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answers you ve been looking for.
 Forget them. Just focus on me, on what we can be.
 I believe I am. She took a deep breath, pushed her office door open and led the way inside.
Chapter Twenty-Three
The tranquil silence of her office was a lie. Scout felt that the moment she entered, with Ivar trailing
close behind. Her ears told her he shut the door behind him while she headed straight for her desk,
then listened to his footsteps come to an abrupt halt. As she seated herself, she looked up to see he
stood, as still as a statue, in the middle of the Tiffany blue and white floral-themed rug, staring at a
thin wand of a woman. Her dark blonde hair was smooth and elegantly cut, her makeup photo-shoot
perfect, and her knit dress and matching houndstooth fur-trimmed jacket was probably worth more
than what Scout made in a month.
Eliane Chantal Fournier-Rundstrom looked every inch the former-model aristocrat she was.
Except for the eyes.
In the dark blue eyes that drank in her son for the first time in almost three decades, Scout
could see her crippling anxiety.
 Allow me to make the introductions. Placing the folders on her desk in front of the chairs
facing her, Scout gestured toward Ivar to take a seat. He remained rooted to the spot, his face
Not the greatest beginning, but it was early yet.
 Ivar, may I present your biological mother, who has always wanted to be a part of your life
and has loved you from the moment you were conceived with the young man she adored. Eliane, I d
like to introduce you to your long-ago kidnapped son Ivar, who never tried to commit suicide over the
prospect of having you in his life. In fact, as far as I know, he s never been suicidal, period.
Ivar s icy eyes slashed to her, looking almost savage in his shock.  What?
 You both have been raised in a world of lies, which is going to explain my next statement.
Scout leaned over to tap the two folders.  I m hoping today will be the first day of your lives together
as a family. As such, you need to be truthful with each other, because as I m sure you both know,
nothing good and lasting can be built on lies. Nothing. She looked again to Ivar, who was watching
her with such intensity it was a wonder she wasn t knocked flat by it.  Ivar, would you like to join
 What the fuck, Scout, he grated, teeth bared and looking like he needed to punch something.
 I told you how I upset this woman, yet you throw us in the same room together? I know you once told
me your middle name could be heartless, but I never thought it could be true.
 And kidnapped? Have you lost your damn mind?
 I know more about you than you do, so if you decide to turn your back on this now, you
would be the only one around here who could be called crazy. When he simply continued to glare
pure death at her, she did her best to maintain a calm faade and gestured once more to the chair.
 Please have a seat.
Looking like he d be happy to toss both her and the chair out the window, he did as she asked,
his attention veering to the woman he sat next to. Scout didn t fail to notice that he took the long way
around to reach his seat, making sure he stayed as far as possible from Eliane. Not because he hated
her, but because he d been told she hated him.
Lies. All lies.
 First and foremost, Ivar, Scout began, while mother and son simply stared at one another,
 you were punished throughout your childhood because you were supposedly the result of a violent,
traumatic rape. Like I told you earlier, I ve known kids who were born under that exact same set of
circumstances, and they refused to feel ashamed for existing. After all, they didn t ask to be born, so
there is no shame in being alive. That said, your grandmother lied to you. Eliane, would you like to
explain who Ivar s father was, or would you like me to do it?
 No, it should be from me. Like the rest of her, Eliane s accented voice was cultured, elegant
and oddly fragile. She tried to smile that patented blank Fournier smile, but there was too much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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