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be. Broad-shouldered, with his powerful chest narrowing to a slim waist and hips and legs that no one in their right mind would ever
have associated with a businessman. She could discern the flex of his muscles and sinews beneath the olive-toned skin, and when her
eyes alighted on his proudly erect manhood she found that she couldn't tear them away.
He walked towards the side of the bed and extended his hands, reaching out for her to take them so that he could draw her
to her feet.
The thought of her naked body was something to be savoured. He wanted to be the one who removed her clothes, so that
he could see her nudity inch by inch, appreciate every tiny bit of it in slow degrees.
He unzipped the dress from the back and she arched as he kissed the slender column of her neck, then her shoulders as the
dress was tugged down to her waist, exposing her breasts straining through the lacy bra.
Later. He would savour them later, feast on them, but for now he was content to span her waist with his big hands and draw
her close so that he could take her mouth in a lingering kiss.
She was tall and slender, just the opposite of the small, voluptuous women he had always favoured, but there was
something unbearably erotic about the sensuous length of her, the perfect flawlessness of her pale skin.
He brought his hands up to cup her breasts and she sighed with pleasure, automatically pushing them towards him,
conducting her own inventory of his body with her hands. She ran them along his shoulders, then circled his tight brown nipples with
her thumbs, then moved to caress the hard, fiat planes of his stomach.
She was wearing too many clothes. She wanted to feel him, flesh against flesh, and as if the need was as strong in him as it
was in her he dragged down her dress, which fell to her ankles, allowing her to step out of it.
'Now, bed& '
'What about the rest of my clothes?' Sara asked, dipping her eyes at the naked yearning in his expression.
'Oh, don't worry, I shall get to that& '
There was something shamelessly wanton about lying semi-clothed on a vast bed, with a big man towering possessively
over you. Sara smiled with half-closed eyes, inviting his ravishing appraisal of her, which was no less searing than the one she was
affording him.
There was no yesterday and no tomorrow, only this moment, right here and now, timeless.
Sara pushed herself up against the pillows and reached behind with trembling fingers to unclasp the bra. Sensation was
racing through her, betraying every line of defence she had ever adopted when it came to the opposite sex. She just knew that she
wanted this man's eyes on her and his hands on her and his body to possess hers utterly.
James moved towards the side of the bed and lowered himself alongside her, watching her quivering body and relishing the
thought of tasting every last inch of it. As her bra was undone and before she could pull it off, he straddled her so that his length
covered hers and he supported himself on his elbow as he slipped his free hand under the bra to cup the soft mound of her breast.
He felt her low moan as he began teasing one nipple, rolling it gently between his thumb and forefinger. He nudged up the
bra and feasted on the sight of her bare breasts. Lord, but he would have to control his urge to take her immediately, right now, and
release the pounding, physical ache of his desire in his loins.
He lay over her and caught his hands in her hair. Her head was flung back and another moan escaped her as he traced her
lower lip with his tongue, then tasted the sweetness of her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss that had her writhing like a cat beneath him.
It had been a long time, and even when she had made love all that time ago it had never been like this. Through her hazy
mind, she knew that she was being touched by a man who had complete mastery in the art of making love. His mouth was demanding
and hungry yet delicately lingering and she was so absorbed with the pleasure of it that she was hardly aware that he had nudged apart
her thighs, the better for her to feel his rampant maleness pressed against her. He moved slowly over her, his hard shaft pressing
against her moist cleft with an evocative rhythm that made her gasp.
'Enjoying yourself, cara?'
'You& you know I am.'
'Then why don't you tell me?'
'Don't stop. Please.'
Her words sent fierce adrenaline rushing through him. He slid off the bra and eased himself lower so that he could trace the
tight bud of her swollen nipple with the tip of his tongue, and when she could bear it no longer she tangled her fingers into his hair and
pushed him down so that he could suckle on her nipple and draw it shamelessly into his mouth.
A groan escaped her and her voice, so husky that she barely recognised it as her own, pleaded with him to take her. Her
briefs were wet with her unbidden arousal, she could feel it, and when he eased them off she quivered with relief and instinctively
parted her legs, inviting his entrance.
But he wasn't ready. He shifted his attention from one breast to the other, teasing the full pink disc with his mouth while his
hand trailed down to her stomach and navel, then with inexorable slowness to the slippery crease between her thighs.
Sara tensed as he probed and then rubbed the sensitive clitoris that had her releasing her breath in shaky gasps as if she was
fighting for air.
She was perched on the edge of orgasm, then she was free falling, unable to resist the powerful shudders of soaring
pleasure as he continued to rub her before easing his finger deep into her moistness. Her body literally shook and trembled under the
assault of sensation, and when she finally stilled she could barely open her eyes to look at him.
He would be disappointed but she had been powerless to resist his stimulation. She groaned with frustration and looked at
'I'm sorry,' Sara whispered and he smiled at her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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