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The thunder roared; the crack of lightning
stretched over the sky. Sensing what was happening
a fraction too late, Grainna turned to her sphere in
an attempt to move it out of harm s way. Instead,
she witnessed it shatter into a thousand pieces.
 Yeah! Woo-hoo! Simon screamed, bringing his
hands in the air, clutched to the others.
The falcon screeched, with Simon s cry.
Grainna turned instantly in his direction.
Catherine Bybee
 Oh, crap!
 Simon! His mother scolded.
 I need cover. Simon ignored his mom, told the
beast to move. He felt his own pulse pumping with
the adrenalin of the bird. Another bolt of lightning
distracted those on the ground, but Grainna s eyes
followed Simon inside the falcon. She bellowed for
Once the falcon safely landed back on Ian s
outstretched arm, Simon opened his eyes.
Liz focused on her son and gasped in alarm. His
eyes had changed shape like those of a falcon,
piercing and keen. The grey color swirled with a mix
of blue. The effect was startling. Inhuman.
It took several blinks before they returned to
 How? Liz asked in awe.
 We don t have time for explanations. Simon,
what did you see? Lora redirected them.
Steel watched through the eyes of a hawk,
Grainna at his side, twisting her hands and pacing.
 The brothers come from the west.
 The others?
 I don t see them.
 Find them! She stormed out of the room. The
first soldiers she came across she ordered to
intercept Fin and Duncan. They scrambled out of
her way to do as she commanded. Seconds later, they
rode out of the yard in the direction she pointed.
She opened her arms to the sky, a roar of
thunder was so loud it shook the bricks of the walls.
Oh, yes, her powers were back, and the sweet
seduction of that power poured in her veins. She
sneered from the eaves of the yard, bellowing orders
to the remaining men who prepared for battle. As
much as she would love to end the lives of every
Silent Vows
MacCoinnich by her very own hands, her
premonitions told her of defeat if she insisted on it
Today she would weaken their numbers, those
who survived would return to their precious Keep
and their women, and she would follow. There she
would take her revenge on the family, one at a time,
sucking the power and life out of them all.
The falcon Grainna had seen earlier caught her
gaze. Its eyes watched her every move. She lifted her
hand bringing with it fire.
 The men have split up. Fin and Duncan have
their swords drawn and are& 
 Are what, Simon. What are they doing?
Aunt Tara s frantic question reminded him of
how vulnerable they all felt so far away. He thought
of his Aunt and her unborn child. Of the
responsibility of relaying what happened before his
eyes inside the falcon.  They are& kicking butt.
He heard his mother laugh.
 Duncan, eew.
 What? the women cried.
 He sliced through the first guy.
Simon glanced toward Fin, his sword clashed
with that of another man, quickly pushing him from
his horse. Behind him, another took aim with a
crossbow. Simon s heart leapt in his chest. He
wanted to call a warning but knew his cry wouldn t
be heard above the storm that Ian had called.
 What s happening? Auntie Tara s voice grew
frantic.  Tell me, Simon, I don t want to ask Duncan.
I m afraid of distracting him.
Below him, Duncan s hand went to the air and a
ball of flame caught the man with the crossbow and
threw him into a fiery death.
Another man came behind Duncan, who met his
foe with his sword. Simon didn t have time to relay
Catherine Bybee
what happened.
 Oh, God! Tara cried.
They all looked up. Tara s face was covered in
sweat, her eyes were wide and her breath hitched.
She doubled over, grasped her belly and they all
fell to the floor.
Silent Vows
Chapter Twenty-Four
Lizzy, with the help of Cian, moved Tara to the
bed. Simon stared wide-eyed while another wave of
spasms took over Tara s body.
 How long have you been in labor? Lizzy
pushed back the covers on the bed and placed
several pillows to support her sisters back.
 I don t know. I ve had a backache for the last
few days.
Lora shooed the boys from the room, who were
happy to leave. Myra and her mother helped Tara
out of her dress, while Amber went to fetch one of
the maids to bring more pillows and water.
 This can t be happening now, Tara protested.
 How are we going to help them? Her eyes were
wide with panic.
 Worrying now will do you no good. Myra
grasped her mother s hand when she spoke. Her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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