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 Do I need an attorney?
 Why would you need an attorney?
 I don t feel like being arrested. I didn t do anything wrong. They came into
Luigi s 
 Luigi s! Man, that was one of my favorite restaurants.
Irritation filled Annja.  It was still standing when I left. You don t have to
refer to it in the past tense.
 Who were the guys that came after you?
Annja hesitated. Then she felt she owed him that at least.  I think they were
part of the same group that attacked me in Prague.
 You think?
 I didn t exactly want to stand around asking for bad-guy references.
 What do they want?
 Nothing I can give them.
 Obviously they don t know that or they wouldn t be chasing you.
Annja silently agreed.  Look, why don t you call someone and find out if Luigi
and his employees are okay. I don t want to think any of them got hurt because
of me.
 I need to talk to you, Bart said.
 You can. Just not at this moment. Find out about Luigi first. Annja paused
and knew that Bart was going to erupt at any moment.  Please.
 All right, Bart replied.
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 And find out if Charlie is okay, too.
Annja didn t know how to finesse that one.  The homeless guy.
 The homeless guy? Bart s voice went up a few notches again.
 He was with you?
 What were you doing with him? I told you to stay away from him.
 It s a long story, okay? Just find out about Luigi. I ll tell you all about
it when I see you.
For a moment Bart was silent. Annja felt certain he was going to argue with
her again. But he surprised her when he spoke in a quiet, controlled voice.
 You realize that old man could have led these guys to you.
 I don t think so. But Annja kept thinking about how Charlie had disappeared
right before the arrival of Saladin s men.
 One phone call from him, they re all over you.
 I don t think he did that.
 You just told me you don t know what s going on.
 I don t, Annja agreed.
 Are you at home?
 Good. Don t go there.
 I hadn t planned on it. Annja didn t know where she was going to go at the
moment. She wasn t sure how much information Saladin had about her. As a
television personality and archaeologist, her secrets weren t as impenetrable
as Roux s and Garin s.
 I ll get back to you as soon as I can, Bart promised.
 Thanks. And if Luigi is okay, tell him I didn t mean to bring any of that
there. Annja broke the connection because she knew Bart wouldn t want to let
Graham brought the hot chocolate and left without a word.
Annja gazed at her reflection in the window and thought about Roux and Garin.
She hadn t had any contact with them in two days. A lot, she told herself,
could go wrong in two days.
One of the bullets struck Garin s Kevlar vest high on the back of his right
shoulder and nearly knocked him down. He stumbled but didn t fall.
Muzzle-flashes marked the positions of the shooters within the main house.
Garin reminded himself again that the men he d brought with him were good, and
that they d get the job done.
He threw himself the last few feet across the ground, then popped up behind
the trees.
 Sir, the team leader said.  We confirm five men down inside. They won t be
getting back up again.
Garin grinned at that. Despite the risk, there was nothing that made him
relish life so much as potential death. For a while he d thought maybe he d
gotten that trait from his father, through the blood that they shared. Then,
over time, he d realized that Roux was the same way. And Garin had thought
he d learned the recklessness that fired him.
He set himself.  Ready?
Garin picked another spot, closer to the main house now, and broke cover
SALOME STOOD near one of the windows and watched as a man ran out of the
darkness across a moonlit patch of ground. His destination was a stand of
trees only thirty yards from the main house.
 Kill him, Drake ordered. He stood over a man with a machine gun in the
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window. Drake held a bolt-action sniper rifle and used the window frame for
The mercenary opened fire and unleashed a stream of bullets at the running
man. Without warning, the mercenary jerked back into the room and sprawled on
the floor.
Another bullet tore through the window frame and dusted Drake in splinters. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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