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to the ceiling. Eldon continued to flick his digit inside me.
 Nnnnnoooo.... Eldon shifted enough that my head slipped off
his shoulder to hang forward. I looked down at the wanton display.
I had my own cum splattered across my stomach and chest. My
nipples were puffed up into tiny cones, a darker shade of desire. My
cock...was still hard and dripping.
 Beautiful Eldon....I do appreciate your mastery.
 I am honored to be in your service, Henry.
What the....  ARGHHHH! Eldon pulled his finger out, swept
it across my cum trail then pushed two digits deep inside again,
without any preparation besides the wetness of my cum on his
fingers. He stilled and I hung helpless against him, speared. My
portal burned slightly with the suddenness of its opening.
 Be a little more considerate, Eldon...he has to last.
 Huuuuunnn He began to scissor his fingers inside me,
stretching me to take something larger and deeper. I could feel a
tear fall from the corner of my eye onto my cheek.
 It seems, Mr. Howell hasn t been taking care of Tre-don s
needs. Eldon hit my prostate.
 Aaaahhh& ..
 Of course he wouldn t, Eldon. Our Trevor has trained
himself a willing and eager bottom. If you think about it, we might
have been the last ones to enjoy the pleasures of the forbidden with
our little street boy.
I heard Eldon make a humph noise behind me.  Maybe a toy
would be in order rather than me forcing the issue right now.
They discussed me like I wasn t in the room. I was just a
poseable sex doll. My eyes were open and I could register objects
and shapes. I could finally focus about three feet in front of me. My
head hit the mattress as Eldon shifted me to my knees.
I felt my face slide across the silk sheets smearing moisture
from my slack mouth as my hips were lifted higher so a leather
covered wedge could be pressed under me. My cock was pinched
between it and my thigh for a moment then Eldon casually freed
me as if I was nothing more than a disarrayed sex doll.
He took his time arranging my body as Henry directed. I
remember earlier when Henry mentioned that they had done this
before. With me? Or with some other poor fuck?
Derekica Snake
 We will do this the way we have done in the past. He said.
Eldon played my body like a talented musician, carefully arranging
me to the preference of his lover? Boss? Cold, wet goop was
pressed up against my portal, it dripped cool and slick down the
inside of my thigh. A blunt tip was rubbed around my puckered
portal then fingers splayed my buttocks wide and a device was
pushed relentlessly against my tight hole. Dipping and sliding,
stretching me and making me pliable for larger entry.
 Push it in. Eldon worked the vibrator and then shock waves
ripped through me. I gasped and my ass muscles tightened
involuntarily almost forcing the foreign object out. Eldon caught it
and pushed it deeper still. He pressed his body over my back
keeping the vibrator inside me but his mouth dropped to my ear
 Look at yourself. Henry knows what you truly are. Listen to
your slutty voice. You shot a father to death in front of his daughter
and you re groaning in total abandonment less than three hours
later with a fake cock shoved up your ass. You are evil incarnate,
I cried out in ecstasy he drove the vibrator deeper so it
throbbed against my prostate.
 The Devil only slumbers inside you. If he was truly gone, you
would have shot yourself in the head in the restaurant instead of
murdering a man at his little girl s birthday party and walking calmly
out to the sedan. Henry will find him, that Devil of his. He set him
free once...he ll do it again and I ll help him because in the end it s
what Henry wants. What Henry desires, I will do anything I have to
give it to him. If it means doing you until the break of dawn, then
that is what I am going to do.
I climaxed hard, shuddering and twitching around the faux
cock buried within me. Eldon kept it pressed against that sensitive
area as his poisonous vitriol poured into my ear.  Once the Devil
comes back, will your Erik still want you? Or...do you think he will
hire another car to run you down in the street?
I had no control over my body. Pleasure swamped me even
though my heart had just collapsed in on itself. A bullet to the back
of my head would have been kinder.
My Hostage My Love
Lesson Thirteen: In the Name of
he darkness now was of my own making. How did I know
this? It was warm and comforting. That pharmaceutical s
Thold was a cold and bitter feeling. As I lay there I had a
glimmer of understanding. It was a flash of light in the night, a
lightening bug spark. What s that saying, I would rather light a
candle than sit in alone in the dark...or something along those lines.
I m tired of sitting in the dark. I m weary of looking to others
to be my guiding light. They just keep falling short of my [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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