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 Spread your legs for me, baby. I want to see you. He sat her in his lap, his hands spreading her
thighs wide. Easing aside the scrap of lace that comprised the bottom of Candi Smith s nightwear, he
exposed her before both of their eyes.  Look at yourself, baby. You re so beautiful.
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Cat Johnson
Head thrown back against his chest, she stared at her reflection as his hands slipped between her folds.
He started circling his finger over her engorged clit. The first touch had her drawing in a sharp breath.
He scraped his teeth against her earlobe before moving down to nip lightly at her neck. Sliding a
finger from his left hand inside, he stroked in and out of her while still working her clit with his right. She
began to tremble. It wouldn t be long.
Moving her slightly, he readjusted their positions. He freed his erection from the pants, then slid it
between her thighs. She rotated her hips against him, and with every movement his arousal rubbed her wet
entrance while his fingers played against her.
Trey watched Carly in the mirror as she sat, shaking, facing away from him, her eyes squeezed closed.
Her breathing got faster and then she was crying out and all but bucking out of his lap. He wrapped an arm
around her waist and held her closer, but he didn t let up with his fingers as her orgasm rocked her.
Finally, it was obvious she couldn t take anymore. Panting and slumping weakly in his lap as her
body jerked sporadically, she grabbed his hand to stop him.
Enjoying the view of her flushed face in the mirror, he held her as she caught her breath, all the while
thinking she better not be done now because he sure as hell wasn t. That thought was reinforced by Matt s
voice in his ear.  For God s sake, Trey. You can t stop now. We ve almost got Jimmy out, but we need
more time.
Trey closed his eyes for a second, regrouping in his mind. He had become Trey again while touching
Carly, but he needed to be John Smith. Grasping her chin, he angled her face toward his, and then took
control of her mouth in a hard, crushing kiss. He unleashed an untamed part of him he rarely gave into,
thrusting his tongue into her mouth while he worked her breast roughly with one hand.
When he broke the kiss that had them both breathless, she opened her eyes again. He stared into the
sea of green.
 I want to fuck you. Purposely choosing those coarse words, he played the role and let John Smith
shine through him. It might be the only way to hold onto his own sanity.
She swallowed hard but remained silent.
 Do you want that? His gut twisted waiting to hear the words from her lips. Finally, he was
With two hands around her waist, Trey raised Carly off his lap and set her on her feet before him. He
stood too and ran his hands up from her thighs, pulling her nightgown up and over her head. She was there
before him, naked except for black lace thong underwear and heels. God, her breasts were beautiful. He d
really enjoy them in any other situation. Damn it, he was enjoying them now.
He pushed the chair out of the way and led Carly to the end of the bed, trying to reason away the fact
he was trembling now too. Adrenaline. That s all it was.
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Sinking into her was going to be a huge mistake. He knew it. Yet he was going to do it anyway for so
many reasons, half of them selfish, half not so selfish. This was for Jimmy, at least partially. He had to keep
reminding himself of that, even though he didn t believe one word of his own internal lies.
With both of them still standing, he turned her toward the bed and bent her over the edge of the
mattress. No way would the guards leave the monitors with Carly bent over the bed like that.
Trey ran his hands over the warm skin of her perfect heart-shaped ass. He pulled her thong down in
one swift move, yanking his own bottoms off next. He wanted her so badly his erection was bobbing with a
life of its own.
He d be fine once he had her. He d have to be. This was just lust. That s all. And that s what he kept
telling himself as he stood close behind her and nudged her feet farther apart with his. With a hand on each
of her hips, he glanced at the mirror, saw himself and Carly reflected perfectly, and pushed inside her.
She was so wet and ready, he slid into her warmth easily. He drove into her hard, over and over again,
gritting his teeth to make it last as long as possible. Trying to ignore how good it felt, he pounded into her
until the cheeks of her ass were pink from the friction.
Carly s breathing got more labored and she began shaking. Pulling out, he turned her around. He
wanted to see her face-to-face when she came again. Laying her on the mattress, he crawled between her
thighs and poised at her entrance. Her lips were parted and her breath came in gasps as she stared up at him.
His gaze never leaving her face, he slid inside. She released a shaky breath as he entered her, his own
body shuddering from the sensation. Reaching his hand between them, he connected with her clit and
brought her to orgasm for a second time. The feel of her body gripping his and the sight of her face as she
came overwhelmed him. He thrust once more and followed her, coming deep inside as her body milked his.
Totally consumed by Carly beneath him, the sound of Matt s panicked voice in his ear startled Trey
right out of his blissful sex haze.
 Jack. Shit! You re not supposed to be in here.
He heard the click as Matt disconnected audio and that was it. Still buried deep inside Carly, Trey was
left alone with the miserable knowledge the one man who shouldn t have seen what happened between him
and Carly, had.
Her body pulsed one more time around him, an aftershock from her lingering orgasm, but there was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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