluctance the herded troops started slowly down the metal steps to
the floor of the repair dock.
As they reached the halfway point, the alien charged them. Larry threw all his
grenades at once as
Rambette and Bill opened fire with their flamethrowers. The alien staggered
back just long enough for the crew to finish their scramble down the steps.
"We split two teams," yelled Bruiser. "Force dat t'ing to da airlock."
"I'm not being on Larry's team," cried Moe.
"How about three teams?" Curly suggested ingratiatingly. "I vote for three
teams and personally volunteer to go back and watch the door."
"We ain't got time to count ballots," cried Rambette. "You! You, you, and you
come with me. Over this way! Now! The rest of you go with Bruiser."
Bruiser yelled, "Get over here!"
"He's beginning to sound worse than an officer," complained Larry as he
shouldered his flamethrower and lined up beside Tootsie. "He's ugly enough to
be one, too."
"Back her up easy. Dose of you wit da flamethrowers, use 'em. Go! Go! Go!"
The flamethrowers roared into action, bathing the giant monster with a wall of
flame. Uhuru hurled grenades at the thing's feet, keeping her hopping around,
but otherwise doing no noticeable damage. Bill felt like his finger was welded
to the FULL POWER button on his makeshift flamethrower.
"Spread out!" cried Rambette. "You stand that close together she'll take you
all out with 
 watch that tail!"
Rambette's team scattered as the mother alien swung her massive tail in a wide
arc, catching Captain
Blight in his massive stomach and sending him flying and bouncing across the
"My leg!" he cried. "It's broken!"
0Vampires.htm (78 of 85) [10/16/2004 2:07:42 AM]
Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Zombie Vampires
"Then shoot sitting down," yelled Christianson, dodging another swing of the
tail and throwing two grenades. "Don't be such a coward, Blight. It's only a
"Hold your fire!" cried Rambette. "Back off! She's got Caine!"
The smoldering beast held Caine in her enormous clawed hand, jaws dripping
ichor as her huge teeth clacked horribly mere inches from the android's face.
The smell of smoldering orange fur was singularly revolting.
"I'll get him!" cried Larry, dropping his flamethrower and running past a
stunned Rambette, grabbing two knives from her belt and leaping at the
He landed on the creature's kneecap and was climbing up a furry leg, hacking
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
and slicing away, when she reached down and plucked him off, holding him at
arm's length. The indescribably repulsive alien looked hungrily first at Larry
and then at Caine.
"Come on, Curly!" cried Moe, running toward the monster. "We've got to help
"I'm right behind you!" called Curly. "You take the right leg. I've got the
In an instant the mother alien was crawling with clones. Her initial reaction
was to bite off Caine's left hand. She grimaced and spit it out, throwing the
android down and turning her attention to the presumably tastier trio of
cloned humans. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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