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Without it nothing is nor shall be,
for the God of knowledge established it
and there is no other beside Him.
I, the Master, know Thee O my God,
by the spirit which Thou hast given to me,
and by Thy Holy Spirit I have faithfully hearkened
to Thy marvellous counsel.
In the mystery of Thy wisdom
Thou hast opened knowledge to me,
and in Thy mercies [Thou hast unlocked for me] the fountain of Thy
Before Thee no man is just ...
[that he may] understand all Thy mysteries
or give answer [to Thy rebuke.
But the children of Thy grace
shall delight in] Thy correction
and watch for Thy goodness,
for in Thy mercies [Thou wilt show Thyself to them]
and they shall know Thee;
at the time of Thy glory they shall rejoice.
[Thou hast caused them to draw near]
in accordance [with their knowledge],
and hast admitted them
in accordance with their understanding,
and in their divisions they shall serve Thee
throughout their dominion
[without ever turning aside] from Thee or transgressing Thy word.
Behold, [I was taken] from dust
[and] fashioned [out of clay]
as a source of uncleanness,
and a shameful nakedness,
a heap of dust, and a kneading [with water,]
and a house of darkness,
a creature of clay returning to dust,
returning [at the appointed time
to dwell] in the dust whence it was taken.
How then shall dust reply [to its Maker,
and how] understand His [works]?
How shall it stand before Him who reproves it?
[and the Spring of] Eternity,
the Well of Glory
and the Fountain of Knowledge.
Not even [the wonderful] Heroes [can] declare all Thy glory
or stand in face of Thy wrath,
and there is none among them that can answer Thy rebuke;
for Thou art just and none can oppose Thee.
How then can (man) who returns to his dust?
I hold my peace; what more shall I say than this?
I have spoken in accordance with my knowledge,
out of the righteousness given to a creature of clay.
And how shall I speak unless Thou open my mouth;
how understand unless Thou teach me?
How shall I seek Thee unless Thou uncover my heart,
and how follow the way that is straight
unless [Thou guide me?
How shall my foot] stay on [the path unless Thou] give it
and how shall I rise ...
All these things [Thou didst establish in Thy wisdom.
Thou didst appoint] all Thy works before ever creating them:
the host of Thy spirits and the Congregation [of Thy Holy Ones,
the heavens and all] their hosts and the earth and all it brings
In the seas and deeps ...... and an everlasting task;
for Thou hast established them from before eternity.
And the work of ...
and they shall recount Thy glory
throughout all Thy dominion.
For Thou hast shown them that which they had not [seen
by removing all] ancient things and creating new ones,
by breaking asunder things anciently established,
and raising up the things of eternity.
For [Thou art from the beginning]
and shall endure for ages without end.
And Thou hast [appointed] all these things
in the mysteries of Thy wisdom
to make known Thy glory [to all].
[But what is] the spirit of flesh
that it should understand all this,
and that it should comprehend
the great [design of Thy wisdom]?
What is he that is born of woman
in the midst of all Thy terrible [works]?
He is but an edifice of dust,
and a thing kneaded with water,
whose beginning [is sinful iniquity],
and shameful nakedness, [and a fount of uncleanness],
and over whom a spirit of straying rules.
If he is wicked he shall become [a sign for] ever,
and a wonder to (every) generation,
[and an object of horror to all] flesh.
By Thy goodness alone is man righteous,
and with Thy many mercies [Thou strengthen him].
Thou wilt adorn him with Thy splendour
and wilt [cause him to reign amid] many delights
with everlasting peace and length of days.
[For Thou hast spoken],
and Thou wilt not take back Thy word.
And I, Thy servant,
I know by the spirit which Thou hast given to me
[that Thy words are truth],
and that all Thy works are righteousness,
and that Thou wilt not take back Thy word
... ...
[Blessed art Thou,] O Lord,
who hast given understanding to the heart of [Thy] servant
that he may ... and resist [the works] of wickedness
and bless [Thy Name always,
and that he may choose all] that Thou love
and loathe all that Thou [hate]
[For Thou hast divided men] into good and evil
in accordance with the spirits of their lot;
[in accordance with] their [divisions do they accomplish] their
And I know through the understanding which comes from Thee,
that in Thy goodwill towards [ashes Thou hast shed]
Thy Holy Spirit [upon me]
and thus drawn me near to understanding of Thee.
And the closer I approach,
the more am I filled with zeal
against all the workers of iniquity and the men of deceit.
For none of those who approach Thee rebels against Thy command,
nor do any of those who know Thee alter Thy words;
for Thou art just, and all Your elect are truth.
Thou wilt blot out all wickedness [and sin] for ever,
and Thy righteousness shall be revealed
before the eyes of all Thy creatures.
I know through Thy great goodness;
and with an oath I have undertaken never to sin against Thee,
nor to do anything evil in Your eyes.
And thus do I bring into community all the men of my Council.
I will cause each man to draw near in accordance with his
and according to the greatness of his portion so will I love him.
I will not honour an evil man, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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