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some rest, and we can speak later.
I wanted to protest, but I knew it would be a moot point. As soon as I
had started getting upset, she had stopped really listening to me. I let my shirt
fall back down on my belly and Elora glided over to the window. She clasped
her hands in front of her and stared out the window. She never said a single
word, but a minute later, Finn appeared in the doorway.
 You need something, Elora? Finn did a small bow to her back, but
she probably had ways of seeing him even when she wasn t looking.
 Wendy is tired. Set her up in her room, Elora commanded
diffidently.  See that she has everything she needs.
 Of course. Finn picked up my bag off the floor and looked at me.
His dark eyes felt comforting, and even though I knew this was just his job, I
felt relieved knowing he was there.
He left hastily, probably at Elora s behest, and I hurried after him. I
wrapped my arms tightly around myself, trying to steady my nerves. Everything
felt too shocking and too upsetting to really understand. I was reeling from
everything, and I couldn t make sense of how I really fit into it. Elora was right,
though. I probably did need rest, and maybe if I slept on it, everything would
seem better somehow. But I doubted it.
Finn led me up a winding staircase and down another elaborate hall. At
then end, he opened a heavy wooden door, revealing what I assumed was my
room. It was massive, with high vaulted ceilings, and one entirely windowed
wall that made it seem even larger. A massive four post bed sat in the center,
and everything was rather modernly furnished. A laptop, flat screen, gaming
systems, iPod, and every other gadget I could possibly want. Finn sat my bag on
the bed and opened the closet door, which was already stocked full with
clothing. He opened another door and flicked on the light, showing my own
private bathroom that more closely resembled a spa.
 How do you know where everything is? I asked. He seemed to know
this house very well, and thinking about Finn helped calm me some.
 I stay here from time to time, Finn replied nonchalantly.
 What? Why? I felt a terrible pang of jealousy, terrified that he was
somehow involved with Elora in a perverse fashion. He did seem to revere here
more than I thought he should.
 Protection. Your mother is a very powerful woman, but she s not all-
powerful, Finn explained vaguely.  Since I m tracker, I can get tuned into her.
I can sense danger and aid her if it s required.
 Is it required? At that moment, I didn t particularly care if a band of
raging marauders tried to do her in, but if there were frequent attacks on her
 castle, I thought I should know.
 No. Not since I ve been here, Finn said.  I ll be staying on awhile to
help you get acclimated. Everybody knows this isn t a perfect system. Rhys s
room is down the hall. My room, along with Elora s, is on the other wing.
I definitely felt better knowing he would be around. I didn t think I
could handle it all if I was left alone in this house with that woman. While
clearly stunning and powerful, there wasn t any warmth to her. I hadn t realized
that I even wanted that until now. After all the years of rejecting Maggie and
even Matt s attempts at bonding, I hadn t known how much I craved it.
 So& did you do this? I gestured to my high tech room.
 No. Rhys decorated it. Finn didn t look that interested in any of the
expensive gear I had laying about, so that made sense.  The clothes were all
Willa, I believe. You ll meet her later on.
 Rhys isn t my brother? I asked again. I couldn t figure out how he fit
into all of this. We had only met briefly, but he had seemed nice and normal.
 No. He s mänsklig, Finn answered, as if I would understand.
 What does that mean? I furrowed my brow at him.
 It means he s not your brother, Finn replied glibly and made a step
towards the door.  Is there anything you need before I go?
I was disappointed by his abrupt decision to go, especially when I felt
so isolated and confused, but I had no reason to keep him. Still hugging myself
tightly, I shook my head and sat back on the bed. Finn nodded and headed to
the door. Instead of leaving, he paused and looked back at me.
 Are you going to be alright with all of this? Finn asked, looking at me
very seriously.
 I don t know, I admitted.  This wasn t all what I had expected. I
had no idea what I thought this would be like, but it wasn t this at all. It was far [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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