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Rotary Equalizer by a cable and actuates all four wheel brakes. saturated with oil or grease, heavy pedal pressure or possibly
sensitive brake action will result and the only cure is replacing
the brake lining. If molded lining becomes not overly saturated
General Adjustment Instructions
with the lubricant it may be possible to remove the lubricant
The Brake Control System: The proper functioning of the
from the lining with the use of high test gasoline.
brake control system is of vital importance. A freely operating
Lining Renewal: When lining renewal is required, use only
brake control system permits its return to the stop provided
genuine Hudson-Terraplane lining which is available from the
which is a return rest at the rotary equalizer on the chassis.
factory parts department, boxed in complete sets (lining and
With the brake control system returning to the maximum
rivets for one car).
released position, a longer period of operation can be expected
There are only two adjustments in a braking system of this
before readjustment is necessary. No backlash should be pres-
type to compensate for brake lining wear. These points (at the
ent at the brake pedal or at the operating lever of each brake.
brakes proper) are as follows: Continued on page 3
See Paragraph 4 for adjustment of pedal rod. Do not adjust
[ Page 1
3. Lubricate brake pedal, hand brake lever, rotary
equalizer bearings, over-running linkage and all
clevises. See that pedal, hand lever, rotary equalizer
operate freely and that linkage returns sharply to
release stop when pedal and hand lever are released.
4. With the rotary equalizer against the frame bracket
stop and the hand lever in the full "off " position,
adjust the lock nuts on the lower end of the pedal
push rod so that they are against the pedal push tube
when the pedal shank is against the rubber bumper on
the underside of the toe board bracket. Adjust the
sleeve on the end of the hand brake cable so that it is
just against the rear face of the rotary equalizer.
Be sure the Rotary Equalizer is still against
the frame bracket stop after the above adjustments
are made.
5. Remove all wheels.
The Eccentric Adjustment - l - Fig. 2. This adjustment 6. Remove adjustment hole covers from brake back-
centralizes the brake shoe in the brake drum. ing plates (2-Fig. 2) and inspection hole covers-
from brake drums.
The Adjusting Screw - Fig. 3. This adjustment compen-
sates for lining wear. 7. At All Wheels: Loosen eccentric lock nut (1-Fig. 2)
on eccentric adjustment and insert .010 feeler gauge
Do not make any adjustments in the brake control between the lining of top shoe and brake drum (Fig.
system to compensate for brake lining wear. Remember the 4). Turn the eccentric adjustment in the direction of
only adjustments for lining wear are at the brake shoes, and not forward wheel revolution until .010 feeler is just
in the control system. snug at anchor and adjusting ends of top shoe.
Tighten eccentric lock nut. The clearance at both
ends of top shoe should not vary more than .003'.
Should the variation between the two ends be greater
than .003', it will be necessary to relocate anchor
pin as outlined in Paragraph 17. (In case of clear-
ance variation, it is desirable that clearance at anchor
end of shoe be less than at adjusting end.) (See Note
on Page 5.) Do not adjust anchor pin unless this
inspection shows it necessary.
8. At All Wheels: Expand the brake shoes by turning
notched adjusting screw toward rim of backing
plate, using Bendix adjusting tool or screw driver
inserted through backing plate), moving outer end
of tool toward center of wheel (Fig. 3). Continue
until brake drum can just be turned by hand.
9. Pull cables by hand toward rotary equalizer to
remove all cable slack and lost motion at cam
levers. Adjust clevises so that pin will just enter
Adjustment For Wear Only clevis and rotary equalizer freely. Lock clevis
1. Jack up all four wheels in a safe manner. jam nuts and insert clevis pin cotters. Insert
safety plugs.
2. Disconnect all four cables leading to front and rear brakes at
[ Page 3
the rotary equalizer, by removing safety plugs and clevis pins.
1. Primary Shoe
2. Adjusting Screw
3. Adjusting End of Shoe
4. Secondary Brake Shoe
5. Anchor Pin
6. Primary Shoe Return Spring
7. Cable Return Spring
8. Backing Plate
9. Adjusting Screw Spring
10. Secondary Shoe Return
11. Operating Lever Anti-Rattle
12. Operating Lever
13. Brake Shoe Hold Down
14 Eccentric
Primary and secondary brake shoes are marked with
a "P" and "S" respectively. Irrespective of the posi-
tion in which the brake assembly is mounted on the
axle, the primary shoe is always the one "ahead" of
the anchor in the direction of the forward rotation of
the drum, and transmits servo action to the secondary
shoe during a forward braking application. In reverse
braking the opposite brake action takes place. The
heavier shoe return spring must always be attached
to the shoe which "hides" the brake operating lever
10. Release adjusting screw the same number of notches When a complete brake adjustment is required it is
at each wheel until brake drums are completely free recommended that all brake drums be removed and
of brake drag. Twelve to fourteen notches usually cleaned and brakes cleaned and inspected as to lining
are sufficient. condition. After cleaning with a stiff brush and air hose, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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