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He remembered walking into the bedroom after she d changed into his shirt and
had almost been knocked flat at the wall of desire in the air. She had been turned on
and the headiness of her heat hit his senses with a sweetness that stole his breath, and
nearly his capacity for rational thought. Flush with need and hungry for more, her body
had been calling for his. It had taken all his willpower to follow through with his
commands and just give her the pills and water. When he d wanted to dive into bed
and satisfy them both in a primal way that he was still feeling, he d managed to walk
out of the room with his sanity intact. He was still paying for that decision.
Sliding up and down his cock with a firm fist, he panted, needing more. Needing
her.  Shit. He was teetering on the edge. With closed eyes, he imagined those lush lips
of hers encircling the tip of his cock, and he groaned again, his heart pounding. If he
could just reach release, he could forget how much he craved her. Could forget that it
was her scent, her body, her voice that was making him feral with lust.
He leaned back, his hips thrusting into the ecstasy of his own making as dew
drops glistened on the head of his shaft.  Yes, he breathed, his mind creating all the
images he could ever imagine. He rubbed the moisture beneath his palm, slick against
hot, sensitive skin, making him ache harder. The throbbing was building, heat gnawing
right behind his balls. Her sweet body, the feel of her tongue lapping his flesh, teasing
him with flicks and swirling to claim the moisture beads, the heat of her skin, the velvet
feel of her riding him. So good. The strength of his need for her left his blood pounding
like explosions against his ears.
A deep breath. So close. A low moan filled his chest as pleasure tightened his
Almost compelled, he released his flesh, exhaling a bitter growl of needy hunger
that filled the room with an echo. No. The next time he reached completion, it would be
with her. Period. Rush didn t know why, but he knew it was right. He knew no matter
what he did now, he would never be satisfied. It would be like eating a spoonful of ice
cream when the smothered in chocolate fudge and whipped cream sundae he was
starved for was only two doors away.
His head jerked around. She was only two doors away. His blood raced through
his body again, hotter. Kaisha. The sound of her name rocketed through his system.
Before he could think about it, much less understand the need, a sturdy wolf
stood by the futon where he had just sat. Cautiously moving one foot in front of the
other, he inched out of the spare, his gaze on his sister s door. He knew Kay was asleep.
Sheridan catching him would see him getting his hide blistered by her tongue for what
he was about to do.
Nosing his occupied bedroom door wider, he spotted her asleep just the way
he d left her, except she d managed to kick the sheets off a little, exposing one small foot
and a sleek, well-muscled calf. She may not be used to sleeping in different beds and
had been restless before the pills kicked in.
Rush didn t care the reason. All that mattered was he could see her. He stood in
the doorway and drank in his fill of her length. She looked small enough to still shop in
the kid s department for heaven s sakes. The bandage across her forehead bothered
him, and his lip lifted in objection. The wolf knew she had been harmed and it didn t
like that fact one bit.
Carefully moving past the door, he prowled closer to the bed. Raising his nose,
he tested the air, drew her into his senses, reveling at her sweetness, the warmth of
sunshine and something so heady it made his entire body tremble with a renewed
lusting hunger. It was her, her scent, her everything. His wolf knew it instantly. Rush
wasn t ready, but arguing with the tunnel-visioned want of his wolf was a lost cause.
Tentative steps moved him up the side of the bed.
He settled a paw on the edge and froze. She didn t move, her breathing deep and
steady. God, I m going to Hell for this. There was little doubt. His wolf couldn t have
cared less. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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