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Awareness Human Perception** Seduction money. Can be countered by Streetwise.
Education Electronics/Basic Tech* Awareness Disguise
Interview Persuasion** SHAMAN (Pacific Rim, pg. 155) Persuasion & Fast Talk Streetwise
Tactics* Photo & Film Your destiny is to teach others of a higher truth, of the Human Perception Seduction
** Can be replaced with Endurance spirits, or God. Your karma is to help people, and Forgery Gamble
many come to hear your wisdom. You needn't worry Hide/Evade
"ACTION" REPORTER (LD, pg. 51) about the corps or police, since your followers will lay
Credibility Composition down their lives to protect you. You might be a Priest, DANCER/PROSTITUTE (WildSide, pg. 37)
Awareness Human Perception** Minister, Witch Doctor, TV Evangelist, or a cult leader. Vamp (EMP): Used to separate customers from their
Education Expert: (selected sport) Charismatic Leadership (Shaman): In religious situ- money.
Interview Persuasion** ations they display their full ability and their skills are Awareness Streetwise
Athletics Photo & Film boosted. Personal Grooming Wardrobe & Style
** Can be replaced with Endurance Awareness Anthropology Human Perception Seduction
Expert: Theology Perform Brawling or Melee Perform
SOCIAL REPORTER / Dance or Oratory Human Perception Endurance
CELEBRITY HUNTER (LD, pg. 51) Expert: Fortune Telling Persuasion & Fast Talk
Credibility Composition Trance
Awareness Social SCAVENGER (WildSide, pg. 36)
Education Wardrobe & Style CULTIST (Crashpoint, pg. 77) An expert in finding uses for junk. He knows what's
Interview Persuasion Part showmen, part preachers, part salesmen. They thrown away, and what to do with it.
Photo & Film/Pop Culture Streetwise/Simper create a religion and market it as the next Great Way of Scrounge (INT): Allows you to find salvageable ma-
Life. terials.
ON-AIR STAR (LD, pg. 52) Charismatic Leadership (Cultist): Can sway Awareness Streetwise
Credibility Composition/W&Style crowds equal to his level squared times 10. Basic Tech Pick Lock
Awareness Human Perception Awareness Intimidate Electronic Security Drive
Corporate Policy Culture Education Oratory Stealth Handgun
Education Perform Leadership Perform Strength Feat
Interview Social Persuasion & Fast Talk Teaching
TABLOID-MONGER (LD, pg. 53) STREETPUNK (WildSide, pg. 37)
Credibility** Composition Includes Posers, Boosters, Chromers, Dorphers,
Awareness Perform COP (Cyberpunk 2020, pg. 11; P&S, pg. 9) Guardians, Families, Skinheads, Partiers, Culties, Ni-
Education Drive/Pilot/Electronics Beat, Traffic, Vice, Robbery, Homicide, Special In- hilists, Combaters, Primitives, Thrashers, and Bikers.
Interview Persuasion vestigations, SWAT, Max-Tac, Riot, Internal Affairs, Gang Rank: Represents level of authority in the gang,
Streetwise Photo & Film LEDiv or HiWay. works similar to Family. Can also be used as an
** This is a sort of anti-credibility, the crazier the better Authority (COOL): The ability to intimidate and con- Expert Knowledge skill about gangs in one's own
trol others through your position. area.
THE SPIN DOCTOR (LD, pg. 53) Awareness Handgun Awareness Streetwise
Credibility Composition Human Perception Athletics Intimidate Dodge & Escape
Awareness Culture Education Brawling Handgun Melee
Education Perform Melee Interrogation Brawling Wardrobe & Style
Persuasion Photo & Film Streetwise One Gang-Related Skill
Plus one of the following: Business Sense
SPY (Pacific Rim, pg. 154; WGF pg. 46)
Corporate Policy Expert (chosen politics) PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR (Pac Rim, pg. 153)
The Powers-that-be always need info on other corps,
Many PIs are ex-cops, ex-gangsters, or both. Your
and even their own citizens.
LAWYER (Interface 2.2, pg.9) rivals are tough. You must be tougher.
Credibility Awareness/Notice Research
Human Perception Resist Torture & Drugs
Education & Gen. Know Expert: Law Awareness Interview
Education & Gen. K. Ranged Weapon Skill
Human Perception Interrogation or Interview Handgun or Brawling Human Perception
Interrogation Martial Arts
Library Search Oratory Streetwise Shadow/Track
Shadow/Track Basic Tech
Grooming/Wardrobe Persuasion & Fast Talk Intimidate Persuasion & Fast Talk
Library Search
Information © R.Talsorian Games Inc, Ianus Publications Inc, John A Nephew, Temporal Statis Productions,
& Prometheus Press Inc. All rights reserved. Collated by Andrew James 05/01/02. ajames@node16.co.uk
Tought and self-reliant orbital construction crews and Repossessors, they reposes cars, merchandise, body All of the alternative character packages (i.e. Tatsujin
operational staff. parts, cybernetics and sometimes whole people. & Shinobi) get bonuses in their special situations so
Workganger (INT): Variant of Family. Trace: Ability to find people or the merchandise they they are much better than someone who just owns the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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