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whimpered, until she was clinging and tears seeped beneath her tightly closed lashes. Then he was gentle,
soothing with caresses of his lips& and then he was gone.
As quickly as the kiss came, it was over. She was released and he looked grimmer than before, arms
outstretched wide. To keep himself from touching her?
 This isn t over, he said, a dark promise that locked around her like a vise.
She touched her mouth, still wet, still possessed by him. Every inch of her felt possessed, owned, by
his proprietary gaze.
 Now get inside and lock the door before I change my mind and take you right here in the dirt.
So Belinda did what any woman did when her knees were melted, her heart was confused and the man
in front of her was the last man she could afford to love.
One wrong move, and she could be dancing on her grave&
Pas de Deux
© 2010 Fiona Jayde
Two years after an injury put her dancing career on hold, Lynnrina Kovaleva is determined to reclaim
her place on the stage. On the eve of her comeback production, she takes the edge off her nerves with a
one-night stand in the strong arms of celebrity bodyguard Mateo Rivera.
Ex-cop Mateo is celebrating one hell of an anniversary: eight months since he was declared unfit for
duty. When a delicate beauty boldly propositions him in a bar, he chooses to lose himself in her body rather
than lose his mind to alcohol. This choice comes back to haunt him when he s hired to protect a prima
ballerina who s been receiving threats.
Despite her shock at seeing him again, Lynn must not allow their intense attraction or any creepy
fan letters to undermine her performance. Mateo can t reconcile this coldly focused dancer with the
passionate woman who seduced him. Yet he sees fire under the ice, pain hidden by the smooth mask of
The vivid memory of their entwined bodies wars with the job at hand, but he must keep Lynn safe
regardless of the cost. The most difficult challenge, however, will be keeping his hands to himself.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Pas de Deux:
Her legs ready to give out, Lynn only wanted to reach her dressing room and sit for a small precious
second. Sit and not move a single inch. She went straight for her stash, barely chewing the first chocolate
before tearing open another one and actually biting off a piece. It hurt to chew. Her whole body was aching.
A month until opening night, and she wasn t sure she had the stamina to carry it. Six different duets, each
of them grueling. Her aching feet throbbed at the mere thought.
She took another piece, letting the taste melt on her tongue before she swallowed. A tub filled to the
brim with soothing hot water was just a few minutes away. She simply had to find the strength to get her
body up and moving, and face Mateo in the hallway. She d seen him watch her with those cool onyx eyes.
Dark gaze, dark clothes that should have been pretentious yet weren t.
Pushing the thought of him away, Lynn thought about soaking in a tub until her fingers wrinkled. Just
a few minutes more. The quick knock on the door made her softly groan. She didn t want to put on a bright
face, didn t think she had the strength for it. Another piece of Midnight Dark. as the door swung open.
 I didn t say come in, she muttered with a mouthful of chocolate just as Mateo s gaze focused in on
the bag of Ghirardelli s.
 You ready?
She was too tired to think about it.  I need a couple of minutes more.
 You tried to get rid of me. Cool voice, his hands tucked in his pockets. Again her dressing room
seemed much too small with him inside.
 I have an alarm set up and there ve been no more letters. And at this point she was more nervous
around Mateo than some anonymous creep.  I don t think I need you&  She paused and started over.  I
don t think I need a bodyguard anymore. I can ask Simon to walk me home. Or André.
 We both know that s not why you wanted to get rid of me. Those cool dark eyes were merciless.
 Maybe. It doesn t matter now. She didn t have the strength to shrug.  Give me a few more
 Your leg bothering you?
 It s fine. Even her skin was hurting. Only a few more minutes and she could drown in hot water and
try to forget she d have to do it all again tomorrow. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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