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 Nope. This should be good. Grady grinned.
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Rachel s Totem
Rachel frowned.  You know, Burke, you re right. They re just as irritating as you
said they d be.
Grady and Dean laughed and stepped back, breaking some of the tension.  I like
her, Grady admitted.  Stubborn, hot as hell, and she doesn t seem to like Burke much.
Rachel blushed, her features drawn in annoyance. Burke understood all too well how
she felt. He loved his brothers, but they could be such a pain sometimes. He was only
three years older than Grady and five more than Dean, but at times he felt almost ancient.
 I never said I didn t like Burke. He s been very& nice to me. By her tone, he could
tell she was remembering their encounter in the alley. And again his lust spiraled, his
desire to mark her as feline growing almost impossible to resist.
His brothers stopped smiling as they caught the musk of intent wafting from him.
 Oh yeah, Dean whispered, his eyes again blazing.  We haven t marked a female in
Rachel blinked as if in a daze, staring from Dean to Grady and then to Burke with a
familiar need. Her eyes narrowed and like before, her pupils elongated. Her skin
shimmered with Shifter energy, and Burke felt the unspoken desire between them.
Unfortunately, it encompassed more than just him, but his brothers as well. He didn t
want to, but knowing he could right now fully mark Rachel with their help spurred his
 Do you want this, Rachel? he asked, knowing she had no idea of what he really
meant. But his hormones didn t seem to care. He had to mark her in the worst way. And
sexual scenting from three ready cat Shifters would certainly do the trick.
 Rachel? Grady growled, his teeth sharp and bright under the sun.
 Rachel? Dean repeated, licking his lips.  Just say yes.
She stared at them all, her eyes wide, her full lips parted, readying to respond. Burke
scented arousal, confusion, and the first stirrings of feminine fear, bringing him fast to the
point of no return. He could fight against arousal, but the smell of fear stirred his need to
hunt. And taking Rachel was something he wanted more than his next breath.
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Marie Harte
The sound of a vehicle approached, tearing Rachel s attention. Like a switch that had
been thrown, the smell of her arousal abruptly disappeared, leaving three highly aroused
Shifters nowhere to go but frustrationville.
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Rachel s Totem
Chapter Four
Rachel swayed as she stared at the familiar blonde coming toward her with a bright
smile. Dizzy, she could only breathe deeply and blink to clear her blurred vision. Dean
and Grady spun and left without another word, and their departure made her upset for
some reason. She d been wanting something&
But it was Burke who drew and held her attention from the blonde. His hair blew
around his face despite the calm, and his amber eyes looked overly bright in such a harsh,
masculine face. His mouth was taut, as if Burke strained against hunger. Enthralled by
the sharp sight of him, her gaze wandered from his eyes to his long throat to his broad
chest and farther down, finally resting on the large bulge tense against the front of his
Confusion filled her. Burke wanted her, of that she had no doubt. And the
others& they d been, what? Aroused and wanting her too? A woman his brothers had just
met? They couldn t possibly have intimated they d desired her. That nonsense about
marking? She tore her gaze from his erection and stared into his needy eyes. The look on
Burke s face just now. None of it made any sense.
He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her.
He deliberately tightened his hold, as if to show her who was in charge. But before
she could protest, he kissed her. Hard, possessive lips ravaged her mouth. He speared her
with his tongue, the flavor of him knocking her for a loop. Had Burke not held her, she
would surely have fallen. Her tongue met his and slipped into his mouth, pulling a hoarse
groan from him. She felt his erection burning against her belly, and that spiral of heat that
seemed to come and go whenever he neared flared again. God, she wanted so much to
feel him inside of her.
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