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Taking them there. Not leaving when I saw how crazy things were. Not mak-
ing sure their plane got off okay. And I don t understand any of it. Who was
responsible? Who were they? Krishna? What did the Kamakhya woman have
to gain . . . How does she fit in? Most of all, why did I make the god-
damned stupid mistake of taking Das that gun when  
 Two shots, said Abe.
 You told me that night you called that you heard two shots.
 Yeah, well, it was an automatic.
 So what? You think maybe when you blow your brains out you shoot
again just to make sure? Eh?
 What are you driving at, Abe?
 You didn t kill Das, Bobby. Das didn t kill Das. One of the friendly
Kapalika fellows maybe had a reason to set things up that way, eh? Your
buddy Krishna . . . Sanjay . . . whatever the fuck his name was  maybe
he wanted to be Poet Laureate for a little while.
 Why   I stopped and watched a seagull pivot on a thermal several hun-
dred feet above us.  But what did Victoria have to do with any of it? Oh, God,
Abe . . . how could hurting her help anyone? I don t understand any of it.
Abe rose and spat again. Chips of bark clung to his suit.  Let s go, huh,
Bobby? I got to get the bus back to Boston to get the damn train.
Dan Simmons Song of Kali [ e - r e ads ]
I started to lead the way down the hill, but Abe grabbed my arm. He was
looking hard at me.  Bobby, you ve got to know one thing. You don t have to
understand. You won t understand. You won t forget, either. Don t think you
will . . . you won t. But you got to keep going. You hear me? Day by day,
maybe, but you got to keep going. Otherwise the fuckers win. We can t let
them do that, Bobby. You understand me?
I nodded and turned quickly to follow the faint trail.
On November 2, I received a short letter from Inspector Singh. It
informed me that the male suspect, Sugata Chowdury, would not be standing
trial. During his detention in Hooghly Prison Chowdury had  met with foul
play. Specifically, someone had stuffed a towel down his throat while he
slept. The woman identified as Devi Chowdury was expected to come to trial
within the month. Singh promised to keep me informed. I never heard from
him again.
In mid-November, shortly after the first heavy snowfall of that bitter win-
ter, I reread Das s manuscript, including the final hundred pages that I had not
finished in Calcutta. Das had been correct in his succinct summary: it was a
birth announcement. To get the gist of it, I would recommend Yeats s  Second
Coming. Yeats was a better poet.
It occurred to me then that my problem with deciding what to do with
Das s manuscript was oddly similar to the problem the Parsees have in dispos-
ing of their dead. The Parsees, a dwindling minority in India, hold earth, air,
fire, and water all as sacred and do not wish to pollute them with the bodies
of their dead. Their solution is ingenious. Years ago Amrita had described to
me the Tower of Silence in a Bombay park, above which circle the vultures in
patient spirals.
I refused to burn the manuscript because I did not want the smoke rising
like a sacrificial offering to that dark thing I sensed waiting just beyond the
fragile walls of my sanity.
In the end, my solution was more prosaic than the Tower of Silence. I
shredded the several hundred pages by hand  smelling the stink of Calcutta
rising from the paper  and then stuffed the shredded strips in a Glad Bag to
which I added some rotting vegetables to discourage scroungers. I drove sev-
eral miles to a large dump and watched as the black bag bounced down a
steep ravine of garbage to settle out of sight in a pool of foul muck.
Driving back, I knew that ridding myself of the manuscript had not
stopped the Song of Kali from echoing in my mind.
Amrita and I continued to inhabit the same house. We suffered advice and
continued sympathy from our friends, but we saw other people less and less as
the harsh winter progressed. We also saw less and less of each other.
Dan Simmons Song of Kali [ e - r e ads ]
Amrita had decided to finish up her Ph.D. work, and she set into her
schedule of early rising, teaching, library work, grading papers in the evening,
more research, and early to bed. I rose very late and was often gone for dinner
and much of the evening. When Amrita gave up the study about ten P.M., I
would take possession of it and read until the early hours of the morning. I
read everything during those sunless months  Spengler, Ross McDonald,
Malcolm Lowry, Hegel, Stanley Elkin, Bruce Catton, Ian Fleming, and Sinclair
Lewis. I read classics I d had on my shelves unread for decades, and I brought
home best-sellers from Safeway. I read everything.
In February a friend offered me a temporary teaching position at a small
college north of Boston, and I took it. At first I commuted each day, but soon
I took a small furnished apartment near the campus and went back to Exeter
only on weekends. Frequently I did not return even then.
Amrita and I never talked about Calcutta. We did not mention Victoria s
name. Amrita was retreating into a world of number theory and Boolean alge-
bra. It seemed to be a comfortable world for her: a world in which rules were
abided by and truth tables could be logically determined. I was left outside
with nothing but my unwieldy tools of language and the unfixable, nonsensi-
cal machine of reality.
I was at the college for four months and might not have returned to Exeter
if a friend had not called to tell me that Amrita had been hospitalized.
Doctors diagnosed her problem as acute pneumonia complicated by exhaus-
tion. She was hospitalized for eight days and too weak to get out of bed at
home for a week after that. I stayed home during that time, and in the small
acts of nursing I was beginning to feel echoes of our earlier tenderness; but
then she announced that she felt better, she returned to her computer work in
mid-June, and I went back to my apartment. I felt irresolute and lost, as if
some huge, dark hole was opening wider in me, sucking me down.
I bought the Luger that June.
Roy Bennet, a taciturn little biology professor I d met at the college, had
invited me to his gun club in April. For years I had supported gun-control laws
and hated the idea of handguns, but by the end of that school year I was
spending most Saturdays on the firing range with Bennet. Even the children
there seemed proficient at the two-handed, wide-legged firing stance that I
knew only from the movies. When someone had to retrieve a target, everyone
politely broke their weapons open and stepped back from the firing line with
a smile. Many of the targets were in the shape of human bodies.
When I suggested that I would like to buy my own gun, Roy smiled with
the quiet joy of a successful missionary and suggested that a .22-caliber target
pistol would be good to start with. I nodded agreement, and the next day
spent a small fortune for a vintage 7.65-mm Luger. The woman who sold it
Dan Simmons Song of Kali [ e - r e ads ]
said that the automatic had been her late husband s pride and joy. She [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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