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we do now?"
"Leave it to me," Kane responded.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm still thinking. I'll make it up as I go. Faye made me promise not to approach Ray but this
is one promise I may have to break. We'll find out once and for all if Ray is in love with my sister. If
he isn't, then Faye doesn't have a choice but to move on."
Ray shook hands with the gentleman who was about to become his new client. He was Rita's
accountant and was interested in placing an ad in his magazine for his professional services business.
He breathed a sigh of relief that the impromptu business networking set up by Rita was over.
Having calmed down from his initial shock at seeing Faye arrive with a new date, he was determined
to find her and shake the truth out of her.
If what he'd overheard from Victor, Clarise and Jessa that morning was true, then he was a
total ass for not calling Faye back. Did he really hurt her? If her friends were to be believed, then
Faye had feelings for him. They didn't exactly use the word 'love' but it seemed that she cared a lot
about him.
So why did she come here with someone else? That was what he couldn't understand. If she
was to let him know that she cared about him, why bring another man here?
If you were in her shoes, wouldn't she be asking you why you were dating and flirting with
another woman if you really loved her?
That thought gave him a big jolt.
Fuck. What if she thinks I've moved on, so she's given up on me and started dating again?
Suddenly, he knew that he really was a total ass, a complete jerk and a certifiable moron. He
had selfishly focused on his own pain and been so scared of being hurt further that he'd stopped
considering what she might have been feeling. Yes, she cut him really deeply but he'd closed the door
on her when she wanted to communicate with him.
She had called him and left a ton of messages. He didn't even listen to them. She sent him
pleading texts to call her back and he ignored them.
If she thought he wasn't worthy of her because he was such a fuckwit, then she'd be absolutely
But he would find her and beg her to forgive a stupid idiot who was so in love with her he
couldn't see clearly nor think straight.
He looked around. He didn't spot her among the crowd in that room, but what he did see made
his face burn with anger.
The good-looking, dark-haired guy that Faye arrived with was with Rita. And he was flirting with her
Rita was enjoying the attention but he didn't care about that. If it was any other man, he would
have been very pleased and relieved that she had set her sights on someone else.
But what was this man thinking, picking up another woman when he was here with Faye?
What would Faye think if she saw them? She'd be highly embarrassed, perhaps even devastated.
Faye didn't deserve to be humiliated in front of her friends and a gallery-full of people. He'd
already hurt her enough. He wouldn't let someone else make her feel worse.
He marched toward the fucker.
"Excuse me, may I have a word with you?" He meant to be civil but his tone came out low and
The idiot simply raised his eyebrows at him.
"Oh, Ray, we were just talking," Rita simpered, clearly thinking he was fighting for her.
"This is not about you, Rita," he said, not taking his eyes off the other man.
The dickhead even had the audacity to smirk at him as he introduced himself. "I don't think
we've met. My name is Kane."
Ray glanced at the hand extended to him for a handshake. Being in a public place, he decided
it was best not to cause a scene. He took Kane's hand and gripped it tightly. To his surprise, Kane's
grasp was equally strong. "Name's Ray. May I have a word with you, Kane? Outside."
"I would be glad to."
He was momentarily taken aback by the direct, unblinking gaze thrown at him by Kane. The
look didn't quite go with the cad he witnessed earlier. He shook his head imperceptibly and swept his
arm to his side, indicating for Kane to lead the way.
Kane smiled politely and started heading towards the back door of the gallery.
"Ray, you really don't have to worry  " Rita called.
He stopped and faced Rita. "Rita, seriously, this is not about you and it has nothing to do with
you. Please stay here and don't even think about following us."
"So, Ray," Kane drawled. "Now that you have me out here, what do you want to say to me?"
"How could you treat Faye like that?" he asked Kane accusingly.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"You know what I mean."
"Maybe I'm slow so spell it out for me, if you please," Kane goaded.
Ray took a deep breath, trying not to lose his temper. "You came here with Faye. Don't you
know that you might be embarrassing or hurting her by flirting with another woman at her best friend's
partner's event?"
"What do you care, Ray?"
"She's been hurt enough."
Kane's eyebrows shot up. "By whom?"
He stayed silent, unwilling to answer that question.
"Your silence tells me it could be you who hurt her. What did you do? Hit on Rita Maxwell,
Blood rushed to Ray's face. "It's none of your business," he muttered.
"Aha! That's it, isn't? If you hitting on Rita is none of my business, why is my flirting with her
"Because you're with Faye tonight!" he hissed through gritted teeth.
The self-satisfied grin that appeared on Kane's face annoyed the hell out of Ray. He stepped
closer and pointed his finger at the smug man's face. "Look, you may not care about Faye but I do. If
you want Rita then, by all means, pursue her, but have the decency to  "
"Hey, what's going on here?"
Both he and Kane jumped at the sound of Faye's voice as she approached them from the back
of the garden.
"It's nothing, Faye," Kane replied smoothly.
Ray stepped back from Kane and gazed at Faye's beautiful, concerned face. Lord, how he
missed her! He prayed he hadn't completely destroyed all his chances with her.
"Doesn't look like nothing to me, Kane."
Ray felt a pinch in his heart that Faye would look to Kane for an explanation. How long had
she known this man?
"We were just having a little man-to-man talk," Kane replied calmly.
"What about?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.
The easy familiarity evident in their interaction depressed Ray. He wished it was him Faye
was scowling at. And fuck, Kane's attitude was aggravating him! He fisted his hands at his side but
remained motionless.
"He was the one who approached me," Kane answered a tad defensively.
Faye's intent gaze switched to him.
He wanted to tell her that her date was hitting on another woman while she wasn't looking.
But he couldn't.
He eyeballed Kane. "Why don't you answer her question? You're not hiding anything, are
"Okay, fine. I'll answer it," Kane concurred with a sigh. "I was chatting Rita Maxwell up and
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