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I gave it to them, short and to the point. "Men, we've just suffered a serious loss. All the fresh frozen
stores are gone. That doesn't mean we'll be going on short rations; there are plenty of concentrates and
vitamins aboard. But it does mean we're going to be suffering from deficiencies in our diet.
"We didn't come out here on a pleasure cruise; we're on a mission that leaves no room for failure. This is
just one more fact for us to face. Now let's get on with the job."
I walked into the wardroom, drew a cup of near-coffee, and sat down. The screen showed a Jamaica
beach with booming surf. The sound track picked up the crash and hiss of the breakers, and off-screen a
gull screamed. Considering the red plague that now covered the Caribbean, I thought it was a poor
choice. I dialed a high view of rolling farmland.
Mannion sat at a table across the room with Kirschenbaum. They were hunched over their cups, not
talking. I wondered where they stood. Mannion, Communications Officer, was neurotic, but an old
Armed Forces man. Discipline meant a lot to him. Kirschenbaum, Power Chief, was a joker, with cold
eyes, and smarter than he seemed. The question was whether he was smart enough to realize the
stupidity of retreat now.
Kramer walked in, not wasting any time. He stopped a few feet from my table, and said loudly,
"Captain, I'd like to know your plans, now that the possibility of continuing is out."
I sipped my near-coffee and looked at the rolling farmland. I didn't answer him. If I could get him mad, I
could take him at this game.
Kramer turned red. He didn't like being ignored. The two at the other table were watching.
"Captain," Kramer said loudly. "As Medical Officer I have to know what measures you're taking to
protect the health of the men."
This was a little better. He was on the defensive now; explaining why he had a right to question his
commander. I wanted him a little hotter, though.
I looked up at him. "Kramer," I said in a clear, not too loud voice, "you're on watch. I don't want to find
you hanging around the wardroom making light chitchat until you're properly relieved from duty." I went
back to my near-coffee and the farmland. A river was in view now, and beyond it distant mountains.
Kramer tried to control his fury. "Joyce has relieved me, Captain," he snarled, then sweetened his tone.
"I felt I'd better take this matter up with you as soon as possible, since it affects the health of every man
aboard." He was trying to keep cool, in command of himself.
"I haven't authorized any changes in the duty roster, Major," I said mildly. "Report to your post." I was
riding the habit of discipline now, as far as it would carry me. I hoped that disobedience of a direct order,
solidly based on regulations, was a little too big a jump for Kramer at the moment. Tomorrow it might be
different. But it was essential that I break up the scene he was staging.
He wilted.
"I'll see you at seventeen hundred in the chart room, Kramer," I said as he turned away. Mannion and
Kirschenbaum looked at each other, then finished their near-coffee hurriedly and left. I hoped their
version of the incident would help deflate Kramer's standing among the malcontents.
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I left the wardroom and took the lift up to the Bridge and checked with Clay and his survey team.
"I think I've spotted a slight perturbation in Delta 3, Captain," Clay said. "I'm not sure; we're still pretty
far out."
"All right, Clay," I said. "Stay with it."
Clay was one of my most dependable men, dedicated to his work. Unfortunately, he was no man of
action. He would have little influence in a showdown.
I was at the Schmidt when I heard the lift open. I turned; Kramer, Fine, Taylor, and a half dozen enlisted
crew chiefs crowded out, bunched together. They were all wearing needlers. At least they'd learned that
much, I thought.
Kramer moved forward. "We feel that the question of the men's welfare has to be dealt with right away,
Captain," he said smoothly.
I looked at him coldly, glanced at the rest of his crew. I said nothing.
"What we're faced with is pretty grim, even if we turn back now," Kramer said. "I can't be responsible
for the results if there's any delay." He spoke in an arrogant tone. I looked them over, let the silence
"You're in charge of this menagerie?" I said, looking at Kramer. "If so, you've got thirty seconds to send
them back to their kennels. We'll go into the matter of unauthorized personnel on the Bridge later. As for
you, Major, you can consider yourself under arrest in quarters. Now MOVE."
Kramer was ready to stare me down, but Fine gave me a break by tugging at his sleeve. Kramer shook
him loose, snarling. At that the crew chiefs faded back into the lift. Fine and Taylor hesitated, then joined
them. Kramer started to shout after them, then got hold of himself. The lift moved down. That left
Kramer alone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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