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 My psychiatrist says that I need a male paradigm that I can
admire and respect and to whom I can turn to for advice, guidance
and help. Now in my case that is clearly you, Freddie. And yet when
I come to you for advice guidance and help, you reject me and lock
me out. Are you behaving like the friend that you promised me you
 Desdemona, you may come to me for advice, guidance and
help at all reasonable times but appearing in my bedroom at night
and crawling into bed with me does not constitute a request for
any of those things. Not even your psychiatrist would tolerate such
behavior because he, like me, is man with natural urges and cannot
be expected to stay objective when the patient, or friend, want
physical demonstrations instead of advice, guidance and help.
 My psychiatrist is a woman, not a man, Freddie.
 That does not change the basic principles at work here,
 Maybe not but it shows you to be a sexist and a bigot. She spat
back at me.
 Very well, if that is what I am then obviously you are wrong in
thinking that I am the right paradigm for you. Why not consider
Armagh Wilkinson for the job?
 Armagh is too old to understand what a young woman wants
and needs in life. Freddie you are just using excuses to wriggle out
of the promises that you have made to me.
 Desdemona, I made no promises to you. I do recall assuring
you that I was your friend and I shall remain your friend as long as
you do not try sneaking into my bed again.
 But Freddie, it is at night that I cannot sleep and get the urge
to take coke and sleeping pills. That s when I need your help. Why
won t you give it to me?
I sighed. There was a strange logic to her request and she really
needed all the help that was available to get past her cravings.
 Desdemona, you should be in a clinic for a couple of months.
They will help you overcome your cravings and control you with
professional medical help.
 My father will not hear of it. He says it could ruin his political
career if his daughter was in a drug re-habitation clinic.
 Armagh and I will persuade him to send you to a clinic in
Switzerland and everyone will think that you are away at finishing
 Freddie, in Switzerland I will be away from you and any other
friends I have. I will be alone in a strange country with no support.
My father will not visit me and I will not even see my little brother
I could see that this was going to be a hopeless argument.
 Okay Desdemona, this is what I am going to do. I will visit you
every day from eight in the morning until twelve noon. During that
time you may talk, ask questions, beg for advice and ask for help. I
will do whatever I can for you during those times. Will that help?
 Yes, Freddie, it will help but it still does not help me at night
when I need support most.
 I am working on a case with the FBI. I cannot be available at
night. Perhaps Armagh would be willing to sit with you?
 Armagh can t hold me and soothe me as you can, Freddie. The
FBI have hundreds of agents, they don t need you but I do.
 You are wrong. In this particular case, the FBI can only use me
and your father wants me to cooperate with them.
She began to cry.  No-one cares about me! I might as well
commit suicide as my mother did!
 Your mother did not commit suicide and neither will you. I
told her firmly.
I left the room and found Armagh.
 Desdemona needs a tranquilizer. She is talking about suicide.
What can her doctor do about that?
 Frederick, the doctor left tranquilizers with me but I haven t
given her any because she seemed under control. What has upset
her now?
 She wants to sleep with me in my bed, Armagh, and I cannot
allow that.
 Why not? Lots of young men would be eager to do so. Why not
 I have an attachment to a young lady and allowing Desdemona
into my bed would be a betrayal of that attachment.
 No one need know about this, Frederick. We can keep it
between the three of us.
 I would know about it Armagh and if that were not enough
Desdemona would become so attached to me that I would not be
able to tear away from her. I would be stuck with her for life.
 Is that so bad? She is young and very attractive and an heiress to
a considerable fortune.
 I don t love her, Armagh. The whole thing would be a recipe for
a divorce which could cause her to relapse anyway.
He looked down.  I suppose that you are right, Frederick. It isn t
fair to ask you to sacrifice your life for a girl that has already made a
mess of her own.
I went up to my room and packed my clothing into a valise that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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